"Ah, you kids nowadays can't put yourselves in any form of
commitment. Back in my day, we dressed up as women every day to
avoid getting drafted! Nowadays people are too busy playing their
fork-knife and listening to their do-dads to do anything!"
"Ok, sweetie, go hide before any big bad villains arrive to come
stroke their ego. I got a bingo game to catch." Locus then starts
to walk around patrolling in his costume. Nobody seems to even
recognize him.
Locus arrests some unsuspecting teens that pressed the button
(still in costume, they never suspected a thing hehehehehe). They
carried drugs and were sent to jail. Afterward, he went to a
restaurant to get the elderly discount, went to win a bingo
tournament and won a 72" plasma tv, and joined a knitting club.
*kzzzzzz* hezzzo? Can you hear me? There's somebody down here, I
don't like the way they look at me. I know I'm like an 11/10 sexy
beast in this costume but what should I do?"