"I'm not." Marissa's voice softened, "I'm just---it's just a sister
thing you know? I"m still glad to see you. I should get you home
though, before returning to the forest."
Ever since Yoni wrote the note, he had
been unsettlingly sporadic and aggressive - more than usual. Yurei
had pushed down his worries in regards of his nerves by this point,
making his daily actions have more thought in them than usual. Yoni
had been very quiet due to this, making Yurei even more worried.
Hadrian must have read the note by now... he should be on
Five days... Five days... Yurei paced his room in thought. Maybe
giving everyone a note about a planned attack in a few days? No,
after Yoni's escapade he'd have to think of another plan. Afternoon
processing this thought he felt an apologetic wave coming from Yoni
which soon changed into a wave of arrogance. He lowered his
eyebrows in worry.
Hikari sits outside, thinking of a way to successfully do anything
to help the cause. She knows she can't directly attack Hadrian,
that's just suicide. So what else could she do?
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"
'Well ok, before we go anywhere, can you explain what these
She lifts up her nightgown (she had undies) and revealed the ends
of what seemed to be fairy wings on her back.
"When I woke up, these dug into my skin and it hurt real bad.... "
"It's called a 'winging' sister." Marissa lifted her shirt to
reveal similar fairy wings, "Those are wingbuds. The winging is the
process by which a young fairy grows her wings. Take this." She
gave Liliana a salve, "Put that on your back in case you get sore."
Soros a bit taken aback but not showing it nodded, "Just tell me if
you hear anything about Hadrian." The general then left. He
couldn't help but feel that something had happened.
Yurei turned away from his door and
closed it, trying to keep away from all thoughts Hadrian related.
He didn't want to tell anyone about the paper they gave him, he has
eyes and ears in the whole house. Maybe it would just be easier to
isolate and assassinate everyone he had ties to.. Maybe Yoni could
do that bit he wasn't sure. Maybe he should let Yoni train... by
the sounds of that thought the Oni had awoken once more to his
annoyed phase and turned to Yurei, smirking in request. Yurei
clenched his fist and let his friend take over.
Free once more... I'll probably go
deep into the forest and practice on that one wood stump.. I wonder
if it's still there? It was a couple hundred years ago or so, so
maybe not. He clambered out of the window silently and dropped to
the ground, landing with a roll to begin running.
"Pay for... Debt... Um..." Cheshire looked up from inspecting some
of the candy, completely lost as Sonya further explained how the
economy worked. During this thought process, another jar of candy
and broke with the lid cracked. One of the display stands collapsed
to the floor, spilling what the merchant had to offer for their
customers. Cheshire stared at the mess quietly before saying, "I'm
being thoroughly honest, it's not... Entirely my fault?"
Cheshire chuckled in embarrassment.
"I- I'll just... Step away... And wait," she slowly distanced
herself from the stand. Eventually, standing several feet away.
Camelot was in earshot of Soro talking to Yurei a few feet down the
hall. He looked around confused, 5 days? That's impossible... We
lost more than 2 weeks? The butler would begin questioning if
what he had heard was true, deciding to head into town to confirm
the news.
As the two chat about this new transformation, Lilliana invites her
sister to the palace.
"I don't know where some of the others went, so, in the meantime,
wanna come to the palace with me?"