Hey,I want to join the club!
Nickname:(Leave it blank if you don't want to)
Do you have a roblox account?If so, what is the username?:purpleeda
and I have an alt I made, it was for my cusion but I found out he
already had a roblox account soo I guess it’s my alt?
What pokemon should we use for your picture?(Look at the members
section for what I mean): shiny ninetails
Others:there’s a club for this?!
Hey,I want to join the club!
Nickname:(Leave it blank if you don't want to)Juke
Do you have a roblox account?If so, what is the username?:(Leave it
blank if you don't want to)Jukebox3126
What pokemon should we use for your picture?(Look at the members
section for what I mean): Manaphy
But this club is about PBB and LL we could just talked about PBB
stuffs too? I think the only posts that isn't the join form post
thing is when I tried to make this club a bit active is by asking
what's your favourite city/town in PBB only two people responded
atleast,and Josie posts about the 8th gym
In Pokeheroes? Maybe not, charmander and buneary seems common here.
We could do quizzes drawing events or something. Also we could do a
battling event since pvp is out.
Hey,I want to join the club!
Nickname:(Leave it blank if you don't want to)Bros
Do you have a roblox account?If so, what is the username?:(Leave it
blank if you don't want to)BrosRs9
What pokemon should we use for your picture?(Look at the members
section for what I mean): Shiny Rayquaza Magicarp
Passcode: Duskit
Others:I never managed to catch that rayquaza magicarp even with
hours of grinding
Yo imma put my YT channel here subscribe for low quality, low
effort shitpost I'll make it worth your while here's the link:
Hey,I want to join the club!
Nickname:(Leave it blank if you don't want to) Kohai
Do you have a roblox account? If so,what is your username?:(Leave
it blank if you don't want to) toxic_wolfy212004
What pokemon should we use for your picture?(look at the members
section for what I mean) Cubone
Passcode: Duskit
Others: Feel free to add me on roblox thats all~
Hey,I want to join the club!
Username: CCrysie
Do you have a roblox account?If so, what is the username?:
What pokemon should we use for your picture?: Gible
Password: Duskit
Others: I'd be happy to battle someone in LL, although I'm not
sure if my team is strong. (I also have some really simple games on
my roblox page if you want to play them..)
Hey,I want to join the club!
Username: CinnamonChai
Nickname: Chai
Do you have a roblox account?If so, what is the username?:
What pokemon should we use for your picture?(Look at the members
section for what I mean): Braixen
Password: Duskit
Others: PBB used to be my absolute favorite game on Roblox, and it
was disheartening for me when it was shut down :pensive:
I haven't gotten a chance to check out LL yet, but maybe I will