Forum Thread
RPGLife 2
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RPGLife 2Welcome! To RPGLife

one day while you were playing a RPG
game you get given a early access copy of a MMORPG! You put if in
and then suddenly pass out.... you wake up in a strange *insert
thing here*

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Don’t say that the Roleplay has ended and will continued on another Roleplay not made by me?
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*He got up and looked up around saw he is completely alone*
“Where am I? I haven’t been here before...and I get the feeling that this isn’t a normal dream...”
*He walked over to a nearby pond and saw his reflection*
“WHAT?! Why am I a wolf?! Why do I look like one of the characters from that game I was playing?!”
*He started to explore the area*
“Already...I’m getting attacked...”
???: “Gotta stay on guard...”
*in mind* “(What the?!)”
*The music “The Shattered Sky” started playing* (Boss theme from Crystal Story 2)