Username: EmiiMay
Shiny: Axew
Breeder of said shiny: MadisonDaDragon
Payment: 200k (I'll probably pay a bit of it with golden boxes)
Everstone?: Yeah
Other: Take your time! Dont feel the need to rush! Thank you :3
Username: Gosth
Why do you want to join?:
1) i need tons of normal gems
2) i love shiny hunting
3) just i want
Have the Pokeradar Jup
Starting shiny and number of slots: Ralts (slots: shiny×2, mega
female×5, mega male×5, regular pp)
Starting Pokemon Price: shiny: 280 normal gems, mega female: 50
normal gems, mega male: 70 normal gems, regular: 1 gem
Other: will accept these currency to: PD and nuggets
1 normal gem= 1k pd
I nugget= 1.5k pd
chicken nugget