Forum Thread
Pikachu Fan Club [Closed Permanently]
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Pokémon Fan Clubs → Pikachu Fan Club [Closed Permanently]But, now closed permanently, sadly...
Yes, this thread had been an interesting place where lots of users joined in and every passed their time together. Their had been events and riddles, and this club even had its own palpad group where all members commumnicated with each alot.
But, sadly, in reality, this club was not controllable after sometime. Many users went inactive after a confession in themselves or in a user, ig. Let me be more clear. I, the club admin went on hiatus for like about 1-2 months. But, when I came back, it was completely ruined. The PP-group died just because of a member.
Anyways, members and I too had a lot of fun being here. x3
Sorry, for those who had not been receiving any response after filling the form. Actually the thread club was dead and I didn't cared actually about it.
Miss you my friends and the club. :')
One of the memory of club is given below,
Username: TheRisingDitto
Nickname(s): Lily
Is Pikachu(or evolutions or Mimikyu)is your favorite? : No.
Who is your favorite? :Hawlucha
Will you participate in the forum's events and art contests? : Events, not art contests.
First time you saw Pikachu(or evolutions or Mimikyu) where? :I do not remember, but I know that I have seen the Pikachu float in the macy's thanksgiving parade on TV.
Is their a cuter Pokemon than Pikachu in your opinion? If so which Pokemon?: I don't have an opinion on which Pokemon is the cutest.
Password : BoltJolt
(did you see that I fixed the spelling mistakes?)
So from now you are our member :D
Now you can communicate with us and can post anything
As you said you saw first time at Macy's parade ballons
It is right! :D That time it was so cute

For the events we need some money so can you donate some money if you want. That will be used in events :)
Username: (your username) aaraiz
Nickname(s): (your nickname)Z
Is Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu)is your favourite? : Pikachu
Who is your favourite? : zapdos
Is your Favourite pokemon is in your party or boxe(s) : (Yes or No)nope still hoping for the egg
Will you participate in the forum's events and art contests? :event. not art contest
First time you saw Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu) where? :whaen Ash got Pikachu from oak
Is their a cuter Pokemon than Pikachu in your opion? If so which Pokemon?:pichu
Password : (read rules to find passward ********)bolt jolt
Referrer : (who referred you?)you
Other : (write the anything you want to write) nothing

Every Sprite belongs to hopelin

Made by Bulbaforlife
Username: (your username)Football~lover
Nickname(s): (your nickname)Yend
Is Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu)is your favourite? : Pikachu
Who is your favourite? : Charizard
Is your Favourite pokemon is in your party or boxe(s) : (Yes or No)No when it evolve then i will have
Will you participate in the forum's events and art contests? : events
First time you saw Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu) where? : in pokemon anime
Is their a cuter Pokemon than Pikachu in your opion? If so which Pokemon?: Raichu
Password : (read rules to find passward ********)BoltJolt
Referrer : (who referred you?)You
Other : (write the anything you want to write)I am a football lover :D
As you said i also seen pikachu first when ash got pikachu :D
@Yend(football~lover) Added to our members :D
Seen in anime ;)
All of the members lily, Z , Yend you can now discuss in the forum
We need 7 more memebers to start a event
Username: TheLuckyKira
Nickname(s): Kira
Is Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu)is your favourite? : No
Who is your favourite? : I have so many but I think I'll have to settle on. Cinccino?
Is your Favourite pokemon is in your party or boxe(s) : Yes?
Will you participate in the forum's events and art contests? : Yes!
First time you saw Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu) where? : The tv show when I was younger!
Is their a cuter Pokemon than Pikachu in your opinion? If so which Pokemon?: Yup! Pikachu is cute, but? Eevee? I do love Mimikyu though.
Password : BoltJolt
Referrer : You, lol
Other : I can't donate much right now due to activity levels right now (with Christmas coming up, ya know) but I'll be here!
Username: PikachuKrazyKatie25
Nickname: PeopleCallMePikachu
Is Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu)is your favourite? : YESSSS
Who is your favourite? : Sparky (NOT YOU), Kiera, Cutie, and Shadow. (I’m currently trying to get Kiera and Shadow.)
Is your Favourite pokemon is in your party or box: Yas
Will you participate in the forum's events and art contests? : y a s
First time you saw Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu) where? : On TV I was like OH MY GOD THAT IS SO CUTE
Is their a cuter Pokemon than Pikachu in your opion? If so which Pokemon?: NOOOO IF ANYBODY SAYS THAT I WILL DIE
Password : (read rules to find passward) BoltJolt
Referrer : YOU
as you said you saw it when you were younger
so what is your age now?
Mine age is 13
Pikachu you have been accepted
when you said "not you" haha :D
I love pikachu because i love yellow color so much and pikachu too :D
my name is Prajjwal, its meaning is Burn up, as my name said i didnot like fire type its opposite i like water type
When i am very sad pikachu comes in my mind its comes stops me to crying and then i gets smile thatswhy i love pikachu so so sooooo.... much! ;)
and you said what i did not like is when pikachu cries
i didnot like pikachu crying :,(
anywhere in anime or in comic i didnot like pikachu cry
@Pikachu you didnot have to offer me money you have to gift me then i will add it to that bank
I am Saying to all the members that You all have to gift me money not to offer :)
Username: (your username)Pikafriend
Nickname(s): (your nickname)Piku
Is Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu)is your favourite? : Pikachu!!! *got some electric zaps out*
Who is your favourite? : Pikachu!!!
Is your Favourite pokemon is in your party or boxe(s) : (Yes or No) No.... :,(
Will you participate in the forum's events and art contests? :yes
First time you saw Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu) where? : everywhere
Is their a cuter Pokemon than Pikachu in your opion? If so which Pokemon?: No>:!
Password : (read rules to find passward ********)BoltJolt
Referrer : (who referred you?)A hashtag
Other : (write the anything you want to write)ah.... ??? what i write?
Username: Hipsterpotamus
Nickname(s): Hipster
Is Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu)is your favourite? : Mimikyu :3
Who is your favourite? : Ho-Oh
Is your Favourite pokemon is in your party or boxe(s) : No :(
Will you participate in the forum's events and art contests? : Yessss
First time you saw Pikachu(or evolutions or mimikyu) where? : On the first episode of the pokemon series
Is their a cuter Pokemon than Pikachu in your opion? If so which Pokemon?: yass, and it's victini (the movie just kills me)
Password : BoltJolt
Referrer : Nobody, i was just scrolling the forum
Other : This club sounds like fun
@Hipster from now you are a member of this club! :D
Victini is just cool and also cute!