Forum Thread
The Ocean Clan RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → The Ocean Clan RPTo join, just fill out the form below and join The Ocean.
I would like to RP!
Clan password: (The password you gave while signing up for the clan)
Name in RP:
If trainer, what Pokemon: (One shiny max, one legendary also for staff)
If Pokemon, what move set: (Doesn't have to be official)
What private beach house looks like:
Here's mine:
Username: Awesome007
Clan password: (The password you gave while signing up for the clan) Milotic
Name in RP: Isabella "Izzy" Hunter
Appearance: Just a normal girl, she had straight black hair that goes down to her thighs, brown eyes (like unbarfed chocolate, if any of you can guess this reference, I will love you forever. XD) and is pretty tall. She looks to be around 15/16, and always wears a mysterious locket around her neck.
Pokemon/Trainer: Trainer
Personality: Calm, peaceful, but quick to anger. She is a good leader, being calm and patient.
If trainer, what Pokemon: Milotic (shiny), Dragonair, Swampert, Altaria, Mew, and Samurott
If Pokemon, what move set: (Doesn't have to be official) None
What private beach house looks like: Just a regular villa, only with a whole separate room for surveillance systems, computers, the works.
I hope you guys have fun with this RP!
Username: Zoka
Clan password: Wartortle
Name in RP: Zoka
Appearance: That --->

Pokemon/Trainer: Trainer
Personality: Not very social nor talkative but doesn't take $#++ from anyone or anything. Motto: offence is the best defence.
If trainer, what Pokemon: Shiny charizard, Scrafty, Wartortle, Persian, Haunter and Sceptile
If Pokemon, what move set: -
What private beach house looks like: Small old villa with a large training ground.
I would like to RP!
username: okinokinokin
clan password: samurott
name in RP: Okin
appearance: a shiny Dewott who is a little above the average hight. and has solid aquamarine scalchlops... the shells.
pokemon/trainer: pokemon
personality: easy going, caring and peaceful but gets very vicious during fights.
if trainer what pokemon: none
if pokemon what move set: Razor shell, surf, Substitute and water pulse.
what private beach house looks like: a medium sized villa with two rooms. in one a pool with a hammock hanging in the corner. in the other a training room.
this should be fun.

(Eyes like unbarfed chocolate. I'm a lucky girl.)
Izzy yawned and stretched in her private beach house, and climbed out of bed slowly.
Arriving in it, she typed a few commands into her PC and waited as it booted up.
Clan password: Tentacruel
Name in RP: Kevin

Pokemon/Trainer: Trainer
Personality: He is friendly, but a bit arrogant sometimes. He is peaceful and patient. He sometimes lose the control in his patience. A bit lazy, but active when is needed. He loves eat because never becomes fat (lol)
If trainer, what Pokemon: Shiny Tentacruel, Ludicolo, Swampert, Vaporeon, Starmie and Kingdra (lol, a whole water team xD)
If Pokemon, what move set: None
What private beach house looks like: A small villa with the basic things (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and a living room), near a big part of beach where I train
She scrolled down the list of cameras and settled on Zoka's.