Clove shakes her head, "The adrenaline rush is helping a bit" she
admits, she hasn't even noticed the ringing in her own ears. She
lets the other Cultist run away. "I say we take down Shayde"
"Sure thing." Lunara dropped Sora to the ground gently, "I've got a
bone to pick with him?" She holds out a claw in a fist, "Fist bump
for luck? And for girl power?"
Ray took the damage from his own attacks being turned on him and
fell onto one knee. "Urgh!! Those portals...I'm not done yet!" He
got back up and started casting his magic again. His light beams
flew through the air at a greater speed, giving the leader much
less time to react
The leader doesn't open the portals in time, and gets wounded by
them. "Fine. Enough with the warm up, let's fight." He says,
shooting his arm forward. Everyone in the room with an attacking
had there power being used in the leaders attack, all mixed up in a
flurry of magic headed at high speeds right toward Ray.
Lusine grabs Ray and puts herself in place of the attack, “Just get
everyone out of here. Please.” She creates a shield of shadows to
hopefully soften the blow.
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The attack pierces the shield, and hits Lusine hard. "Trying to
save your friend? You'll all die here!" The leader says,
manifesting everyones powers, completely destroying the room and
attacking everyone.
Sora slowly walks to the Rest of the group, still being on wobbly
legs "wh-why are th-they against u-us...." he mumbles and Sees the
room being destroyed "Ezri?! Soso?! Lu?! Addy?!"
Adamant turns in her Phoenix Form and looks at the leader "Don't
hurt my family!" she flies straight up and in a nosedive toward the
Slime by keyofdestiny. Berry, choco, winter eevee by
"I'll clip your wings." The leader says, sending bolts of
electricity using Tage's power.
Suddenly, the already destroyed wall bursts open again. Many large
pieces of metal fly out, revealing the medic and history teacher,
who have sent either their strings or pieces of metal to go get the
students away safely.
Lusine stands up shakey, she grabs Ray and heads towards the
teachers, “T-thank you.” Her shadows are melting off of her,
bruises cover her face and she looks exhausted. She sways slightly
but keeps walking.
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️