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Mega System Overhaul: Gem Cauldron Update

Forum-Index Suggestions Mega System Overhaul: Gem Cauldron Update
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 01:04 (5 Years ago)
Hi all! Before posting, make sure you read the whole entire post!!!

The Suggestion

I would like to suggest that the current mega evolution system be scrapped. In its place, simply put in the Pokemon-specific mega stones (Gengarite, Alakazite, Lopunnite, etc.). The Pokemon-specific mega stones would remain in the gem cauldron, but would be split from the current “universal” mega stone. So, for example, a Cameruptite would require a boiling of fire and ground gems. Alakazites would require boiling psychic gems. Not only does this improve the economy from valuing mega stones so highly, it also gives less popular gems such as grass and poison gems more purpose.

I realize that this comes with some things needed to be addressed. First, the cauldron mini game is lost in this idea as it stands. It’s pretty easy to put one or two different gems into the cauldron through the timed game. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if this little mini game was eliminated completely, but I know Riako may not be willing to give it up. If not, I’m going to borrow the core concept of Tobey’s idea here. More kinds of gems can be required for boiling based on an individual Pokemon’s lore/habitat/etc. to allow the mini game to continue. For example, a Garchompite may require dragon, ground, and rock gems.

Also, dragon gems. They’re very expensive. Therefore, the amount needed for dragon megas - Flygonite, Salamencite, Garchompite, etc. - should be scaled down to be reasonable. This might be obvious, but I just wanted to address it, as it is a legitimate concern.

Why We Need a Change

The current system is excessively complex and frustrating. Mega hunts for a mere one shiny mega evolution can take months to even over an entire year. That’s a lot for one shiny! Not to mention the fact that mega Pokemon aren’t even special enough to warrant such a huge amount of time. They’re just more powerful versions of already existing Pokemon. Not legendaries or anything, just, regular Pokemon with some extra oomph in some evolution. It’s probably easier to hunt legendaries since their chains are easier, which doesn’t make sense.

Speaking of legendaries… did you know that, as of this post, there are 2,080 Arceus (not holding plates!) and only 494 Mega Gyarados? The god of all Pokemon is more common than a giant water monster! This is just one example of the wacky population numbers of megas compared to legendaries. A search through the pokedex reveals many, many more...

If you want proof that megas aren’t really that special, look towards the core Pokemon games itself, which have now completely eliminated megas. Mega evolutions came to PH when they were still a big part of Pokemon, so the current system makes sense in that time period. But since megas are now no longer important in Pokemon, it’s time for PH to downgrade the system as well. It doesn’t make sense to keep such a big system for Pokemon forms that no one is paying attention to anymore. To put it simply, the importance PH places on megas is outdated.

Also, shiny event and legendary megas are a humongous pain. It could take years and years to hunt both shiny Mega Mewtwos and a shiny Mega Diancie, which is highly unreasonable for a “collect ‘em all” game. Not to mention the breeding rates of events are also low, possibly resulting in years and years of more hunting. It’s fun to have things challenging, but when things become borderline impossible, it’s no longer fun.

This also leaves some more room for PH-made mega Pokemon! A new mega addition would not add potential months and months of hunting! I don’t know if this is something taken into consideration when Riako releases new megas, but at the very least it does provide peace to shiny completionists.

Comments that are Bound to Appear

“But megas are supposed to be rare!”
I’d like to direct you to what I wrote about megas being essentially abandoned by the core Pokemon games. But yes, they are supposed to be rarer. Keep in mind that making megas easier to obtain does not equal making them easy to obtain. You still need to put in work, mostly needing to form a collection of gems to dump into the cauldron. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I haven’t given any specific numbers of required gems. It’s up to Riako to decide how difficult he wants it to be to boil different mega stones. To summarize: I do not anticipate mega stones to become super common; ultimately, that’s all up to Riako.

“But what about this shiny mega that I spent months and months hunting! My efforts are wasted!”
I definitely understand where you’re coming from. However, this suggestion is more for “the greater good” as opposed to the tiny, tiny group of people who have successfully shiny mega hunted. I would hope that it would make you feel better that no one would ever again need to go through so much for just one shiny mega, is the point I’m getting to, as you shiny mega hunters, of all people, know what that’s like. Plus, if you’re a shiny mega hunter who also happens to be a shiny completionist, think about how much better completing the shinydex would be with this suggestion! Overall, the positive impact of this suggestion greatly outweighs negatives.

Suggested by Princess:
Quote from PrincessOne thing that could be implemented to solve the "But I spent months getting my shiny mega" issue is a little icon, or text that states it was obtained before the change. It would give those a bit more value for hardcore collectors


So, that's really all I've got. Let me know what you all think!
Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 374
Posted: Wed, 11/09/2019 11:52 (5 Years ago)
This is a really fresh idea and I absolutely concur with this! I bought the gem cauldron but I don't even use it as much but if this gets implemented, this will really go a long way to improve my activities as well the pokeheroes structure. Excellent suggestion.

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Trainerlevel: 72

Forum Posts: 283
Posted: Fri, 20/09/2019 14:37 (5 Years ago)
Mega Shiny Hunting is awful, but only because of this the Shinymegas are popular. And the idea of boiling spezific Mega Stone i dont like, because im not good in boiling xD
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Fri, 20/09/2019 15:11 (5 Years ago)
It's not because of the popularity? Even if shiny megas were unpopular, the odds of hatching one would still be the same so... popularity doesn't really impact the odds of hatching one, which is what this suggestion aims to fix.
Edit: Actually after re-reading your post I think it's more applicable to direct you to what I discussed in my original post about why shiny megas don't need to be rare.

Also, you already need to boil mega stones so I'm a bit confused by your other comment. If you aren't going to boil the current mega stones, and you wouldn't boil Pokemon-specific mega stones, then why would it matter to you which method exists?
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 292
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2019 10:53 (5 Years ago)
So much support for this. Even with the Mega Bracelet and Mega Cuffs activated, it can take an ungodly amount of time to get even a single ShinyMega. This idea wouldn't depreciate their value in my opinion, and also give them a little more love. Because, looking at what my ShinyMega Goal is (SM Altaria), it's probably time to rethink the system a little. Especially with the upcoming Galar Pokémon and their new mechanics, it would be nice to have it take less superhuman effort.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2019 16:11 (5 Years ago)
I like the idea, however I dont care for it. I like how the mega stone is universal because that doesn't mean I have to spend my time looking for a specific mega stone. Unless someone could change my mind, no support

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2019 16:47 (5 Years ago)
I mean if you enjoy buying at the price gouged 500k for a single mega stone then to each their own I suppose. Meanwhile this idea provides a more reasonable price, in both boiling and purchasing mega stones.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this suggestion! I really do hope we make a change someday so that shiny mega hunting isn't so incredibly unreasonable.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2019 16:51 (5 Years ago)
I mean what price do you think most of the mega stones will go for. Wait, let me rephrase, how much do you think the Mewtwo and PH exclusive mega stones will go for? They will most likely go for 450k or more in my eye

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2019 17:05 (5 Years ago)
Mewtwonites and Diancites would most likely be the most expensive. I wouldn't know exact numbers, but I highly doubt most mega stones would go for more than 200k-250k. It's because of what you're boiling with. Right now, universal stones require 5 dragon gems, which is 250k already into the cauldron (not even counting other gem prices, too). It's a high stakes timed mini-game of throwing gems into the cauldron since dragon gems are so expensive. This idea has most of the mega stones only requiring common gems. For example:

Right now, to get a Mega Camerupt, you need a mega-able Camerupt and either 5 of each gem and good boiling skills or 500k to buy a stone outright.
With this idea, you need only fire and ground gems to get a Cameruptite. That's it. Even if it's 100k-200k worth of fire and ground gems, it's a huge improvement from the current overpricing.

PH exclusive megas wouldn't be any different. Braviarite(?) for Braviary would require normal and flying gems for boiling, that's it. Obviously this highlights that some mega stones would be more expensive than others. Dragon type megas may require a couple dragon gems, and normal gems are usually a tad bit more expensive as well. But nothing (besides Mewtwo and Diancie, perhaps) is going to need 250k+ worth of gems for boiling, and nothing certainly would be 500k.

Back to Mewtwonites and Diancites, these would be the most expensive- but it beats spending years of very very slow egg production to hunt for two shiny mega-able Mewtwo and a shiny mega-able Diancie, as opposed to hunting for three shiny Mewtwo and mega-evolving two of them, and then hunting two shiny Diancie and mega evolving one of them.
Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 740
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2019 17:13 (5 Years ago)
Meh, still no support. If we still go with the 5-10 gems per type to make the stone, making a Mega Garchomp stone would cost 250k with dragon gems alone. And when making Mega Mewtwo or Diance stones would possibly cost more due to them being legendary stones

Queen Tatiana
Sprite by Furret

Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2019 17:59 (5 Years ago)
As I metioned before,
QuoteBut nothing (besides Mewtwo and Diancie, perhaps) is going to need 250k+ worth of gems for boiling, and nothing certainly would be 500k.

So no, something like a Garchompite or other dragon stones would not require 250k of gems since this idea is to make prices more reasonable.

And again, would you rather pay a lot for Mewtwonites and Diancites or would you rather spend years of low egg production hunting their shiny megas?
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Sun, 03/11/2019 18:55 (5 Years ago)
Bumping this up since Sword/Shield are coming out soon. Meaning, megas will then officially be eliminated from the Pokemon games, having zero presence and not mattering at all anymore. Megas are supposed to be rare? More like, they aren't supposed to exist anymore to be completely honest. It'd be difficult to just wipe out all the megas on PH, so the second best thing is for us to stop putting so much importance on them - we're not in generation 6 anymore!
Trainerlevel: 89

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 04:05 (5 Years ago)
Quote from RileyImsongThis is a really fresh idea and I absolutely concur with this! I bought the gem cauldron but I don't even use it as much but if this gets implemented, this will really go a long way to improve my activities as well the pokeheroes structure. Excellent suggestion.

I second that. The way the Cauldron works has always discouraged me from giving it more than the first 2 shots that I gave it.

I do have one question though. Have you thought about how this would affect current Mega Stones?

The most practical idea I could come up with was keep them as they are since converting them would be a quite complicated task. (Which stone would they get converted to? The Pokémon holding it? What about the ones in the bag?) But then that would mean we have both the universal Mega Stones (which would no longer be obtainable) and the Pokémon specific Mega Stones.
Trainerlevel: 109

Forum Posts: 951
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 04:18 (5 Years ago)
I assume maybe the easiest thing for that would be to make them inert but add some kinda randomization factor that you can put a mega stone in a 'bag' and receive a usable one now that theyre no longer viable? Riako seems to love his RNG things so thats what i guess would happen, and already Mega Evolved pokemon would remain mega evolved as if they had their mega stone used on them, i.e. a Charizard X would have had 'Charizardite X' used on it?

Rest in Peace, Tasca
April 2003 - January 4th 2016
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 223
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 04:44 (5 Years ago)
I personally love this suggestion because I want a mega but 5 dragon gems plus the slim chance of a mega able just for a cooler looking and semi stronger version? No way. This suggestion is great, and I love it.
Until The Sun Rises (RP Sign-Ups)

Please level up my Tobies!

Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 389
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 07:38 (5 Years ago)
One thing that could be implemented to solve the "But I spent months getting my shiny mega" issue is a little icon, or text that states it was obtained before the change. It would give those a bit more value for hardcore collectors

Trainerlevel: 89

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 11:34 (5 Years ago)
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see why the value of shiny mega-able Pokemon would change though. They'd still have to be hunted the same way. This suggestion only affects the stones, right?

Pardon me if I missed something!

Edit: I had a misconception which was cleared in the following reply. Please ignore this post.
Trainerlevel: 109

Forum Posts: 951
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 17:31 (5 Years ago)
The suggestion makes it so the stones can be used on any species and completely removes the Megable aspect so you dont have to spend years shiny hunting Mewtwo until you happen to get 3 shiny megables, instead you just get 3 regular shinies and use Mewtwonite X and Y on two of them to get their mega evolutions, like evolution stones

and I guess an indicator of such @Princess could be the fact it still has the Megabubble on it maybe? If that can be a thing.

Rest in Peace, Tasca
April 2003 - January 4th 2016
Trainerlevel: 89

Forum Posts: 552
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2019 18:04 (5 Years ago)
Ah! I didn't see it that way. Thanks for clearing it up! o/
Regardless, my vote for the implementation still stands.
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Fri, 06/12/2019 22:09 (5 Years ago)
Thank you to everyone who has supported this! I've put Princess' idea in the front post since I think it's a good thought!