Animal Crossing, Smash Bros, Mother/Earthbound, Super Mario, Kirby,
Sonic the Hedgehog, Harvest Moon, Yo-Kai Watch, Spyro Classic,
Terraria, Stardew Valley
My absolute favorite game outside of pokemon is animal crossing!
Otherwise I also enjoy splatoon, don't starve, minecraft, stardew
valley, spyro, sims, some other stuff im prob forgetting lol
Undertale is my FAVORITE game of all time. Instead of killing
everything to get LV (in the game it’s an acronym for LOVE or
Levels of Violence) you have a choice between pacifist, neutral,
and GENOCIDE! The hardest boss (in genocide) says things
that make you WANT to quit! Also, Toby Fox thought of EVERYTHING!
The game remembers unless you do a true
My other favorites are Minecraft, Kingdom Hearts, Terraria, Final
Fantasy, Mario games, Super Smash Bros, Kirby games, and others I
can’t think of...
My other favorite games i love are FNAF, Undertale, BATIM,
Subnautica, and a few other games, and I have pokemon I hope people
interact with ^^
I'M BACK! I've been gone for so long cause I forgot about this
website but, thought I'd revisit it. To any of my friends, I would
love to get back in touch, this game was so much fun when I was in
high school but, i forgot about it soon after graduation. Hope to
have a lot of fun!
Well games I am obsessed with would be Splatoon, Ace Attorney, and
Animal Crossing.
Games that I enjoy would be Legend of Zelda, Okami, and Kid Icarus
And then the game that I am obsessed with to a point it where it
has probably consumed me would be Bravely Default: Where the Fairy
Flies (and the sequel, Bravely Second: END LAYER), but it seems
like no one here has heard of those games. ;u;
promise to do all in my power to see us through this safely
Serenoa Wolffort
⚖️ ToyHouse | Tumblr
⚖️ Gif is
from Triangle Strategy. Avatar was drawn by
I like easy flash games with interesting plot. Right now ho games
are my fav. I play free games mostly. It's entertaining too and I
don't need to spend money on them.
I play Zelda, Pokémon, super smash brothers, pikmin, Kirby, Shovel
Knight, metroid, Luigi's mansion (both the first and the dark
moon), minecraft (somewhat), lego Jurassic world, megaman, and will
play TF2 (Team Fortress 2) when I have a computer that can play it.
You help me, I help you. And we'll be friends.
Also if you want to know more about dragons, please tell me what
you would want to know.
Games I like to play? Well Final Fantasy Series Mostly 1-7 DQ
Series (Including DQ Monster Joker games) , Spyro (the first 3
games) FFT as well as FFTA AND A2, Tactics Ogre Series, Shining
Force Series of games (Including the hack a slash Neo) Dragon
Breath Series, Might and Magic Games, Wizardry 6-8, Elder Scrolls
Series Morrowind - Skyrim, Fallout Franchises, Borderlands
Franchise, Pathfinder Kingmaker, Balder's Gate 1 & 2 and you know
what this is a long list if you cant tell I enjoy any game that has
some kind of RPG element to it as well as so me kind of tactical
element to it. Genres I almost never play are sports ad racing
genres and very rarely First person shooters (Games like the
Bonderlands franchise are an except ion because of the RPG element)