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BabyEevee22's Rando Dando Diario :)

Forum-Index Diaries BabyEevee22's Rando Dando Diario :)
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sun, 28/03/2021 04:54 (3 Years ago)
places hoopa rings can appear owo

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-Index Page-
PD Emera Bank
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- Bill's House
- Pokemon Recovery

Item Bag (hoopa only nid chk bag i think)
- Evolve a Pokemon
- Take Item
- Mystery Boxes
- Feed Rare Candy

Puzzle Collection
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-Emera Town-
Rowan's Lab

whr i found hoopa
emera town
notif wall
emera mall
plush collection
view lottery tickets
bills house

other links that dont nid to chk for hoopa i think
missing no egg page
shadow radar
Misc settings
Premium settings
haircuts (cuz same as hair salon)

will update when not lazy LOL
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sun, 16/05/2021 12:17 (3 Years ago)
The big achievement
Congratulations, BabyEevee22! Your Kalos-Dex is now complete!

Wow, really can't believe it... you achieved this huge goal and helped me so much with my research! I still remember the day when I gave you your Starter-Pokémon, Chikorita. Well, time flies by... I'm already getting a bit sentimental.
Anyway, the whole PokéHeroes Staff and all residents of Emera Town want to congratulate you!
Please take this certificate - it is a proof for filling the Kalos-Dex.

Nevertheless, I have something else to talk about with you. I found this mysterious coloured egg
recently on a Rumble Mission and I tried hard to hatch it, but with no success at all. I'm not sure if one
could even hatch it - and if it even contains a Pokémon. But... the mystery behind it is fascinating me and I really want to uncover it.

I feel like it contains something very rare and special...

Do you think you can hatch it?


Take good care of it - and good luck with hatching it!

Prof. Rowan gave you the mysterious egg and you placed it in your Party.

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sun, 16/05/2021 17:15 (3 Years ago)
am I allowed to post here? if not I am sorry I won't come back
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sat, 12/06/2021 16:14 (3 Years ago)
Emera Event Pokémon (trying to guess the origin behind the " random letters " behind the dex no. LOL)
MissingNo. - 00no
- cuz missing NO.

Catercream - 10i
Metacream - 11i
Buttercream - 12i
- Ice creamm

Narichu - 172n
Naruchu - 25n
Raizumaki - 26n
- Narutoooo? XD

Satichu - 172s
Satochu - 25s
Raitoshi - 26s
- Satoshiii

Pikachu Belle - 25cb
- Cosplay belle
Pikachu Detective - 25cd
- Cosplay detective
Pikachu Libre - 25cl
- Cosplay libre
Pikachu Pop Star - 25cp
- Cosplay pop
Pikachu Rock - 25cr
- Cosplay rock
Pikachu Scientist - 25pd
- Idk why it isn't cs for cosplay scientist but maybe cuz PhD? XD

Clawfa - 173d
Clawfairy - 35d
Nessy - 36d
- Dragon

Witch Vulpix - 37w
Magic Ninetales - 38w
- Witch

Igglybath - 174b
Jigglybath - 39b
Wigglybath - 40b
- Bath

Sproutlett - 50s
Sproutrio - 51s
- Sprout

Mewton M. Meowth - 52gc
- Gamechips
Mewton (Coinflip) - 52gd
- Gambler, donate me monei
Mewton (HoL) - 52ge
- Game endure
Mewton (Treasures) - 52gf
- Game find
Mewton (Lottery) - 52gh
- Game, Hah u think u can get shiny lugia?!
Mewton (Golden Slot) - 52gj
- Game, Just give up on the shiny lake trios man
Mewton (Hangman) - 52gk
- Game kill the man by hanging him IDK HAHAHA
Mewton (Concentration) - 52gl
- Game of luck

Lepreowth - 52p
Perchaun - 53p
- Pot of gold

Cuddlithe - 58p
Arcaddly - 59p
- Puppy

Autumn Abra - 63a
Autumn Kadabra - 64a
Autumn Alakazam - 65a
Mega Autumn Alakazam - 65am
- Autumn

Surfer Machop - 66s
Machotide - 67s
Beachamp - 68s
- Surfers

Dark Ponyta - 77h
Cursed Rapidash - 78h
- Hatred/Haunted/Halloween

Slowyore - 79s
Yorebro - 80s
Mega Yorebro - 80ms
Yoreking - 199s
- Slow

Gomaseel - 86d
Ikkakugong - 87d
- Digimon lol

Obsidianix - 95o
Obsidialix - 208o
Mega Obsidialix - 208mo
- Obsidian Snake

Dr. Crazee - 96c
Prof. Madno - 97c
- Crazy

Solorb - 100s
Eclipsode - 101s
- Solar Eclipse

Disguised Exeggcute - 102h
Disguised Exeggutor - 103h
- ok i think it's Halloween not the rest for the ponyta LOL

Cubone (Hylian) - 104z
Marowak (Hylian) - 105z
- I have a feeling it's like legend of Zelda or smth thats y XD

Derpatung - 108d
- omg lol Derp

Jolly Jr. - 439j
- Jolly
Sad Jr. - 439s
- Sad
Mr. Moody - 122m
- Moody

Princess Smoochum - 238p
Queen Jynx - 124p
- Princess

Toraros - 128t
- Tame the bull

Swampras - 131s
- Swamp

Santa Birb - 132sb
- Santa Birb

Sugar Shock - 446h
Candy Belly - 143h
- Halloween

Coccooot - 163c
Nocnoc - 164c
- Clock

Pichu (spiky-eared) 172e
- Ear? XD

Spring Mareep - 179s
Spring Flaaffy - 180s
Spring Ampharos - 181s
Mega Spring Ampharos - 181sm
- Spring

Summer Mareep - 179su
Summer Flaaffy - 180su
Summer Ampharos - 181su
Mega Summer Ampharos - 181pm
- Summer

Autumn Mareep - 179au
Autumn Flaaffy - 180au
Autumn Ampharos - 181au
Mega Autumn Ampharos - 181am
- Autumn

Winter Mareep - 179w
Winter Flaaffy - 180w
Winter Ampharos - 181w
Mega Winter Ampharos - 181mw
- Winter

Blossomly - 438a
- Apple Blossom
Applewoodo - 185a
- Apple Tree

Woopice - 194s
Quagschnee -195s
- Snowman

Plaguekrow - 198p
Dr. Honch - 430p
- Plague Doctor

Unown Flake - 201zz0
Unown Flake - 201zz1
Unown Flake - 201zz2
Unown Flake - 201zz3
Unown Flake - 201zz4
- ??

Jesterig - 203t
- Troll

Pumple - 213p
- Pumkin

Teddiursa (Misdreavus) - 216m
- Misdreavus

Slugua - 218o
Aquargo - 219o
- Ocean

Shaysola - 222s
- Summer

Santa Bird - 225sc
- Santa Claus

Rudolph - 234r
- Red Nosed Reindeer

Zombeagle - 235s
- Shine

Dirndltank - 241o
- Oktoberfest

Larviprop - 246e
Pupibot - 247e
Mecha Tyranitar - 248e
Mega Mecha Tyranitar - 248em
- Electronic? idk XD

Shadow Lugia -249s
- Shadow

Torcharch - 255r
Combowsken - 256r
Robin Blaze - 257r
Mega Robin Blaze - 257mr
- Range? XD

Tailluchi - 276a
Swelluhodo - 277a
- Attorney

Festival Ralts - 280k
Festival Kirlia - 281k
Festival Gardevoir - 282k
Mega Festival Gardevoir - 282km
- Kimono

Super Shroom - 285m
Super Breloomio - 286m
- Mario

Easter Slakoth - 287e
Easter Vigoroth - 288e
Easter Slaking - 289e
- Easter

Nosepharos - 299l
Probolight - 476l
- Lighthouse

Crystal Aron - 304c
Crystal Lairon - 305c
Crystal Aggron - 306c
Mega Crystal Aggron - 306cm
- Crystal

Plusle (Flirty) - 311f
Minun (Flirty) - 312f
- Flirty

Wailmer (Babylonian) - 320a
Wailord (Babylonian) - 321a
- idk

Winter Numel - 322w
Winter Camerupt - 323w
Mega Winter Camerupt - 323mw
- Winter

Ferrerocoal - 324f
- ohhh Ferero Rocher

Space Spinda - 327a
- Astronaut

Cottonblu - 333c
Candaria - 334c
Mega Candaria - 334mc
- Cotton Candy

Gooseboarder - 335s

Selunar - 337s
Solastra - 338s
Eclipseon - 338se

Frosty Kecleon - 352f

Keggleon (blank egg) - 352a
Keggleon (all special eggs from 2018's Easter Egg Hunt) - 352a0, 352a1, [...], 352a19

Zomppet - 353z
Banettenstein - 354z
Mega Banettenstein - 354mz

Chocoluv - 370c

van Bagon - 371a
Shelcasso - 372a
Sala da Menci - 373a
Mega Sala da Menci - 373ma

Mr. Bagon - 371s
Sir Shelgon - 372s
Lord Salamence - 373s
Mega Lord Salamence - 373ms

Raylóng - 384l

Polestar - 385s

Tom Nook - 399n
Tom Nook (Seller) - 399s

Pachirisnow - 417s

Driflamp - 425l
Lifghtblim - 426l

Valenfloon - 425v

Easter Buneary - 427e
Easter Lopunny - 428e
Mega Easter Lopunny - 428me

Heartomb - 442v

Rokkyu - 447s
Lucario-sensei - 448s
Mega Lucario-sensei - 448sm

Hippopotain - 449f
Hippowtain - 450f

Gloweon - 456b
Lumiday - 457bd
Cosmoneon - 457bn

Primal Dialga - 483p

Seatran - 485w

Aurora - 488c

Aqua - 494a
Bold - 494b
Chef - 494c
Hoggy - 494h
Nappy - 494n
Rainbow - 494r
Staid - 494s
Timid - 494t

Pharraloin - 0509p
Kleopard - 0510p

Simisage (Waiter) - 512w
Simisear (Waiter) - 514w
Simipour (Waiter) - 516w

Nightmare Munna - 517h
Nightmare Musharna - 518h

Flower Boy - 546m
Groomicott - 547m

Flower Girl - 548m
Lillibride - 549m

Scaractus - 556s

Sandwebble - 557s
Sandcrustle - 558s

Rodeo Scraggy - 559c
Sheriff Scrafty - 560c

Solgilyph - 561p

Easter Ducklett - 581e
Easter Swanna - 582e

Snowling - 585ch
Snowbuck - 586ch

Knight Axew - 610k
Baron Fraxure - 611k
Sir Haxelot - 612k

Hawaiian Cubchoo - 613h
Hawaiian Beartic - 614h

Mikofoo - 619m
Mikoshao - 620m

Goleros - 622v
Cupilurk - 623v

Steamo - 633s
Zweipunk - 634s
Teslagon - 635s

Fiesta Larvesta - 636s
Fiesta Volcarona - 637s

Easter Bunnelby - 659e
Easter Diggersby - 660e

Messenger Fletchling - 661m
Messenger Fletchinder - 662m
Messenger Talonflame - 663m

Scattercube - 664su
Spewbrella - 665su
Cocktaillon - 666su

Vivillon (Pride) - 666zp

Flabébé (Sakura) - 669s
Floette (Sakura) - 670s
Florges (Sakura) - 671s

Flabébé (Eternal Flower) - 669az
Floette (Eternal Flower) - 670az
Florges (Eternal Flower) - 671az

Skugar - 672s
Gingergoat - 673s

Furfrou (Santa) - 676sa

Maneki Espurr - 677m
Maneki Meowstic - 678m

Anniversary Gift - 685a

Dralucha - 701v

Tendenne - 702v

Wreafki - 707e

Anniversary Cupcake - 775a

Orryrm - 840o
Flapperine - 841o
Orake - 842o

Pumplin - 840p
Gourdle - 841p
Pumpkintun - 842p

Eiscue (Love) - 875v

Snowrex - 898s
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Fri, 03/12/2021 05:41 (3 Years ago)
advent 2021
day 1 - 750 interactions - 1 mega stone
day 2 - spend 1k at im - x5 electric gem
day 3 - Send 3 Dream World Plushies (Min.: 10DP each) to another user. - 1x Cosplay Box (Beauty) obtained!
day 4 - Buy 10 Lottery Tickets. Good luck! - 200x GC obtained!
day 5 - 750 interactions - Event egg obtained! (Dace)
day 6 - Brrr, it's cold... Fill your Party with Fire Pokemon! (3/4) - 1x Cosplay Box (Tough) obtained!
day 7 - Flip the coin 50 times (Game Center) - 3x Poké Ball obtained!
day 8 - Is there a Pokemon that you still need? Bid on an auction! - Interact with 25 pokemon/eggs on the index page - 1x Mystery Box (Black) obtained!
day 9 - Send 0/2 Plushies to another user! (Min. Price: 10DP) - 1x Event Plushie obtained! (santa bird lol)
day 10 - Make 750 interactions. - 1x Cosplay Box (Cute) obtained!
day 11 - Send out at least one christmas gift. - 1x Mystery Box (Red) obtained!
day 12 - Solve 20 hangmen at the Game Center! - Event egg obtained!
day 13 - Make 750 interactions. - 1x Cosplay Box (Detective) obtained!
day 14 - Summon the snow in Emera Town! Place 5 Ice-Pokemon in your Party. - 15x Chesto Berry obtained!
day 15 - Challenge 1/2: Send out at least one christmas gift. - Challenge 2/2: Make 0/250 Interactions. - 1x Mystery Key (Black) obtained!
day 16 - 2021 is almost over. What are your goals for 2022? Share them as a feed with the hashtag #MyGoalForNextYear - 1x Mystery Box (Pink) obtained!
day 17 - Make 750 interactions. - 1x Cosplay Box (Smart) obtained!
day 18 - Set up a Wonder Trade! - 1x Razor Fang obtained!
day 19 - Challenge #1/2: Set up an auction at the Auction House. - Challenge 2/2: Did you find any auction that you're interested in? Bid on at least 0/3 auctions! - Event egg obtained! (Merrick)
day 20 - Make 750 interactions. - 1x Cosplay Box (Cool) obtained!
day 21 - Challenge #1/3: Christmas is near - don't forget to send out some christmas gifts! 0/2. - Challenge #2/3: There are many eggs freezing! Hatch 0/3 eggs. - Challenge #3/3: Last but not least: Time to chill at the Game Center. 0/20 coinflips. - 1x DNA Splicer (White) obtained!
day 22 - Make 2,000 interactions. - 1x Mega Stone obtained!
day 23 - - 1x Snowling Plushie recieved!
day 24 - Challenge 21/4: Interact with 8 Pokemon/Eggs on the index page - Challenge 2/4: Hatch 1/4 eggs. - Challenge 3/4: Set up a wonder trade - Challenge 4/4: Close your eyes and make a wish - You recieved x1 week of premium

megas: 21
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sat, 02/12/2023 07:06 (1 Year ago)

advent 2023
day 1 - 2k interactions - retro smoochum
day 2 - spend 2k at im - x5 ice gems
day 3 - Todays challenge 1/2: Make 0/1,500 interactions. Todays challenge 2/2: Solve 0/10 hangmen. - Nostalgic event egg obtained!
day 4 - Send 0/2 Dream World Plushies to another user! (Min.: 40 DP each) to another user. - 1 rare candy
day 5 - Buy 0/10 Lottery Tickets. Good luck! - 200x GC obtained!
day 6 -
day 7 - Feed 0/200 berries to Pokémon. - 1000x Powerorb obtained!
day 8 -
day 9 - Send 0/2 Plushies to another user! (Min. Price: 40DP) - 1x Event Plushie obtained!
day 10 -
day 11 - Todays challenge: Brrr, it's cold... Fill your Party with Fire Pokemon! (1/4) - 1x Thunderstone obtained!
day 12 -
day 13 - It's free! No challenge today. 5x Ultra Ball obtained!
day 14 - i forgot to copy but smth abt 5 ice pokes in ur party - 15x Kelpsy Berry obtained!
day 15 - Challenge 1/2: Send out at least one christmas gift. - Challenge 2/2: Make 0/250 Interactions. - 1x Mystery Key (Black) obtained!
day 16 - What are your goals for 2024? Share them in a feed with the hashtag #NewBeginnings - 1x Mystery Box (Brown) obtained!
day 17 -
day 18 - 20 index mons - 1 biscuit ._.
day 19 - set up 1 auction, bid on 3 auctions - 5 ultra balls
day 20 - set up a wonder trade! - 1 soothe bell
day 21 - Challenge #2/3: There are many eggs freezing! Hatch 0/3 eggs. Challenge #3/3: Last but not least: Time to chill at the Game Center. 0/20 coinflips. - 1x DNA Splicer (White) obtained!
day 22 - 2k interactions - 1x Mega Stone obtained!
day 23 - the 3 pokes luh - 1x Snowling Plushie obtained!
day 24 - Challenge 1/4: Interact with 8 Pokemon/Eggs on the Index-Page. (Feed free Berry/Give a hug?)) Challenge 2/4: Hatch 0/4 eggs. Challenge 3/4: Set up a wonder trade Challenge 4/4: Close your eyes and make a wish. - You received a premium upgrade (1 week)! Merry Christmas!
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sat, 02/12/2023 07:26 (1 Year ago)
j gon plop some of my old subsciptions here cuz they're inactive/i cant sub to more anymore lol

bro these r like all the og art and sprite shops from like 2020 or smth idk meins but omg (newest to oldest)

Papercut's Artshop [Hiatus] - they went mia... hope they're ok tho QWQ
~*Cheap!! Graphite Style Digital Commissions!*~
•HeartTrap's artshop• <CLOSED>
Cynnamon's Fiery Sprite Shop!
Pyre Pixels [Closed]
Lovely Sprites 💖 [Open] - still gna sub to this tho cuz Rice. <##
✰ Sebs Small Shop ✰

og shiny shops i used to LOVE AND SUPPORT WITH MY EVERYTHING DECLINING BANK ACCOUNT ERA FR!! - whenever someone says temporarily trust me tht 90% means forever XD

BoomBoy's shiny shop of AWESOMITY!! [PAUSED]
Shiny Shop of Horrors (Temporarily Closed)

that's all! i'm lazy and i'll do the rest next time HAHAHA

Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sun, 10/12/2023 03:11 (1 Year ago)
mega stone boiling count
Carbink x1

Future shiny raylong hunt:

33 out of 385 Dragon Gem collected - I have reached 8% of my goal

874 out of 770 Flying Gem collected - I have reached 100% of my goal

22 going to 23/100 eggs in egg storage so far (1.75 mil for next box)

Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Wed, 03/01/2024 11:16 (1 Year ago)

help i found this while searching riako on the feeds search bar 😭✋
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2024 06:47 (5 Months ago)
Berry battle 2024 log!

Day 4 (end of 3 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #106 with 1 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 50 Festival Points!

Day 5 (end of 4 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #25 with 40 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 1,600 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Berry Battle.

Day 6 (end of 5 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #14 with 64 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 2,200 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Berry Battle.

Day 7 (end of 6 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #9 with 71 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 2,525 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Berry Battle.

Day 8 (end of 7 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #13 with 62 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 2,150 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Berry Battle.

Day 9 (end of 8 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #51 with 40 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 1,500 Festival Points! 🤡

Day 10 (end of 9 Sept 2024)
rest day 😋

Day 11 (end of 10 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #44 with 41 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 1,525 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Berry Battle.

Day 17 (end of 16 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #34 with 53 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 1,825 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Berry Battle.

Day 18 (end of 17 Sept 2024)
You scored Rank #35 with 54 Hoenn Tonic(s). Good job!
You won 1,850 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Berry Battle.


Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Fri, 18/10/2024 08:25 (4 Months ago)
Paldea Research
Show hidden content
Where past meets the future

Research Event

Greetings, happy to see our timelines align once again! I have a new research task for you. I need you to collect more data on Pokémon from Professor Rowan's Lab. The last samples you showed me made me even more curious. They definitely seem to be related to what's currently happening in... in...
Oops, I almost said too much again! ... Anyway, I hope I can once again count on your help. I will reward you with a rare Pokémon that can only be found in the Paldea region, and only in my timeline! We call it Iron Hands.

Great! Thanks to you, I was able to collect enough Research Data.
Very interesting... Very interesting!
Here is your reward. Take good care of it!
[ Claim Reward ]

I'm sure we will meet again eventually, BabyEevee22!

Paldea Research
Show hidden content
Where past meets the future

Path of Nostalgia

Greetings, trainer! My name is Professor Sada and I come from the faraway Paldea region, and from the even farther away past.
... What? You don't believe me?
Well... I wish I could give you proof, but there's certain laws us time-travellers need to adhere to.

You wonder why I chose to come to Emera Town then out of all places? Well, this town always makes me nostalgic... I am the great-great-grandmother of one of your closest allies here in Emera Town. Funnily, though, I am much younger than him right now. And he never met me in my own timeline. ... I am talking too much!
Anyway, I am also here because there is important research that needs to be done. Do you mind helping me? I will reward you with a rare Pokémon that can only be found in the Paldea region!

I need research data of Pokémon that are obtained from Professor Rowan's Lab. There is just something... paradoxical... about them.

Great! Thanks to you, I was able to collect enough Research Data.
Very interesting... Very interesting!
Here is your reward. Take good care of it!
[ Claim Reward ]

I'm sure we will meet again eventually, BabyEevee22!

Paldea Research
Show hidden content
Where past meets the future

Path of Nostalgia

Greetings, it is good to see you again! I have a new research task for you. I need you to collect more data on Pokémon from Professor Rowan's Lab. The last samples you showed me were very interesting, yet not conclusive to my research. I need more data to be sure that they... they...
Huh? ... Oh, I was just rambling again. I'm sorry. Anyway, I hope I can once again count on your help. I will reward you with a rare Pokémon that can only be found in the Paldea region, and only in my timeline! We call it Brute Bonnet.

Great! Thanks to you, I was able to collect enough Research Data.
Very interesting... Very interesting!
Here is your reward. Take good care of it!
[ Claim Reward ]

I'm sure we will meet again eventually, BabyEevee22!

Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sat, 19/10/2024 08:45 (3 Months ago)

First ever shiny frm lab?! (Edit when i get home lol)
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Thu, 24/10/2024 03:13 (3 Months ago)
6-day premium wrapped:
- Hatched 100-200 eggs per day
- HoL above lvl 15 in 2 tries
- Shiny Iron Hands
- Shiny Sunkern
- Spectrier
- Mega-able Gyarados
- Mega-able Pidgeot

Quite worth wld reccommend 😋

2025 lab shiny
- Shiny Greavard -> 6 Feb 2025
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Fri, 01/11/2024 11:00 (3 Months ago)

25th Nov 2024




26th Nov 2024




27th Nov 2024



Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 805
Posted: Sun, 01/12/2024 16:08 (2 Months ago)
advent 2024
Day 1 - Make 2,000 interactions! - Ogerpon
Day 2 - Time for some early christmas shopping! Spend at least 2,000 PokeDollar on items at the Item Market (GTS). - 5x Ice Gem obtained!
Day 3 - Todays challenge 1/2: Is there a Pokemon that you still need? Bid on an Auction! (0/1) Todays challenge 2/2: Interact with 0/25 Pokemon/Eggs on the Index-Page ("Give a hug?"/"Feed free berry"-boxes) - 1x Mystery Box (Pink) obtained!
Day 4 - Todays challenge: Send 0/2 Dream World Plushies (Min.: 40 DP each) to another user. - 1x Rare Candy obtained!
Day 5 - Todays challenge: Buy 0/10 Lottery Tickets. Good luck! - 200x GC obtained!
Day 6 - Todays challenge: Catch 0/5 Pokémon at the beach. - 1x Magnetic Bait obtained!
Day 7 - Todays challenge: Feed 0/200 berries to Pokémon. - 1000x Powerorb obtained!
Day 8 - Todays challenge: Make 0/2,000 interactions. - 1x Legendary egg obtained! 1xWellspring Mask obtained!
Day 9 - Todays challenge: Send 0/2 Plushies to another user! (Min. Price: 40DP) - 1x Event Plushie obtained!
Day 10 - Todays challenge: send 2 christmas gifts? Challenge 2/2: Make 0/500 Interactions. - 1x Metal Alloy obtained!
Day 11 - Todays challenge: Brrr, it's cold... Fill your Party with Fire Pokemon! (0/4) - 1x Fire Stone obtained!
Day 12 - send christmas gift or smt - 1x Mystery Box (Purple) obtained!
Day 13 - It's free! No challenge today. 5x Poké Ball obtained!
Day 14 - 15x Lum Berry obtained! bro what did i do send a christmas gfit again??
Day 15 - Todays challenge: Make 250/2,000 interactions. - 1x Legendary egg obtained! 1xHearthflame Mask obtained!
Day 16 - Todays challenge: What are your goals for 2024? Share them in a feed with the hashtag #NewBeginnings - 1x Mystery Box (Green) obtained!
Day 17 - Todays challenge: Make 0/2000 Interactions. - 1x Mega Stone obtained! (wts-)
Day 18 - Todays challenge: Interact with 0/25 Pokemon/Eggs on the Index-Page ("Give a hug?"/"Feed free berry"-boxes) - 1x Biscuit obtained!
Day 19 -
Day 20 -
Day 21 - Challenge #1/3: Christmas is near - don't forget to send out some christmas gifts! 0/2. Challenge #3/3: Last but not least: Time to chill at the Game Center. 0/20 coinflips. - 1x DNA Splicer (Black) obtained!
22- Todays challenge: Make 0/2,000 interactions. - 1x Legendary egg obtained! 1xCornerstone Mask obtained!