Forum Thread
Free pokemon [Closed forever!]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Free pokemon [Closed forever!]Midori is a staff in this shop, please listen to her whenever I’m not online.
Hey Purple give me a Pokemon!
No, I am NOT selling legends, shines, mega, mega-able or shadows
Check in my trash pokemon boxes for Pokemon you want
Fossil Pokemon have a price of 6000PD each, items for/of the amount are accepted
PP me about specific genders, if you want a specific gendered Pokemon the price is 2000PD
Do not order something somebody else has ordered, look through the forums first
Warned: SharkWillBraviary[1] chansey[1] ali5ma[1] correctapple[1] XxIIIBlossomxX[1] nightsakura[1] PerfectBidoof[1] willg8686[1] Nickit_Off_The_Top[1] oraklius[1] Chez_Dude[1] Kitsunegamergal[1] medjpro26[1] CakeyBG[1]
Username: lillipup13
Pokemon: cottonee
Other: could I have a male and female, please?!

~Moon|FR|CS|DESS|Sprite by ~Captain_B~|star~