Forum Thread
[CLOSED] Poison & Water Gems
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → [CLOSED] Poison & Water GemsHello! I am still new to the idea of creating my own forum thread so this will be a bit messy.
I am buying Poison and Water gems currently for my next shiny hunt skrelp.

The gem's I'm buying will change later, so I'll try and update this any time it does.
I don't have a breeding pair of skrelp so I'm just going to shiny hunt by using the gem collector.
I suppose 1000 or so skrelp would be enough to get the amount of shinies I want and skrelp takes 20 poison gems and 20 water gems so I'll be buying 20,000 of each gem.
I'll be buying poison gems for 500-800pd each and water gems from 800-1000pd each.
(I get my price's from toothies price check)
no I won't buy a gem for over the price I listed, I used the price check to be fair and so that's the fair prices.
Please do not pal pad me over this or private message, i'd prefer it if you write on this thread, but if you're nervous abut writing in the thread then the next best thing is to pm me rather than pal pad.
Thank you for reading this post!
Hi I'm sorry to say that I do not have the proper amount of pd to buy all of the poison gems so I'm sorry but I have to refuse :(
If the offer is still up in 2-3 days I will be able to pay for it though if you're still offering.
Hi I am able to pay for this offer I'll be sending over 29,600 pd if that's alright with you? (37*800=29,600)
Yes if anyone sees this forum. I am buying water and poison gems still. If I don't have the money at the time of the transaction. please don't reserve it to me. I'm incredibly forgetful and forget it for 3 months