Yung: *frowning slightly* "Hm...I guess I don't have enough proof
yet....Ruby, can you remind them?"
*in mind* "(Even though I already know who's real and who's not...)
Yung: "There is a proverb where I'm from - 'Innocent until proven
guilty'. Here though it's 'fake until proven real'."
*He knew exactly what to ask next*
Ruby: *Ruby facepalmed from that. ”Well. At least, the real Tyler got the other
things right including the name of my sword. Also, your sword's
name is Ashbringer, Yung.“
Yung: "Exactly! Wait Ruby...I wanted to ask something..."
*He turned his back on the two Tylers as he whispered something to
Ruby, hiding his blush, tail wagging*
Ruby: *Ruby was also hiding her blushing from the whisper.
"Alright Tylers. If you are the real
one then you would know this one. Who is Yung in love with?“
Glade: "WHA?!"
*Yung had turned away, hiding his face in his paws but then he
turned back around*
Yung: "I think that settles it, do it Glade!"
*Glade knocked the fake Tyler out with the One-Shot Orb
(Brief interruption Tyler, Remember that in the Pokedex, Lucario
can detect the species of a pokemon - here's the pokedex entry from
Pokemon Moon.
"They can detect the species of a living being— and its
emotions—from over half a mile away. They control auras and hunt
their prey in packs."
Perhaps you could have Zorua make Tyler take the shot for them?
Would that work?)
(Alright! Sorry about that, let's continue!)
Yung: "! What! I got it wrong...? But...!"
*He punched the ground in frustration as Glade used a revive seed
on the other Tyler*
Yung: *uncharacteristically angry* "Well I'll tell you what
happened! That Zorua just made a fool out of us! He took your
diary! And now...!"
Glade: "Are you alright? I'm so sorry..."