I want a spooky scary
Username: Godfred
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: CCShinx, Skwovet
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: 2
Payment Amount and Type: 4 Dragon Gems
Other: Everstones on both please
I want a spooky scary
Username: Godfred
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: SeizeRaider, Gossifleur
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: 2
Payment Amount and Type: 4 Dragon Gems
Other: Everstones on both please
I want a spooky scary
Username: CyberBot88
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: GoldenEagle17/Cyndaquil
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: Shiny 2x
Payment Amount and Type: 300k PD + 60 fire gems
Other: everstone on one please
I want a spooky scary
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting:GoldenEagle17/cyndaquil
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount:1 shiny
Payment Amount and Type:200k pd
Other:no everstone
I want a spooky scary
Username: RoyalGecko
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: CCShinx/Skwovet
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: 1 please
Payment Amount and Type: 80k
Other: Everstone please
I want a spooky scary
Username: RoyalGecko
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: SeizeRaider/Gossfluer
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: 1 please
Payment Amount and Type: 80k
Other: no everstone please
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
I want a spooky scary
Username: ~Lucky~
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: GoldenEagle17, Cyndaquil
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: x2 Shinies
Payment Amount and Type: 360,000 PD
Other: Everstone on Cyndaquil and Quilava, please~
I want a spooky scary
Username: AmberLikeEmber
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: tjsgamingtv // Lapras
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: 1 Shiny
Payment Amount and Type: 130 Nuggets
Other: No everstone needed, thanks bb ❤️
I want a spooky scary
Username: Godfred
Name of Breeder and Pokemon Hunting: GoldenEgale117, Cyndaquil
Shiny or Mega-able and Amount: 2 Shinies
Payment Amount and Type: 4 Dragon gems each i.e. 8 in total
Other: Everstones please
Godfred, you may have missed it but GoldenEagle17 specified in his
last post in the shop that the slots are full! Elpi also hasn’t had
the time to update his slots. Either way, we can not accept your
order! I’m sorry for the inconvenience!
Also please note that dragon gems are not an acceptable payment for