Forum Thread
Finally a practical use for Trainer IDs
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Finally a practical use for Trainer IDsI present you this:

When you click on a Trainer ID number that's hyperlinked, then you will be brought to this page
The page will look something like this as an example:

If you don't have any previous Usernames, then the page will look something like this:

The inspiration of this idea comes mostly from Discord account IDs that always stay static. Since Trainer IDs also stay static through Username changes here, that's where I've thought of the idea. I picked "WHOIS" which means "who is", but it's a name of services that's mainly for looking up information about a Domain, however I still think it works perfectly here in this instance.
Anyway, we also have no other current use for Trainer IDs that's known which is something that should be kept in mind, and I think this would just be a great idea and it's fitting. Also, well, I see this a good system to solve ongoing issues of what's leading back to my first question of the post.
In conclusion, please note that this idea is not finalized. There's always room for discussion or features that could also be added to this. I'm always open to designing more for this and taking more ideas into consideration that the majority would like to see if necessary.
Feedback, thoughts, and discussion goes down below.
Thank you!
I'm so horrible at keeping track of people and I always feel really bad when someone pops up to talk with me and I'm not even sure who they are :x
I'd love it if we could also type in a past username and see which users have used it before. It would make finding people easier as well!

Art credit: gelatin

You'll be able to click on the Trainer IDs there and it will go to the Userprofile with that of the Trainer ID.
So say someone else had the name Riako before, then they would show up listed in the history, and their Trainer ID and time period of when they had it would show. It would still be based on current to past history in descending order.
If you try to search a Username that has never been used before, or a Username that was only ever associated with an account (Trainer ID) that has since been deleted:

Really liking how this has come out, it's great to see that it's well received.
I bet you have no idea who I am.
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
I was initially thinking about something like this when I had first created the suggestion, however I decided against it ultimately.
Our Usernames are all accessible public information made available and be seen by anyone, and they are a required thing for every account to have upon sign up as being minimal for our identification. You're never required at any point to change your Username either, and unless your Username is something that breaks rules, then I see no point why such information would be hidden away, or censored to the public.
That's my thoughts on the matter.
Unless Usernames can be hidden themselves, and we can have complete anonymity, then I just don't see the point. There's no harm with them showing unless you're getting harassed for a past Username, or the aliases you've used, but at that point you're better off reporting for such behavior. If you continually get harassed and it becomes such a big deal where someone can't handle it, then you could look to getting such history removed out of the system.
Maybe just a pick and choose thing though?
Like, instead of it just not showing individually hidden past usernames, it instead shows: Hidden | [Time they had it set for]
Personally the name I joined under makes me uncomfortable and mad, and I don’t want others to see it. So I can get how others would feel the same way with theirs.
I think it should all be publicly displayed information that was already forced being publicly displayed to begin with. Also, like I've said, if it's that big of a deal and people are hassling you over it, then you can go get the history removed out of the system.
It's understandable if you're uncomfortable, and have some type of anxiety over a Username or alias you've used before online. However, at the same time if you're feeling insecure about them, then it's not really teaching you any better because it's just a string of text/name tag that doesn't define who you are when you actually think about it.
Anyway, another thing that I'd like to bring up is that I'd like to believe that majority of this community is mature enough to handle a system like this. When I initially put across this suggestion, it wasn't based on intent of wanting to snipe people out and go on a witch hunt just to rag on them over their Usernames. It's more about simply being able to find people you've forgotten about but you remember a name, or you come across someone, and you think you may have known them before, but you want to check to see if their past names would ring a bell. If we can all just keep more anonymous, then it defeats the purpose, and it's counter intuitive to the suggestion at hand.
I want this to only be something that brings the community forth and more together, instead of setting it back and apart. That's what my suggested system here is aiming to do and the purpose of it.

~Moon|FR|CS|DESS|Sprite by ~Captain_B~|star~

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon

“ kenny / ken “ / 18 / english + german / sprite by DustyZoiveon
Plus, I don't see how it could in any way be effective because:
1. If you change your name, you can still go to your profile by typing in your old username into the profile url for quite a while.
2. If you don't completely change your profile and get rid of any Pokemon you have that you're known for, e.g. ones you always have in your party, you're still easily identifiable.
It's so easy to find people if they change their username that a username change is negligible in preventing harassment.
I'm not really hell-bent on this suggestion being implemented. I like it and voted yes but it doesn't matter a lot to me. I'm just doubtful about the credibility of your claims and, specifically, your word choice that makes it seem like people are often changing their username to throw off harassers.