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Advertising with no definite proof

Forum-Index Help Answered Advertising with no definite proof
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Sat, 03/11/2018 20:38 (6 Years ago)
"FIRST OS!!!" I've always wondered how people can prove that. And if this is even allowed to be advertised in GTS since it isn't exactly very proveable. Especially for a Pokemon that has been around for awhile. Sure, I can claim to have had the first shiny retro Feraligatr on the site, and it could come close. First day it was released, and I got it within an hour of its release, if I remember right. I even wondered if I got the first one at the time of its release. But with no way to prove it (and the retro's entry wasn't even in the Pokedex when I caught it), I can make no definite claim to it. Maybe someone would know on the forums...
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 2,085
Posted: Sat, 03/11/2018 20:58 (6 Years ago)
The Pokedex is a way to tell, like you mentioned. Another way would be to check the Pokemon ID.

For Example, if you were checking for the First OS Shiny Bulbasaur and you had the Pokemon ID of 6, but someone else has a Shiny Bulbasaur with the Pokemon ID of 4, that would mean the other person's Shiny Bulbasaur would technically be first on site.

Also, the PokéHeroes Book of Records has a list of First OS and everything, though it hasn't been updated that I can tell in a while.

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Sat, 03/11/2018 21:42 (6 Years ago)
Still, that would be a difficult task to try to go through every id number on the site just to find out. The only way to do that would be to enter every single id number, regardless of breed, just to find out that no more exists. My Feraligatr has an id of 22294366. There is no way based on that information alone to tell if number 22294365 is another retro Feraligatr or not since there is no way to look up a list of retro Feraligatr's on the site. If I manually enter that number, I get a Staraptor. If I keep on going down, I get various non-retro Pokemon. That doesn't mean that I have the first shiny retro Feraligatr. It just means that people have picked up Pokemon from the lab and hatched them while I was searching for my Feraligatr, which is a definite possibility. So that leaves the question, how far back in the Pokemon ids do I need to go to find definite proof that this is the first one? And how long would that realistically take? Hours? Days? Especially without a Pokedex entry to base things on. Which actually feeds back into the dilemma as a buyer. I'm not seriously considering buying something that someone claims to be the first shiny on the site. But the Pokemon with the trade description that claims it is the first shiny on the site is a Pokemon that I don't have at all right now. I have no Pokedex entry to look at, and no solid information to base how many Pokemon ids I have to go through to find out the truth. As a buyer, I wouldn't want to pay a ton of money for something that has no definite proof to this kind of claim. Also, this Pokemon is not in the book of records so the thread is of no practical help.

Yeah, I've been curious about my retro, but there is a much more practical dilemma to buyers and sellers behind this question. It's something I've been wondering about for awhile now, to be honest.

Also, the id method doesn't cover Pokemon who have been deleted off of the system? What if the first Pokemon on the site ended up being deleted later on, whether accidentally or intentionally? So the claim, in all practical aspects, is the first Pokemon on the site that hasn't been deleted off the site.

I suppose one could look at the date that the Pokemon was obtained, but with the Pokemon being this old, it doesn't count the hours since the Pokemon was obtained. And I happen to know when the retro was released on the site down to the day / approximate hour. "3 Months and 27 Days ago" about an hour or less within the release date at reset. But this is my own Pokemon, and it narrows it down considerably. But going back to the Pokemon that is on GTS, I'm not completely sure of what date and year the Pokemon was released on. It's definitely not this year's Halloween event since the new event Pokemon is Marshadow. I suppose I can look the release date up on the wiki... but not all the Pokemon are on the wiki with their release dates. Suppose it isn't an event Pokemon. Suppose it was something like a shiny Floette and that it isn't in the records thread at all. That Pokemon isn't in the wiki, and there is no easy access to the information as far as when it was released. So one would be going through a lot of ids blindly just to find that out.

Anyways, I'm tired and probably rambling on and on by now, whether coherently or not. I've been curious.