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Literal Hell but Public [Always Accepting]

Forum-Index Roleplay Literal Hell but Public [Always Accepting]
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 3,192
Posted: Thu, 25/10/2018 20:14 (6 Years ago)
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Long ago...
There was a roleplay known as "Literal Hell"...
It was an... interesting roleplay...
There were many arguments, many threats, many games and many jokes...
The difference in power levels of the people there, from WAY TOO HECKING POWERFUL to not even having powers...

Who am I kidding, this isn't some legend
It's just hell! Literal Hell!
But this time with more people, more chaos and more hell!
Anyway the name's Error. Error the Pyromaniac!
Who's also the God(dess) of Luck and Gaming, just so you know!
So uh, with that said...
Let the Hell begin, I guess?

A slightly more serious explanation:
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Literal Hell was a private roleplay based on a little joke me and my friend made with my OC (Error) burning one of their oc's white rug (aka said oc's only possession) and it spiralled into a mess with multiple characters, no power limit (as long as it kinda stuck to said character's limits - minus Error who ignored that rule for some reason). It was fun! There were stupid moments, the greatest cookie clicker battle ever, and some pretty serious ones (like most of the things Shadow said), one character wanted to throw another character into a lake, one character wanted people to jump off a cliff, Error made game references. It was Literal Hell. And I kinda wanted to see what would happen with more people! Meaning more characters, meaning more opportunities for complete and utter chaos!
The name of this RP, "Literal Hell but Public" is because I'm too lazy to think of a better name XD This really won't follow the events of the original Literal Hell, though.

Rules are stupid and boring like Logic and February!
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-There's no power limit, but please don't use any power your characters has randomly for no purpose, that'd just get annoying
-No controlling other people's chars. Just don't. Yea, ik, mind controlling is a thing but really no (unless the other person's cool with it)
-No fighting out of character please.
-All of PH rules apply, obviously
-Have fun! This isn't supposed to be a completely serious rp!
-I'd rather you not go overboard with romance since I'm not a heavy romance person but uh..
-No Character limit but don't have more than you can handle
-I might add more rules if I need to, I hopefully won't need to. Unless I've forgotten something

Are you sure people are gonna want to read this much? God...
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You can add anything else you want to this form, too, this is just the basic skeleton of the form, essentially.
haha skeleton of the form and it's October!

My Forms:
zzzzz... Sorry what? I fell asleep because of how much reading there is!
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If you're wondering why most of the characters I'm using are female it's because if I added even one of the majority of my male characters, then this place would go to hell before this even starts properly!

Name: Error It's me.
Gender: Female Obviously.
Age: ...Six.
Powers: I put it in that link just down there... your welcome.
Personality: Can i just... instead of this being explained just... Here.
Appearance: That's also in the link above.
Other: Yes I have my pets with me, because I like them.

Name: Chaos
Gender: Female
Age: Older than Error. No that's wrong!
Powers: Same as Error...
Personality: Daring, Determined, Murderous. Is that enough?
Appearance: Like Error, but with a red jacket and without the necklace, WHICH IS MINE!
Other: I have knives and poison and a giant god damn ghost leviathan! and i'm the God(dess) of Chaos.

I would add Rune but, I doubt she'd take much interest in this or even be mentioned much. "added" as in giving her a separate form from the others ("Others" being Error & Chaos cuz the three are literally the same person) XD

Name: Shadow Shadow Cakeeeeee Mr King of Sarcasm!
Gender: Male
Age: 15-ish
Powers: Dark powers. very descriptive, ik
Personality: Sarcastic, serious, literally hates almost everything, somehow manages to act nearly perfectly calm in any situation.
Appearance: He wears black jacket, black trousers, black trainers (He wears all black basically). He has black hair, black curved back horns, a black dragon tail, black dragon wings (one's broken) and ice blue eyes. He also sometimes wears a shadowy cloak/cape thing.
Other: Unluckiest person alive. Not even lying.

Name: Corruption
Gender: Female
Age: ??
Powers: Everything. Except immortality (but can cheat death so uh)
Personality: Cold, cruel, messed up, a true and complete liar, is not someone to be trusted. Also i highly doubt she understands most positive emotions, i mean she'd literally admit that she's only really happy when other people are suffering so...
Appearance: She has black hair with purple streaks through it and purple eyes with her fringe covering her scar across her left eye. She wears a black and dark purple jacket, with black trousers and black and purple trainers.
Other: She has a scythe. It's not important but just know she has a scythe.

Name: Faith
Gender: Female
Age: ??
Powers: Same as Corruption's.
Personality: Really kind, and definitely trustworthy. Not the type of person you'd expect to see in a fight. She tries to avoid fights but definitely knows when it's necessary.
Appearance: She has white hair with yellow streaks through it and bright yellow eyes. She often wears a white and gold jacket with white trousers and white & yellow trainers.
Other: Corruption blames her for many things.

Name: Edge
Gender: Female
Age: 12-14
Powers: Unknown. Extreme stealth?
Personality: Silent pfft, mysterious, actually mostly friendly.
Appearance: She wears a black jacket, with a black and red scarf covering some of her face, she wears dark grey jeans and red trainers. She has black hair with one red streak through the right side of it.
Other: She's a mute thief that plays cookie clicker, likes popcorn and has a gun with her 24/7. Also she somehow knows Corruption's phone number. Also also, her eye colour changes according to her emotion too lazy to link the thing i did ages ago for it, sorry XD

Name: Destiny
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Powers: Unknown
Personality: She can either be the nicest person on the planet, or actually pretty dark.
Appearance: Bloop bleep
Other: Genuinely doesn't understand sarcasm (and takes most sarcastic comments seriously). Also doesn't remember her own past. She's also not the greatest around people but hey it'll be fun

Name: Reaper Reaper Leviathan! =D
Gender: Male
Age: ??
Powers: Unknown
Personality: Pretty distant, only really speaks when spoken to or has something to say, doesn't take particular interest in arguing with other people at all. He's also pretty smart.
Appearance: He has steel blue eyes and dark grey hair. He wears a storm grey hoodie, light grey trousers and black & white trainers.
Other: Yeet. And no he's not death, or the grim reaper, or anything to do with a reaper leviathan. aww...

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Fri, 26/10/2018 19:52 (6 Years ago)

Title: Here is JADEY

Here are my characters! (only one atm but I'm gonna add more xD )

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Name: Jade
Gender: Female
Age: pffft. No one knows. She claims to be 17 (she's probably centuries older than this but never ask a Lady about her age. Especially not Jade.)
- She's a shapeshifter.
- She can travel thru dimensions and time (and timelines).
- She can talk to Animals and Plants (she could even control them if she wanted to).
- Her backstory is really long and confusing (pls don't ask me what her backstory is, idk it completly myself yet xD)
- She always walks around in some kind of Armor or Kimono. Sometimes she wears "normal people's clothes", but it's always black.
- She can't die of age, but she could die of injuries. She did die multiple times but she always came back somehow.
- She can control weather.
- She gets around 10 times stronger when it's night and/or its full moon.
- Her eyecolor changes pretty often (idk if that's a power but I thought I'd mention it anyways XD)
- She can control literally any element (Shadow and Darkness being her strongest)(and no, I do not mean only Earth, Air, Fire and Water! I mean, those too, but also stuff like Light and stuff)
- She can teleport everywhere she wants.
- She's a warrior.. ninja... Soldier... thingy? pfft idk tbh, she has had enough time to be literally anything xD
- She can copy any move or attack perfectly just from seeing it once - that's probably why she likes games that include brutal murders.
- She can grow more body Parts (like Wings, Animal-like ears or tails or something) (and also regrow stuff)

Personality: She's got many different personalities - too many to keep track of to be blank. It might get confusing through time. Her mood sways prett often too- I thought I'd mentioned this too xD
Appearance: This drawing of her is old but whatev. Keep in mind that she's a shapeshifter. She can shapeshift into literally anything in any color so yeh. But that's her favorite human-forme.
- Her weapon is a sword, which can turn into a Scythe, into and Axe (or a hammer idk), into shuriken-like blades or into gauntlets (like in DmC: Devil may Cry >w< god, I love this game too much)

She's got a dark side, which comes out when two moons cross.
When three moons cross her good side and her bad side get their own bodies and will probably fight each other, because bad wants to destroy the world and everything and good wants to protect it at any cost.
The good side always wins (except once or twice but that's another story xD) just like everyone wants it to xD
Jade overall is a mixture of her bad and her good side (does that make sense?)

I think that's enough xD
So yeah, that's my mainy xD
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 3,192
Posted: Fri, 26/10/2018 19:55 (6 Years ago)
Yeet axecepted accepted, obviously! XD
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 3,192
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 20:01 (6 Years ago)


Error was glaring at Chaos (who was messing around with a bottle of poison in one hand and a knife in the other), while petting Sif.

Corruption was casually playing with her scythe while sitting in a tree.

Faith was just sitting on a tree stump looking at the sky seeming mildly bored.

Edge was playing cookie clicker on a phone, with a bag of popcorn at her side.

Reaper was just thinking about things, not seeming interested in the people around in the slightest.

Shadow was reading a book, possibly bored, probably just not caring about the others at all.

Destiny was just looking over the other people, not quite sure on how to act (because she really doesn't spend much time around people if she spends any time around people at all)

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 20:07 (6 Years ago)
Jade was trying to sleep on a big rock, lying on her back, silently thinking how much she hated the bright light which kept her awake. I succ at starts ok? XD
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 3,192
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 20:24 (6 Years ago)
Chaos laughed at the fact that Error seemed almost annoyed with her messing around. That was until the bush that Chaos happened to be standing by randomly seemed to catch on fire. Blue fire. At that point, Error casually leaned back and smiled while Chaos looked mildly annoyed.

Edge was still too busy playing cookie clicker & eating popcorn to even notice that something was just randomly set on fire.

Shadow definitely noticed, and just seemed unimpressed as he casually put his book away. But when is he not unimpressed?

Destiny seemed actually surprised at that random.. situation. Then again, she definitely doesn't live in a place where a bush will just 'randomly' catch on fire.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:14 (6 Years ago)

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Name: Pyra Fotia
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Powers: Can make a translucent golden shield. Also grows wings when in danger.
Personality: I'm too lazy to explain her personality but some people will know it already so.
Other: Has an evil ghost named Evil Pyra who wants her to kill stuff. It's a little more complex than that but I have so many characters to add so I'm too lazy to explain it.

Name: February Riffen
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Powers: N/A
Personality: Shut up you idiot
Other: She's a princess wo a h

Name: Leona Vaikus
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Powers: Also unknown, she can do fancy black gaster blaster stuff though.
Personality: Doesn't speak but likes popcorn.

Name: Astrid Aki
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Powers: Can darken light sources and turn invisible in darkness. Probably some other powers too.
Personality: Jump off a cliff >:0
Other: I might add her brother, Shinu, later

Name: Nihil
Gender: Genderless, but female pronouns
Age: Unknown
Powers: Can turn shadows into stuff
Personality: TBRP
Other: Her physical form is going to be able to last forever in this RP because I don't want her randomly vanishing so yeah
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 3,192
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:20 (6 Years ago)
Totally not accepted how dare you!1!1!!!!1!
jk, hop in whenever yeet XD

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:26 (6 Years ago)
February just kind of waltzed into the place where everyone was. "You idiots just can't get enough of me, can you?"

Pyra followed close behind. "Oh no. Oh no."

Leona casually took a seat near Edge and began playing Cookie Clicker as well.

"Wow, I never thought I'd see this gang again." Astrid said, also existing.

"You... seem to be familiar with each other." Nihil literally just phased into existence.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 3,192
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:32 (6 Years ago)
"...Here we go again" Error sighed, looking at February.
"Yea but can i throw her into the lake this time though" Chaos said.

Shadow sighed, as if he knew almost exactly where this was going to end up.

Corruption just laughed, because let's face it, February's existence is basically suffering to everyone else.

Also, Cookie Clicker Popcorn Party for 2 People.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:36 (6 Years ago)
"I must admit I am utterly confused." Nihil muttered.

"Run while you still can." Pyra sighed. "But nobody ever runs, so I guess you'll just be stuck in this hellhole."

"Like it or not, I'm still a princess." February laughed.

"Jump off a cliff, February, nobody even likes you." Astrid replied.

6666666666666666666 CPS.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:44 (6 Years ago)
Name: Astron Nauta
Powers:Stone Gaze. It only works if he makes eye contact with someone.
Personality:More on the quiet side, prefers sleep over socializing, partially because of his power. Will be loud and enthusiastic once someone mentions somethinh he's into.

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 3,192
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:48 (6 Years ago)
"Like it or not im still a god, February." Chaos said, trying to make some point but it's not obvious what her point is.

"It's not that bad." Error laughed. "I mean there's not nearly enough things burning for it to be considered hell - why is it called literal hell when nearly nothing's on fire? Should i fix that?"

"Error no don't you dare 'fix' anything!" Shadow said. "Your idea of fixing things is certainly not fixing anything!"

"...What." Destiny stated, it was hardly a question and more just, she couldn't even think of anything to say.

666666666666666666666666666666 CPS.

(Also @Kokichi
Accepted cuz more people = more hell!)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:52 (6 Years ago)
"Rug flashbacks." Pyra said.

"I'm guessing that 'Error''s way of fixing things is setting them on fire?" Nihil said.

"Yeah, basically." Pyra sighed.

666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 CPS.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 21:56 (6 Years ago)
"Aah, children..." Astron mumbled, staring at the arguing pre-teens. He wasn't fond of the idea of socializing, partially because of his Stone Gaze and more to him being lazy to hold a conversation for more than 2 minutes. The male inwardly cringed when he heard one of them told the other to 'jump off a cliff'. "Language." The redhead mumbled to no one in particular.

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 22:04 (6 Years ago)
Jade sat up and watched the scene unfold silently. "How did I get here and for what reason..?" she whispered to herself, while confusingly scratching her head. She's pretty bad at including herself into conversations and staying in them (ha! just like her creator aka Jade, wait, is that confusing?). She decided to continue watching.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 22:16 (6 Years ago)
"Mm? What have we?" Astron quietly asked to no one in particular as he neared towards the figure laying on the rock. "Hello?" The male greeted---more like asked as he tried to make a friendly conversation, while keeping in mind that just a teeny eye contact would mean the other would be a stone.

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 22:20 (6 Years ago)
Jade didn't expect someone to call out to her, but greeted back politely "Hello there", she smiled and turned to looked at the male with the red hair. She noticed, that he seemed to avoid eye contact.
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 1,623
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 22:28 (6 Years ago)
This is awkward; the male mentally slapped himself from across the head. After all he can't keep a conversation longer than 2 minutes. "U-uh I'm Astron Nauta?" He literally asked out of nervousness. This was a bad choice, sleeping for eternity seems like a better option.

Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 203
Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 22:39 (6 Years ago)
"Nice to meet you, Astron Nautra. The name is Jade." She thought of what to say next and secretly hoped that she didn't seem like she's trying too hard "Ehrm, may I call you Astron for short?" she adverted her gaze right after she said it. Yes, she tried too hard, and she realized it in that second.