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Forum Thread

Avanna Expeditions (Rp)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Avanna Expeditions (Rp)
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 36
Posted: Sun, 14/10/2018 00:27 (6 Years ago)
You have been selected as one of the few people to explore an island of the coast of the Alola region deemed, Avanna due to it's environmental similarities to a wild Savannah. However, little is known about this island, and this is why you're being sent. You are on a quest to map out Avanna in its entirety without any knowledge of where you're going. You've been equipped with a bag with 20 pokeballs, and 5 great balls, A few healing methods, a foldable fishing rod with bait, and whatever else you could fit. It's up to you, your group, and one pokemon you're aloud to bring along to solve the mystery of this floating supposed paradise.
However... Nobody can dismiss its sketchy aura. Rumors are afloat of a secret program being run, as well as the fact that shipwrecked madmen and thugs are lurking around every corner. Will you take up the challenge and ship off to Avanna?

1. I'll be laying out the environments we enter for the most part but ideas are appreciated via palpad.
2. Every environment each member will have a pokemon of a certain type randomized for them. They're aloud to either catch it, or fight it to train previously caught pokemon. You can only have 6 total by the end of your journey, so catch wisely!I'll send you your options over palpad.
3. You can have one partner pokemon of choice go with you, so choose wisely. No legendaries, and try to not go super over powered as what your catching will be basic to begin.
4. Have fun, and keep your character fun as well.
5. Romance is aloud, just don't overdo it please.

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(Mine to be added soon)