Username: crystal19
Mega-Able you want: Numel
Breeder of mega-able: 11thDoctorSong
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: definitely
Other: Thank you! :p
Username: meatman
Mega-Able you want: Numel
Breeder of mega-able: 11thDoctorSong
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: definitely
Other: Thank you!
@Hineta_ Congratulations! A shiny Torchic hatched out of egg
(Madison already claimed hers)
Please get your Torchic in 24 hours before it goes to the next
person in line
Username: berrypass
Shiny you want: Ralts
Breeder of shiny: Quaz
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: Yes, of course!
Other: Thank you so much!
...and that's a wrap.
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass
@ Kazyaquin, your shiny nickit just hatched! I’ve set up a private
trade in gts with you, and you will have 48 hours to claim him.
Thank you for the wait! :)
@Harmona you have failed to claim your shiny Torchic, so it will go
to the next person in line
@MetagrossPrime, congrats! A shiny Torchic hatched on chain #168!
Please claim it within 24 hours or I will keep it to myself.
And with that, the very long Torchic Hunt is finally over!
Thank you guys for your patience! I will be taking quite a long
break so I can hunt for ditto in the lab, complete my Kanto dex, or
just summon things in the ancient cave.