Yung: "You'll do extremely well against the Houndour at the very
least. For now though, stay in one spot. Move after you attack and
keep yourself hidden. We'll split up slightly here."
Cerberus was walking through the corridors with two Houndours and
an Absol. He was stilling spitting out embers, probably cursing out
his recent failure.
Houndour1: Cerberus, I smell someone nearby.
Cerberus: ...You, prepare to sing if needed. Houndour, you go up
ahead and trying to find the enemy.
Absol and Houndour2: Yes, sir.
Bastet: How do you think this plan will work out?
Luciel: If he doesn't give in to the same movement... I say
Cerberus might faulter.
*Yung and Glade were both positioned, out of sight in a similar
area. They were both prepared to attack at a moments notice. Yung
signalled to Glade that they are approaching.*
*Glade also signalled to Tyler that they were approaching*
(Guess we'll see a certain someone when we go to the Water
Continent! I also found it's really difficult to assign character
themes. Only easy one is Glade. Glade = Party music)
Cerberus's one Houndour underlings was walking ahead to investigate
for the enemies. They were sniffing the ground and immediately
recognized the scent from one of the Orbs they had encountered.
Houndour2: Sir! He howled.
Cerberus: Everyone hold your guard. The Houndoom was preparing
to use Punishment.
Yung: *in mind* "(Well they know we're around...but it doesn't
matter...time to begin the ambush)"
*He signalled to Glade who leapt out and used Thunderbolt. He
immediately took off running after and got into a different
position far away from where he was. While he ran, he dropped a
Quick Orb. This increased every allies' movement speed through the
The Houndours near Glade was startled and yelped as they jumped
back. Cerberus's group was confused, trying to understand what had
just happened.
Cerberus: He halted his attack. Absol?
Absol: On it, sir. Its eyes glowed the same brilliant blue that
Luciel's would have.
Auto was still with Yung the others as they ambushed.
Auto: They know Future Sight. He was preparing to Ally Switch
and surprise them.
Yung: *quietly* "I think we can completely cripple that Houndoom's
group." *He pulls out a Rainy Orb.* "Glade just dropped a Quick Orb
so we'll move faster now, this will be one snare they won't get out
of quickly."
Auto: Chances of that succeeding plus what I've learned from
watching this Houndoom... That seems like the best idea in
co-ordinance with Shinx. He calmed down, not wanting to jump
ahead of whatever Yung was planning. I will switch with Shinx
if my calculations are correct...
The Absol had finished preparing their Future Sight attack. The
Houndour that was attacked by Glade earlier seemed to be on edge
and was retreating to Cerberus's side.
The Houndoom then used Howl, announcing his presence and trying to
appear intimidating to the group. He doesn't seem to be
underestimating his opponents now.
Bastet: I hear voices up ahead! She was cheering a little before
her excitement faded.Is it Innocent? Wait... Those are just
some of their units, huh?
Luciel: Hold on. I think... They stopped sprinting and began
looking around the corridors.
Bastet: Wrong way?
Luciel: Most likely... Let's keep going though, Cerberus is all the
way back there and I'm sure he'll loose it if he sees us aiding the
Yung: "Glade will be on the other side of the group now, so it
could be valid move. And now...."
*He dropped the Rainy Orb, it instantly started to rain*
*Glade was indeed on the other side of the group, he was waiting
for action*