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1x1 with A_BrokenAngel

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 with A_BrokenAngel
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 14:42 (5 Years ago)
PMD: Daybreak (Our Bizzare Adventure)
The mysteries that had plagued the world had gone. Mostly. There were a few knots left untied. For example; The entity of Shadow Synergy Mewtwo, the sudden link to Yung's world, Fodlan. Can those mysteries really be left unsolved? Or...is something around the horizon?

Cast (Character - Attire/Appearance - Moves - Abilities - Special Traits (Breakthrough, Synergy etc.)
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Returning characters:
Yung (Lucario - wears a blue-black hat and cape. His eyes are a light blue.) (Aurora Arc, Aura Sphere, Hydro Pump, Psychic) (Justified) (Breakthrough, Mega Evolution)
Emerald (Riolu - wears a rainbow flower pin on his ear) (Accelerate!, Ice Punch, Aura Sphere, Quick Attack) (Prankster)
Faliro (Latios - wears the crest of his guild on his neck) (Luster Purge, Ice Beam, Psychic, Calm Mind) (Levitate) (Z move)
Glade (Shiny Luxio - wears a white scarf) (Thunderbolt, Ice Fang, Swagger, Crunch) (Intimidate) (N/A)

New Characters:
Fjorm (Latias)

Personal moves (Moves that are not canon to the Pokemon series and can only be used by the user. Max of one to each character)
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Yung: Aurora Arc - 90 power 10 PP Ice Type Special - Has a 50% chance to lower the foes attack by 1 stage if it hits. If an ally is near Yung (2-3 spaces away), the chance of lowering the foes attack by 1 stage raises to 100%. If an ally is next to the user, the moves power is boosted to 120. If Diamond is near Yung, the power is raised to 180.
Emerald: Accelerate! - N/A power 5 PP Normal Type, Status - Raises user and nearby allies Attack, Special Attack and Speed by 2 stages

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:21 (5 Years ago)
*Other Returning Characters*

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Aura (Lucario)
Wears a light blue scarf, and has piercing yellow eyes.
Teleport, Sharp Sphere, Aura Blade, Flash Cannon
Pressure (Mega Evolve Ability-Clear Body, Synergy Burst)

Hikari (Necrozma)
Photon Geyser, Prismatic Laser, Dragon Pulse, Smart Strike

Prism (Necrozma)
Body is fully scaled
Psychic, Dragon Rage, Air Slash, Smart Stije
Full metal Body

Soul (Absol)
Has fluffed up black fur
Razor Wind, Detect, Protect, Slash
Ability: Forewarn (Dark Burst)

Dia (Suicune)
Has his guilds badge pinned to one of his ribbons
Aurora Beam, Hydro Pump, Sheer Cold, Extrasensory
Ability: Pressure (Synergy Burst)

Draven (Zoroark)
British accent. Nuff said
Night Slash, Dark Pulse, Feint attack, Counter
Ability: Illusion (Breakthough)

Bon (Weavile, Shiny)
Slash, Night Slash, Snatch, Theif
Ability: Pressure

Sly (Weavile)
Feint attack, Theif, Sucker Punch, Ice Shard
Ability: Pressure (Synergy Burst)

Daze (Riolu)
Black Fur, like his mother
Attacks not found
Ability: No Gaurd (Dark Burst)

*Who did I miss?*
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:26 (5 Years ago)
(Shall we start?)


It's been about...a month of so. Since everything had last happened. Since the party. Everything had been running smoothly since. Even with the events in mind, everything more or less went back to normal.

Yung was had cleared the bubbles and used them to make a giant bed for Hikari. He however, kept one of Mewtwo's bubble for himself. He loved the fact the he could simply squish himself in without repercussions.

Emerald was sleeping on Hikari.

Faliro was working at the guild at usual along with Glade

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:45 (5 Years ago)
Aura was sitting on the docks at this time. His fur was frizzled from his latest panic attack

Soul was laying Arcoss her bed, a bundle of black fur pressed against her

Hikari was resting along with both her children

Dia was moving around his cave lazily
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:46 (5 Years ago)
Yung walked up to Hikari and gently gave her a peck. "Hey my dear..." He mumbled quietly. "Hows the bed of bubbles for you? I hope Mew's and Mewtwo's bubbles are comfy!"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:47 (5 Years ago)
“There perfect my love~” She murmured back, with a light purr
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:49 (5 Years ago)
"Haha..." He chuckled. "I'll have to go down to the bakery again, take care alright?" And he put on his hat and cape. He had hidden these from everyone and had only just gotten them recently after a favour for a child. He headed down to the port
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:52 (5 Years ago)
“Alright. You as well dear...”

Aura was zoned out. His eyes seemed dogged over
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:53 (5 Years ago)
He walked over to Aura and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, friend. Everything ok?"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:56 (5 Years ago)
He let out a squall as he shot to his feet “Y-Yeah. Everything’s okay. Stressful, but okay.”
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 15:57 (5 Years ago)
He chuckled lightly. He wondered if Aura would notice his change his outfit but he patted him on the shoulder. "You will let me help you if everything goes crazy, right?"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 16:01 (5 Years ago)
“Oh it’s not dangerou-........” He went quiet. “...........Looking Sharp tho.”
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 16:02 (5 Years ago)
"Heh. Ya noticed." He smiled and took his hat off to hold
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 16:54 (5 Years ago)
“Well my nerves are a bit shot, so I kinda skipped over you.” He said sheepishly
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 16:56 (5 Years ago)
"It's fine, I...kinda hid these until today." He laughed. "Anyways, what's this about something dangerous?"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 16:56 (5 Years ago)
“I said it’s not dangerous... its.... well... it would be better if I showed you. If that’s okay?”
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 16:57 (5 Years ago)
"Of course" He smiled. "...I'll never get over how that kid wanted me to look like an adventurer..." He took Aura's paw.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 17:00 (5 Years ago)
He put two fingers to his head, and they warped to inside his house. He gently opened the door, revealing Soul, passed out, with a black furred Riolu pressed against her
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 833
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 17:01 (5 Years ago)
"...You had a child? Eee! Congratulations!" He playfully cuffed Aura's back. "How come I was never looped into this?"
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Sat, 31/08/2019 17:02 (5 Years ago)
“....He’s like... 3 days old. His name is Daze. He is the most stressful thing in my life.” He closed the door lightly. “But I love him to death.”