Forum Thread
Camp pokemon rp
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Camp pokemon rpFawn: *also sees a espurr*
Espe: excuse me espurr may we have that clue please?
Espurr: sure here *gives the espeon the clue*
Espe: thank you!
Fawn: what does it say?
Espe: *reads the clue*
The clue saids "the next clue is in a cabin once you get there look under the bed to find it"
Espe: back to camp! *flys back to camp*
Fawn: *says goodbye to the espurr before following espe back* see ya espurr
Espurr: bye

Nymphia: "Excuse me, may we have the prize please?"
Lycanroc : "Sure." He handed the prize and they got two nuggets.
Blackie: "Thank you so much!" He took one of the nuggets using Psychic. I can't believe I got a nugget!
Nymphia: "Yeah, thank you so much!" She took the nugget with her ribbons.
They started to head back to camp.
Fawn: what's it say?
Espe: *reads clue*
Clue saids "your last clue is inside a cave where their are forms of day, midnight, and dusk but a dark type has to go only"
Espe: hm the only cave is the lyconroc cave
Fawn: let's go then
Espe: ok! *flys off to lyconroc cave*
Fawn: *follows*

Nymphia: "Hey, Espe and Fawn!" She waved with her spare ribbos.
Blackie: "Hey!" He waved with his paw, while using Psychic on the nugget.
Blackie: "I wonder what you guys are gonna get.."
Fawn: *looks at blackie* yeah where going there now
Espe: *nudges fawn* come on! Come on! Let's go get out prize!
Fawn: *looks at espe* ok ok
Espe: *flys off to lyconroc cave*
Fawn: see ya we'll come back once we get our prize *waves goodbye at both of them*

Blackie: He waved bye with his paws and he continued to go back to camp.
Fawn: ok *walks in cave*
Espe: *waits for fawn*
Fawn: *sees a dusk form lyconroc and walks towards it* hello lyconroc may we have our prize?
Lyconroc (dusk): sure *gives them two coins*
Fawn: thanks *walks back to espe*
Lyconroc (dusk): no problem
Espe: what did we get?
Fawn: *shows her the coins* coins
Espe: really? Yay!
Fawn: let's go back to camp
Espe: ok! *flys off back to camp*
Fawn: *follows her*

Nymphia: "I can't believe we got nuggets!" She looked at her nugget which was shining so bright.
Fawn: *walks in camp and sits down near campfire*
Espe: isn't it cool fawn! We got coins! Aren't you glad?
Fawn: yeah I thought we would get a better prize but this will have to be the one
Espe: *sits near campfire alone*

Announcement: "Attention, Pokemon! You should have found your prizes now! It is time for you all to go on a zip-line. Put your prizes away first and your gear will be by your beds. Once you have the gear, go to the top of the zip-line. That is all for now!"
Nymphia: "Ooohh!! I can't wait to go zip lining."
Fawn: wow zip lining fun *walks to cabin and puts coin away and takes gear and goes to the top of the zip line*

Nymphia: "Come on, Blackie! Speed up! Oh, right, you have a fear of heights..."
Blackie: "Oh, Nymphia, don't worry about me... This could be my chance to conquer my fear!" He kept walking, feeling confident.
Fawn: *keeps walking to zip line*
Espe: *tail wags and looks down and gulps* I forgot I'm afraid of heights... But don't worry I can do this be brave and just don't look down...

Blackie: He used Psychic on himself and on Nymphia and they flew to the top of the zip line tower.
Nymphia: She waited, patiently for the Fawn and any other Pokemon.