Forum Thread
PMD: Ragnarok (Finished)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → PMD: Ragnarok (Finished)Emerald was clinging to his father
"You mean this?" Being young and naive, he revealed his light core
It nodded frantically. It touched the light core, and absorbed enough to heal it's core, Which enlisted a scream of pain from Prism
They arrived... At a field of stars?
Astral Plains
"PRISM! Where are you?!"
"Little bro? LITTLE BRO?!"
"I... I can't do it! It hurts!"
Deoxys yelled at him in its language
"I... I won't!"
It got angry. It went to attack form and pointed a Hyper Beam at the young dragons head. The message was clear.
"Okay! I'll do! Please.... Don't kill me...." He focused his energy to the purple rock, And began screaming as pain ripped though his body
Emerald was clinging onto his parents