"Crap" she says softly. She rubs a hand through her hair trying to
think. Already there were two people injured, it would be hard to
try to save the rest of the group with only two others. "Where is
the medic when you need one?" She asks outloud
Shayde looks around at the bunch, smiling, happy at the though so
many were injured. A bunch were either unconscious or halfasleep,
and it was is job to make sure it continued to stay that way.
Digging deep into his power, he let out what started as a low
rumble and made it louder and deeper as he closed his eyes
focusing. Louder and louder, the sound made the very walls pulses
in harmony with his voice. Working on finding the building own
frequence, the building was shaking as if it was scared. Finally,
the continuous resonant sound finally hit the frequency needed to
start breaking the walls. Cracks started to form all around the
students, menacing of falling down on them. Shayde fell to the
ground, sweat pouring down his forehead, but he knew they didnt
have much time, so he got back up.
Clove's eyes widen, she had heard the frequency, but was
fortunately far enough away that she wouldn't be effected to much.
What alarmed her was the sound of walls breaking. "No" she breaths.
With a wheeze she turns feline, she races toward the group,
stumblimg several times. She practically collapses when she reaches
the trap, but determination drives her forward. She lets out a
groan when she sees that most of the group is injured. "Everyone!
We gotta move now!" She shouts. "I'll try to drag away whoever
can't move, but everyone who's able should carry someone!"
Lunara bounded down from the roof and grabbed Vivienne by the
scruff. "I'll take Vivi. Is there anyone else?" She spots Sora,
"Sora! Get Ezri! We gotta go!"
Ray's eyes widen in shock as he saw cracks forming on the walls.
"Lusine, don't worry about my wounds for now. We need to move. Now.
Come on!!" He got to his feet, helped Lusine up, took her by the
hand and he starting running, away from that area.
Clove stays with the group, she'll help whoever needs it. But she
would rather not, since she can barely carry herself, much less
another person. "Come on guys" she urges, nudging the others with
her head
"...Everyone, follow me." The medic says, getting up. She stops
Ray. "I'll carry her, she is in no condition to run right now." The
medic explains.
In the room just over, the history teacher was fighting a hard
battle. Though Shayde was down, the leader and Nyx where still
The female cultist jumps down in front Clove's group. "I really
thought that puppet would work, but Shayde haaaaaad to go crumble
hq before I could finish you all off. Oh well, your not escaping
now." The cultist says, bloclingbthe entrance waiting for attacks.
"Sure and there totally isn't someone
behind you." The herbology teacher, Alyss, raised her hand
and the plants looped around the female cultist, gripping her
Clove pants, turning human, she wants to help, but alerting
everyone is the best she can do right now. Hoping the two teachers
can handle the Cultists, she limps away
Outside of the HQ, Clove waits for everyone. She leans against a
tree, sweat pouring down her face from the effort of walking. All
she can do now is hope she did enough
Alyss uses the plants around her to form a barrier. She then makes
a hard punching motion. A powerful thick root sprang from the
ground and slammed into the cultist, knocking her far away.
There was a sudden flash of red and a dagger flew through the air
at a startling speed. Arece stood shakily a few feet back, his arm
clutched to his chest and his other hand scrabbling for his second
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