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2018 Statistics

Forum-Index News 2018 Statistics
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,727
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 12:48 (5 Years ago)
2017 Statistics

The server has just finished calculating the statistics of the past year, compared to the statistics from 2017!

2018 in numbers


Available PokéDex Entries: 1,294 (↗ 87 Entries)
Adoptions: 5.9 Million (↗ 16%)
Shinies hatched: 48.8 Thousand (↗ 6%)
Pokémon with Mega-Ability hatched: 19.7 Thousand (↗ 81%)
Tall Grass Adoptions: 147 Thousand (↘ 7%)
Honeytree catches: 29.6 Thousand (↗ 21%)
Safari Adoptions: 17.3 Thousand (↗ 15%)
Most common Pokémon: Eevee, Combee, Gyarados
Rarest Pokémon: Mega Robin Blaze (36), Mega Autumn Ampharos (40), Mega Crystal Aggron (51)


New Members: 31.2 Thousand (↗ 124%)
Most Online Members: 591 (2018-04-02)
Shared Feeds: 343 Thousand (↘ 33%)
Feed Comments: 233 Thousand (↘ 29%)
Forum Posts: 262 Thousand (↘ 3%)
Pal Pad Messages: 3.4 Million (↘ 45%)
New Facebook Likes: 976 (↘ 30%)

Dream World

Gifted Plushies: 438 Thousand (↗ 38%)
New released Plushies: 141 (↗ 253%)
Most popular Plushies: Magikarp, Minior, Shinx
Dream Points spent: 19.6 Million (↗ 38%)
Dream Point Tasks fulfilled: 1.36 Million (↗ 26%)


Regular Event Distributions: 5 (↘ 29%)
Total Activity Points collected: 115.8 Million (↘ 31%)
Frosty Kyurem Egg Adoptions: 3.4 Thousand (↗ 40%)
Summer Time Shaymin Egg Adoptions: 0
Easter Event Eggs found: 54.5 Thousand (↗ 88%)
Trick or Treats: 93.5 Thousand (↗ 10%)
Advent Calendar Doors opened: 36.8 Thousand (↘ 2%)
Valentine's Day Cards: 12 Thousand (↗ 10%)
Sky Gifts: 0
Christmas Gifts: 76 Thousand (↗ 17%)


Total Interactions: 1.185 Billion (↗ 33%)
Interaction Day Record 10,818,415 (2018-10-27) (NEW RECORD)
Interactions with berries: 13.6 Millon (→ 0 %)
Days with x2 Multiplier: 54 (↗ 23%)
Days with x3 Multiplier: 2 (↘ 67%)
Speed Click Events: 48 (↘ 43%)
Speed Click Goals reached: 16 (33.33%)
Total Interactions during SCEs: 11.7 Million (↘ 33%)

Game Center

Coinflips: 46.1 Million (↘ 38%)
Solved Hangmen: 509,495 (↘ 36%)
Lottery Winners: 25 (↘ 7%)
Spent Game Chips: 18.4 Billion (↘ 59%)


Total Page Views: 272.5 Million (↘ 4%)
News Posts published: 20 (↘ 9%)
Common Wealth (PokéDollar): 8.902 Billion (↗ 19%)
PokéDollar spent at Item Shop: 1.80 Billion (↗ 30%)
Finished Rumble Explorations: 4.1 Million (↘ 6%)
Collected Badges: 121.5 Thousand (↗ 96%)
Failed Tall Grass Searches: 685 Thousand (↘ 6%)
Furfrou Haircuts: 5.7 Thousand (↘ 38%)
Explored Royal Tunnel Levels: 5.74 Million (↘ 38%)
Wonder Trades: 292.6 Thousand (↗ 1%)
PokéDollar spent on tips at Los Seashellos: 3.2 Million (↘ 40%)
Trainerlevel: 134

Forum Posts: 1,060
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 13:20 (5 Years ago)
This proves that we need more Event Distributions xD
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 658
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 13:52 (5 Years ago)
Right @Yun_Zhong you are saying right......
We need new events.....
like Mega raichu event :P
Trainerlevel: 76

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 14:19 (5 Years ago)
lot of red stats, you need improvements :D
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 550
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 14:22 (5 Years ago)
There are lots of new members, but like 95% of them don't stay. As you can see in this statistic, all the things you usually do when new like royal tunnel and furfrou haircuts went way down. The SCE statistics should get better though with the revamp, lots of people just did 1000/500 to get the item and then just leave as having it to chance discouraged a lot of users.

People often think the PH sprites are bland. Do they shade? Well, yes they do. You'll be surprised how much care is taken for these sprites.

Trainerlevel: 147

Forum Posts: 2,043
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 15:18 (5 Years ago)
Nice, way more positive numbers than 2017... let's see if we can top it in this year :D
Trainerlevel: 85

Forum Posts: 429
Posted: Tue, 01/01/2019 16:07 (5 Years ago)
Game Center stats speak for themselves... We need new games the same olé ones are getting boring.. just saying.

We do need more events.. but more spread out instead of back to back it gets a bit overwhelming..

As far as 'available Pokédex entries' that number is incorrect currently.

Feeds have gone down because the community doesn't communicate anymore.. I've noticed unless you're offering free items.. nobody cares what you have to say.. even asking for interactions has died.. proving further is the Pal Pad and forum stats.

I know as far as tips at the beach.. there are a lot of mobile users and fishing is impossible. I hope this is something planned to be fixed this year.

Just my observations and opinions.
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 878
Posted: Wed, 02/01/2019 00:50 (5 Years ago)
I wanted to do some calculations and if we used common wealth as the GDP and if one PD = 1 USD then PH would be in 141st place ahead of Kosovo and behind Rwanda
Meanwhile the average GDP per capita would be about $70,705.79, which would put PH in 4th place ahead of Iceland but behind Norway

So yeah lol we'd be pretty well off
I just did this bc I have some interest in GDPs and stuff but inb4 this causes drama