Forum Thread
MineCraft RP (Open and Accepting!)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → MineCraft RP (Open and Accepting!)Hmm... Do you remember your name?:
How old are you?:
What do you look like?:
What do you carry around?(limited to three basic items):
You like to think of passwords. What's the one to your memory?:
How old are you?:
What do you look like?:
What do you carry around?(limited to three basic items):
You like to think of passwords. What's the one to your memory?:
Now that you think of it, there were some things you had to follow or you would feel weird.

1. All PH rules.
2. Don't post if you're not a member or don't want to join.
3. The password is the url for this thread, edit it out to Minecraft after I accept you.
4. Basic swearing (Dang, I broke my axe! Or Shoot, a Creeper's after me!) is allowed, but no severe profanity is allowed.
1. All PH rules.
2. Don't post if you're not a member or don't want to join.
3. The password is the url for this thread, edit it out to Minecraft after I accept you.
4. Basic swearing (Dang, I broke my axe! Or Shoot, a Creeper's after me!) is allowed, but no severe profanity is allowed.
My form:
Hmm... Do you remember your name?: Kage
How old are you?: 14
What do you look like?: a guy with neon green headphones. (Actual skin)
What do you carry around?(limited to three basic items): a stick and a wood sword
You like to think of passwords. What's the one to your memory?: not telling here
You start your first day in the UNidyllic land of

All logos and terms are owned by Mojang AB. No copyright infringement intended.
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
How old are you?:14
What do you look like?:dragon girl. (My minecraft skin cant post a pic till i get a computer)
What do you carry around?(limited to three basic items):picaxe, axe, torches
You like to think of passwords. What's the one to your memory?:
How old are you?:10
What do you look like?: A lucario(That is my skin)
What do you carry around?(limited to three basic items): Sword,Pickaxe,torches
You like to think of passwords. What's the one to your memory?:

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"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
How old are you?: 17
What do you look like?: My Profile Picture
What do you carry around?(limited to three basic items): Sword, Axe and some blocks.
You like to think of passwords. What's the one to your memory?: Minecraft ;)
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
(Banner by Veris!)

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
(Banner by Veris!)

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
(Banner by Veris!)

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
(Banner by Veris!)
Aura: Why on earth was there a Witch?

Wattpad | Flight Rising | DeviantArt | Breeding Shop
(Banner by Veris!)
How old are you?: 13
What do you look like?: cool diamond armor guy
What do you carry around?(limited to three basic items): stick, leather chestplate, shove mucker (iron shovel)
You like to think of passwords. What's the one to your memory?: