Forum Thread
Kat's New Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → Kat's New Diary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Breeding Currently:
Able to Breed:

lazy to type 'em out at the moment, but pretty much whatever I got
in my pairing box
Shiny Hunts:

Pancham (Done)
Chespin (Done)
Litten (Done)
Shuppet (Done)
Mimikyu (Done)
Misdreavus x 2 (Done)
Sableye (Done)
Absol (Non-Mega Done)
Fenniken x 3 (Done)
Litten x 2
Alolan Vulpix x 2
Rowlet x 3
Popplio x 3
Eevee x ?
Litwick x 3
Pumpkaboo x 1
Phantump x 1
Ghastly x 2
Zorua x 2
Chespin x 3
Pancham x1
Tepig x 3
Gothita x 3
Chespin (Done)
Litten (Done)
Shuppet (Done)
Mimikyu (Done)
Misdreavus x 2 (Done)
Sableye (Done)
Absol (Non-Mega Done)
Fenniken x 3 (Done)
Litten x 2
Alolan Vulpix x 2
Rowlet x 3
Popplio x 3
Eevee x ?
Litwick x 3
Pumpkaboo x 1
Phantump x 1
Ghastly x 2
Zorua x 2
Chespin x 3
Pancham x1
Tepig x 3
Gothita x 3
Personal Achievements:

own 1 of the first 6 Shiny Pancham on the site.
I owned 1 of the first 5 Shiny Quilladin on the site
I owned 1 of the first 5 Shiny Quilladin on the site

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