Forum Thread
Help! Tips and Tricks for Shiny Breeding (noob)
Forum-Index → Help → Answered → Help! Tips and Tricks for Shiny Breeding (noob)NOTE: I don't have money, so I'll be doing shiny hunting on a hard-mode of sorts (no premium). If you have any tips pertaining to easy ways to gain pd or electric gems for batteries that would help a lot
1 - Is the Pokèmon's shiny-ness decided before or after the egg is hatched?
If it's before, then it would make more sense to hoard a bunch of eggs before hatching any of them (to keep the shiny chain effect after hatching one egg since the chain will break if you aren't premium)
2 - Does your chain break of you just get an egg that you know isn't what you're chaining?
this situation would be if you got an egg, but don't hatch it. Does the chain just break when it's hatched or when the different egg is received?
3 - What are the best kinds of Pokèmon to shiny hunt?
Starters seem like the best (given event Pokèmon will be nigh impossible for me), but then, which starters should I hunt?
Thank you so much for reading!
I hope all of you have an awesome rest of your day.
So for question 2, a chain breaks if you hatch a shiny (but it wouldn't break if you are a premium) and hatching a different pokemon of the pokemon you're chaining for example you're hunting a shiny weedle the chain breaks because you hatched a palkia egg.To prevent that from happening you need an egg storage to keep it unhatched(is that a right word to say idk) so basically the egg storage keeps it from getting it interacted by people so it wouldn't hatch.
If you just wanted a short simple answer then
The chain breaks when you hatch the different pokemon egg from your chain.
Edit:I think this should be in the help section
1. It being shiny or not is decided when it hatches. There's no way to bypass the chain breaking :p If you don't have premium, you're only going to get one shiny per chain. The only exception would be pokemon that you exchange for i.e. game center shinies I guess - those are decided as 'shiny' when you buy them since you bought a shiny one.
2. Your chain breaks when the egg hatches. I often hoard other eggs via daycare + egg storages while chaining using the tall grass.
3. I'm not sure what you mean by this question? Best in terms of what?

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