Apparently by trading in 10 grass gems to the gem collector you can
get x5 honey... I'm not sure if you can do it a second time because
I only had 10 gems >w<
Art made by Charingo! Please do not
Poke tags made by Queen Pumpkaboo!
Still no Celebi for me... I have been talking to NPCs, and I have
been checking Route 53... I have been upkeeping with the honey...
what am I doing wrong? x_x
I finally hatched my Celebi, I spent over 20 Honey for sure T_T
Now I don't have any Honey nor Grass Gems left to catch another one
@Ruby*Mewtwo: It's all just luck as much as I know, try checking
Route 53 every hour or two, if you keep visiting it very often, I
think that scares Pokemon away. But then again if you don't check
in time, it might run away. :c