Shiny you want:Gastly (Gengar)
Breeder of shiny:AcryliCatUwU
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: yes
Other: I know it will be sometime before you start . I don’t mind
waiting ! Thanks
Shiny you want:Gastly
Breeder of shiny:AcryliCatUwU
Have you read the rules and agree with them?:yes
Other:I know it could be some time Before I get it. Thanks in
Username: Pikochi
Why do you want to be a breeder here?: I like to help X3>
How much time will you wait for users to claim Pokémon?: 1 day
Premium Account? [No, Saving for it, Yes, Ends soon]: No
Pokemon you are going to breed [you can say 'undecided' if you
don't know]: Gardevoir
How many slots you will open [as of starting]: 3 shiny, 3 mega able
@ShoShouto no breeders are hunting Zoura and AcryliCatUwU is
hunting Gastly. Please make sure to read the forum carefully before
posting. I'll let you off the hook this time, feel free to make
another post with an available shiny.
@All shiny ralts slots have been filled! Mega-able Ralts, Mega-able
Feebas, shiny Gasly, and Mega-able Gastly are still available
Congratulations! Your shiny Furfrou hatched on egg #207! You have
24 hours to claim it in a private trade before it goes to the next
user in line. Thank you for your patience!