"...Perhaps you forgotten about the message. You would NOT have
been here if you DID NOT accept Tyler's invitation to the holiday!
If you didn't want to be here...why on earth did you accept it in
the first place..."
She tries to wriggle out of the Shiny Eevee's grasp. Then she has a
vision of an army of Pokemon. They had red eyes and the same black
mist. And at the front she saw herself.
Her red eyes disappear and even the black mist. What happened? I
feel so weak. Her legs start wobbling and then she collapses to
the ground. She remembers her vision. Is it really going to
"...Gadian...this is all on you! This time you can't blame anyone
else but yourself for entering another world! I hate to break it to
you but this. Is . Fact."
Autumn: why are you here anyways gadian?! If you didn’t want
to be here then why did you come in the first place?! Only because
you like to hurt pokemon that didn’t even hurt you!