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The new PokéRadar

Forum-Index News The new PokéRadar
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,811
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:39 (11 Years ago)


The old Shinyradar Game is now replaced by something much better and much more interesting ;) Shiny hunting might be easier now - but it still requires hard work!

The PokéRadar is now a Key Item that can be bought at the Item Shop (either for a "small" amount of 150,000 Pokédollar or for some nuggets in the special section).
The PokéRadar will save the chain of all Pokémon with the same species that you've hatched in a row. The longer this chain, the higher the chance of hatching a shiny Pokémon!
But be careful: As soon as you hatch a Pokémon that is different to your chain, your PokéRadar will reset and you have to start over.

Also there are some differences between Normal members and Premium members:

When you're a normal member, then the battery of your PokéRadar is rather unstable. The Radar will be out of power as soon as you hatch your first Shiny or when you break the chain. After that you need to buy more batteries (as payment you can use PokéDollar, Electric Gems or Nuggets) and the chain starts from 0 again.
As a premium member, your battery will have unlimited power.

Also: The maximum chance of hatching a shiny (which is reached at a chain of 40 Pokémon) is 1.25 % for Normal members and 2.5 % for Premium members.

As you can see there are some useful advantages for premium members. But still I wanted to give users, who can't afford such an account upgrade, the possibility to hunt for shinies, too. ;) I hope this is fair enough.

Other updates

As you might remember from the "Welcome to August!"-Topic, I announced some more new features for this month (including quests & battling system).
I'm very sorry that I haven't finished them yet! But I changed my plans about quests and I'm currently developing a very awesome quest system. More information about that soon :)
Also I'm planning to organize a small "Battle Tournament" on PokéHeroes to test the new battling engine. You will be able to battle live Player versus Player! This way you can test the beta stage of this engine to give me feedback for the final battling system.
Again, more information comming soon. But you can already give me some opinions on that c:

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Hit "L", "E", "E", "T" now for some fun! :D
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:47 (11 Years ago)
Oh, this sounds so cool *-* Now my hope of hatching a shiny Oshawott is growing more and more c: I only need to save up some PD to buy it...

Also I can't wait for the other new updates mentioned :D I want to battle with my friends, hehe
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Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,276
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:52 (11 Years ago)
Wow, I love this more than the Shinyradar Game! It's expensive, but it will worth :D

And I'm waiting for the other updates too! Good work Riako ^^
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 1,169
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:53 (11 Years ago)
YAY! I already got my radar :)

As for the rest, -bounces with excitement-
Trainerlevel: 114

Forum Posts: 1,055
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:55 (11 Years ago)
It's nice that all members, premium or not, have a chance to get a PokéRadar..

I also liked this stuff.. Lol. Thanks again for these wonderful updates.. :D (Y)

I got to save enough PokéDollars to get a radar and to keep it working.. ;)
And, I hope that I could unlock that Shiny Radar Game again..? :P

I won the "Event Spriting Contest" as it says on News Announcement #224.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 242
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:56 (11 Years ago)
Wow, it's quite expensive I guess O.O! I'm really looking forward to the new updates though! Also you can still get shinies without a radar right? I just won't track your eggs hatched, correct?
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,811
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 00:58 (11 Years ago)
Sketchi: Yes, of course! The PokéRadar just increases your chance of hatching shinies. But even without this (quite expensive) device you have the possibility to hatch a Shiny.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 253
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:00 (11 Years ago)
i must have the first shiny riolu! (IT MUST BE FEMALE)
Trainerlevel: 100

Forum Posts: 956
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:08 (11 Years ago)
Since i don't have luck with random shinys this is a good and better than the old radar game xDD
EDIT; and btw; if i'm on a shiny hunt and i hatch a shaymin/event egg it will broke the chain?

Max here!

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,811
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:10 (11 Years ago)
No, I didn't mention that, sorry :3
Your PokéRadar page tells you:
Quote from PokeradarImportant: Only eggs that are obtained from the lab or the daycare count for your chain.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:12 (11 Years ago)

I want shinies...
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 180
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:25 (11 Years ago)
Love "L" "E" "E" "T" thing that was EPIC how did you do it?
Anways time to breed some pokemon and sell them by Action :D
sprite made by KevinXDE

help me by clicking them please? i'll die if it doesn't grow up
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:28 (11 Years ago)
I wish both radar games would be available, but I guess it can't be helped. This one will be more fun, for sure, and what makes it even better is that people can spend either gold or PD on it, like Jacharias said. :D

The Battling Tournament sounds like it'll be fun, too! I hope the quest system is really as awesome as you say it is. :)

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 87
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 01:34 (11 Years ago)
I think it's very kind of you to give non-premium users a chance to have nice benefits! Guess i'll have to start saving up if i want a pokéradar :D And i can't wait for the quest system!!
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 746
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 02:08 (11 Years ago)
Yes! This is an awesome key item!
Also looking forward to the quests.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 136
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 02:13 (11 Years ago)
I can't wait for some of the things to come out :D
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 78
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 03:50 (11 Years ago)
It's a bit overpriced, however it's an amazing idea! ^^
Happy Pokeheroesing! XD
Trainerlevel: 129

Forum Posts: 5,629
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 05:19 (11 Years ago)
Yay for the PokéRadar! That's an awesome idea and waaay better than the Shiny Hunt. Thanks for that!

I'm so curious about the battle tournament and quest system already, too!

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Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,019
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 06:36 (11 Years ago)
I love the update! And I can't wait for the quest system. Sounds very awesome!
[center]Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not directed to you personally but to everyone.

Trainerlevel: 64

Forum Posts: 171
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2013 10:36 (11 Years ago)
I love this idea, it's way better than the old Pokéradar. I can't wait to afford mine. x.x

I'm too eager for the quest system as well. :3