Yung: "I see, most of my knowledge of this world came from Conrad
and his maps as well as travelling with the Expedition Society. I
wonder why we never went up here?"
*He kept rowing*
Luciel: We could check. Then again, sometimes cartographers can
just mess up. Maybe it's a recently established place. I mean, my
homeland is on some maps listed as "Beware." It's hard to tell
if she was joking or serious.
Auto: The chances of the town being recently established and not
even members of the Expedition Society knew of its existence... I'd
say there's a possibility it exists. But isn't the Charmander an
Bastet: Hey! Is amnesia a bad thing?
Auto: In some cases... Maybe all, yes.
Bastet: Well, I'm fine! And I don't remember my birthday.
Auto: As long as you remember how to breathe.
Bastet: .... What's breathing?
Both Auto and Luciel gave Bastet a look as they remained quiet.
Luciel: Regardless, it's difficult to say if we should trust the
Charmander or not.
*Yung almost jumped when he heard Bastet say that, this could have
resulted him and Glade falling off the boat. He also gave Bastet a
"Did I seriously just hear that being asked?"
Auto: We've already established she's not the brightest.
Bastet had a flustered expression as she tried to defend
Bastet: Hey, what is this? "Everyone pick on the Amnesiacs Day"?
She groaned before feeling nauseous from the boat. In an effort
to change subjects, How long until we reach this "Pa-hey place"
that Charmander was speaking about? I don't want to be on this boat
any longer... She was laying on her stomach in front of Luciel's