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Forum Thread

Spooky Stories (Writing Thread)

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Spooky Stories (Writing Thread)
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 25/10/2018 00:01 (6 Years ago)

We all have had strange encounters, With people, Phantoms, Nightmares, and even the Un-explainable.
Real or Not, Haunting stories exist as we live on each and every day.
So if you are the Curious, The haunted, or Creepily inclined
Lets all lack for a better word; Enjoy a few stories together.

To keep peace in this post, I have only a few regulations I wish everyone to uphold.

1. Please use stories that you experienced or wrote. Example, I don't want Susie coming here
asking why you told her story of the barnyard haunting of goatstien.

2. Please Identify if its a true story or not.
I know this may be a creative kill for those cliffhanger stories,
but it could cause problems, so please be honest.

3. Title your Experience or Work.

4. No spamming the same story, if its a continuation, that's fine, otherwise try not too. If you have a poor connection, please give a few moments and refresh to ensure that it didn't resend twice, and always save your work on your PC or Device so you don't have to rewrite it if encase of poor connection failures.

5. Images are allowed and encouraged, however please fallow site regulations. Make sure they are appropriate for all viewing ages as younger audience is known of.

6. Additionally please ensure not to use inappropriate/foul language.

Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 1,804
Posted: Thu, 25/10/2018 02:48 (6 Years ago)
From what I can tell, this is more focused on writing than discussion, moving to 'fanfiction'! ^^

Art credit: gelatin