"...!" He was hit and severely injured, he couldn't take fire
attacks well at all. "This is all on you now! I can't do anything
here!" He slowly limped off.
He considered his answer carefully. "A friend...but perhaps by now,
we're as close as brothers..." he mumbled. "Your brother is truly
amazing, always helps me up when I'm down...ready to tolerate my
childishness at times...I'd gladly protect him, even at the cost of
"But it's so nice to finally meet you at last..." he said happily.
Though it's right in the middle of the latest incident...could
the two things be linked...? he thought as hr turned to Ruby.
"My name's Yung, I suppose I'm a retired explorer. Though there's
more to my tale, of course."
"Of course. You have that other scent that humans have. But I see
no reason to pry.... I should go see topaz shouldn't I? But it was
nice to meet you as well." He bowed his head before stretching.
"You two take good care of each other." And he left like a red
lightning bolt
"I wonder what he was thinking..." He grinned and looked at Dia. He
finally had a little bit of ammunition against him. He then walked
over and nuzzled him "I won't pry any further though...I feel like
we were able to make some distance today...seems like we need to
keep an eye on Mewtwo from now on."
"Yes. Thankfully, I did. And he'd finally let me pamper him a
little for once. Seems like he disbanded his guild though...." He
sighed. And he turned around and started walking back. The sun was
just rising in the horizon.
"...Perhaps. I don't know...in the end, it's his choice after all."
He just looked at the sunrise as he walked onwards. "I'm just glad
to have everyone..." He kept looking at the sky. "Ah. If you ever
get dragged back to my world...it might be best to learn how to use
human weapons."