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Taste of Life (Madison's Diary)
Forum-Index → Diaries → Taste of Life (Madison's Diary)
Before I ever say anything, I'd be thankful if you avoid posting on my Diary.
Well, I decided to make an online Diary. "But for what?", you might be asking yourself. Because I want to share my plans with everyone by the exception of the In Real Life plans which is another thing that I only share with my friends and that's it. However, the plans I will leave are about: PokéHeroes Related and also Shiny Hunts & Others, Pokémon (Other Games) Plans & Probably a few Histories. Nothing so fantastic, at all. Just read if you want to.

Today was actually an great day in PokéHeroes, even though no one didn't talk to me. I've reached to Chain #50 of my Gastly hunt today. Once I get it, I'll give it an good name. Such as Darkis (Because of it Type) or Fantasmogoric ("Fantasma" in Portuguese means Ghost, also because of it Type).

After getting my Shiny Gastly, I don't think I'll evolve it into an Gengar, I prefer keeping it as a Shiny Haunter forever. I can't really bother trading my Shiny Haunter for a while then getting it back. Well, my next hunt will be either Shinx or Zorua.

If I ever manage to get an Shiny Shinx or a Shiny Zorua, I will of course evolve it into their beautiful final forms. I wish Luxray had an Mega evolution, though. Imagine how pretty it would be? Well... I know that it won't probably happen unless Nintendo is planning an surprise for the new remakes of Hoenn (Pokémon Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire & PROBABLY Delta Emerald). The first surprise they had was the mega evolutions of Mega Blaziken *Wasn't a huge surprise*, Mega Swampert & Mega Sceptile. They've confirmed, and the Mega Evolution is actually coming to Hoenn's region. My theory is: If they made that to Hoenn, they'll possibly do that with other regions, such as Kanto because of Venusaur's/Charizard's/Blastoise's and Mewtwo's Mega evolutions or Johto region. No, i'm not saying they're probably planning on remaking ALL the regions of Pokémon, i'm saying that there was mega evolution of Pokémons that aren't from Kalos, right? If they did that to Kalos, they'll possibly do that to Hoenn, adding more Pokémons from other Regions (Like Sinnoh) just like they did to Pokémon Sacred Gold & Soul Silver.
I'll talk about that later.
I'm planning on do my newest Battle Party for the new Player versus Player which is still on making/testing. I wonder if the party i'm going to do will be good, because it will concentrate mainly in Dark, Ghost, Dragon, Rock & Fire Pokémons. I'm thinking of add my future Shiny Haunter to my party, but i'm afraid it wouldn't be so good because of Gengar. Honestly, Gengar have pretty good attacks, so I might change my mind about trading it for an tiny second.

My future Shiny Gengar or Shiny Haunter will be the header of the party. Come on, Gengars (And also Haunters) are amazing Pokémon for battling. I just keep on wondering how the battle style will be, because on the trailer, the battle style kinda remember me of Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen Battle Style. Well, the second slot will be taken for an sooner hunt I'll be doing: Shiny Houndoom.

Sure, most of the Teams (Mainly Team Rocket & Team Flare) used Houndoom and it wasn't an impossible opponent, but it's because they didn't trained it well. If you train Houndoom until Level 100, it will become an fantastic Dark/Fire type Pokémon mainly if you put TMs (Not sure if they're planning of put TMs & HMs) which are good for a Dark or a Fire type Pokémon learn, such as Dark Pulse or Overheat. But I promise Riako that if Houndoom get an Mega Evolution (Probably will or already have one) I'll become his fan for more than twenty years. But yeah, Shiny Houndoom will be occupied in the second slot of my battle party. The next Pokémon is, no one else than my next shiny hunt and also the great and powerful...

My future Shiny Zoroark will be part of my Battle Team. The reason is because he's simply fantastic on everywhere it goes and also an fabulous Pokémon. He's one of the fewest Pokémons that I ever loved so much from Unova Region. My favorite attack it can learn is U-Turn. It can make Pokémons to be easily hit & also kind of tricked. The moves it can learn as the time passes by are great, and if we ever get able to use any TM/HM, I'll put both U-Turn & Dark Pulse. Shiny Zoroark is taking place of the third slot in my battle party. And now, my sooner hunt is taking place of my fourth slot, which is, of course...

My future Tyranitar. Tell me who is the person who survives without that delicious Rock/Dark type Pokémon, tell me only one person, Diary. I've meet many overpowered Pokémons in many games, but Tyranitar is a monster in battle. He have incredible stats when on Level 100 (Or higher), mainly because of his HP, Attack & Defense. The most overpowered moves he could ever use is Stone Edge, Earthquake & Thrash, Payback is a good attack too, kind of suicidal but it's an good attack. Tyranitar is probably one of the first Pokémons I ever fell in-love with. He's making part of my Battle Team because he deserves it.

Another future Shiny Hunt & favorite Pokémon from Unova. Perfect stats on HP, Attack & Sp. Attack. But of course, he have an bad thing which is: The moves. By level up, he only learn fewest Dragon type moves and they aren't so great. Honestly, I'd try to make it learn Draco Meteor & Dragon Tail because these moves are monstrously good. The only Dragon moves which are worth making an Hydreigon learn.

And who is the person who survives without that beauty of the nature. An hard option of Shiny Hunting, but it's worth dying for one. It can learn multiple attacks that isn't of it own type, such as Blizzard for example. Of course that I will put an Ghost moves on it because I love Ghost moves, which is Shadow Ball. Two Ghost moves, one Dark move & one Psychic move. Perfect Pokémon for battling also. I already love Riako and the Staff a lot for making it Mega Evolution coming true.
This will be my Battle Party for Player versus Player. In my opinion, it looks like an great party for battling. In case, i'm going to do an party (Non-shiny) in my save of Pokémon X, and then test it. But... It being good or not, I'll keep them forever because they're all my favorite Pokémon.
(1) End.

Well, hello Diary. I'm writing another page just to take this out of my chest and also continue talking about the Hoenn's remakes. So, recently I've asked on a Pokémon X/Y (Outside PokéHeroes) Fanclub if my Dark-type team was a good team, guess what they did? They ignored me as usual, but this time they've made me lost the patience. They've ignored me almost four pages of topic. I hate when they do that. No person, I simply don't care about your trade. No person, I simply don't care about your art. No person, I simply don't care about anything off-topic, I just wanted an opinion. Is it SO HARD to give me an opinion? I'm already stressed enough with my bad health and I have no patience to endure all that stupid things from you.
Yes, I've become more stressed than normal. You want to know the why? Because my health has become WORSE & MORE SERIOUS. I'm already stressed with my bad health yet you all (Everyone from the Fanclub) have the COURAGE of doing that? REALLY?
Oh well... I fell less stressed since one of them asked me to forgive her because she doesn't have any useful advice, so I forgot her, but the rest I didn't.. Not yet. I can't bother see the replies I've got for probably my post, i'm seriously way too angry. If they said something stupid just to make me worse, I will probably vomit of anger.
Forgetting everything that ever happened to me...

Continuing my theory of more Mega Evolutions & more Pokémons in Hoenn's remakes...
Remember of an old episode of Pokémon (Kanto Region) where an giant Dragonite appeared? Many Pokémon fans claimed the Giant Dragonite was possibly an Mega Dragonite, because all the Mega Evolutions are bigger than they should be. Mega Tyranitar is an great example. Diancie also gained her Mega Evolution form, so MAYBE the legendaries from Hoenn will get an special Mega Evolution. I'm not sure, though. That's just my theory.
(2) End.

Today wasn't an really good day. I nearly got an Shiny Haunter from the Auction, I was going to bid but then the winner offered more 200k PokéDollar, equals into 500k PokéDollars. Oh well, i'm not so sad. I prefer getting Shinies by my own than wasting almost my entire money in only one. I mean like... The prices for Shinies on this game are absurd. I know Shinies have an great value & demand, but... Almost 1,000,000 PokéDollar for only one shiny is too much. That's the why I prefer suffering and crying trying to hatch an shiny than paying that quantity of money.

I will substitute my future Shiny Deino for an Shiny Ralts which will evolve into an Gallade. He's probably overrated but, like I always say into overrated things, I should care less. If I like it and love using it in battle it's my problem, so I don't care if a Pokémon is overrated. Anyways, the plans for my future Shiny Gallade will remain unknown for a while because he have an beautiful learning of moves and can create an incredible move set if you know what you're doing. So that Shiny Gallade will be in Shiny Hydreigon's party slot due to it giant difference of stats & moves. However, I will hunt for an Shiny Deino still because I love Shiny Hydreigon.
I almost didn't even got any egg in PokéHeroes yet it had the Double Exp bonus, so now I have an reason to hate Mondays. I was really unlucky today and i'm honestly sad. Yes, i'm sad over a bunch of jumping pixels because it's simply sad. The simple fact you can't conquer something just beat your mood up. I'm feeling a bit better now, though. I've gave away my Shaymin from Pokémon X to a person who was searching for one. The why? Because I like bringing people's happiness. It's nice to see someone smiling with something you did.
Forgetting all of that.. I'm thinking of removing someone else from my Dark-type because of Jynx. I had an awesome experience and I don't care if in many people's opinion she's ugly, for me she's the most prettiest thing and also awesome thing. I'm adding two non-Dark Pokémons because I simply can. It can't be just full Dark-type.

I'm not sure who I will remove, but I'll remove the one who's simply not so great as I expected yet I will keep it forever because it's one of my favorite Pokémons. I'm going to decide it only when I stop thinking on many things at once.
(3) End.

Still, wasn't a good day. I finally made my Map Shop, but it seems like no one didn't even care about it except by one of my greatest friends on this website, almost my best friend. Even though I don't care so much about it, it sucks to be so unpopular. No one cares to what I do except my friends and I hate that. It's not like I need attention all the entire time but hey, i'm trying to do my best here. If they don't appreciate my work for maps then it's not my problem. It's not cool that kind of attitude, alright.
Once again I barely got any eggs, but in like 15:30 PM I've got so excited and happy. I've saw the new Pokémon OR&AS (Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire) trailer and the game looks fantastic, it kinda remember me of Pokémon Generations (That game which sadly closed because of Nintendo). It made me way more happy about both games, because I don't like Hoenn's region but these games is making me like it, and a lot. I expect a lot for these games, and to be honest, I'll buy both. I'll mainly play in Pokémon OR because of Groudon.

So... I've restarted my Pokémon Y save and start it all over again since it was a really dumb save and because I have nothing else to do but drink up my remedies, rest & visit the hospital sometimes. I've beat up Viola's gym without a problem, meanwhile on my old Pokémon Y save it was hard. Now i'm on Route 5 with an Charmander holding the Charizardite Y for my other save, I pretend using that item for my Shiny Charizard. I'll only do it after I finish the game.
Plans of catching Yveltal? I'll use Ultra Balls since I want to save the Masterball. I'll save it for, probably, nothing. Exactly, nothing. I barely used my Masterball in LeafGreen, I didn't used it on that Raikou nor the "Canine" Trio (Entei & Suicune). Kind of excited for the time to catch that Yveltal. My favorite legendary Pokémon is also Yveltal mainly because of it design.

My favorite Brazilian channel just released more information about Pokémon OR&AS. There will be images to represent what new information there is. The Copyright of the information goes to the Brazilian channel called "VcSeLembra" (Proof is the channel's logo on the images).
Well, let's start with some of our first gym's, which is Roxanne. As everyone could notice, she changed a bit (Or probably a lot). Next, we have an mostly likely scene of Route 104 (Rustboro) terrain. The changes were kind of drastic compared to Pokémon R&S. Many things changed as you could see and it looks much better than before. Then we have the Fortress Tree Houses Bridge. It also changed a lot and it looks much better also, and the screen moves along when you go to the other side of the bridge. Finally we have Steven explaining about the Mega Evolution. He changed a lot too and this is the part where Nintendo successfully made an way to make the Mega Evolutions appear in Hoenn and make everything with sense. He might give you an Mega Ring after the explanation, maybe not. We also have an incredible change of both Team Magma & Team Aqua's leaders which are Maxie and Archie. I personally loved the new Archie's design because he does look like an Team Leader different of Maxie. But yeah, here we have Maxie and Archie. The Mega Evolutions are one hundred percent confirmed with this image of both Brendan & May activating the Mega Ring to transform the starters into Mega's. And the last thing is; The unknown Mega evolution. It's known to be Groudon & Kyogre transforming into Mega's, but we can't know about it because in the end of the trailer, we couldn't see what Mega it was since none of them had the Mega Evolution symbol upon it heads.
I've written every information I ever knew about Pokémon OR&AS (Yet) on my Diary because I know it'll be useful for something later. I know it, I just don't know for what. But yeah. I can't wait for these games, i'm literally so excited. Only 5 Months & 6 Days left.
(4) End.

Oh, it's normal of any persons' life to wake up at 6 AM and do it daily things, right? Wrong, I didn't even sleep. I'll probably sleep the entire day again when I still have to hatch an Mega Gastly (Hidden Power Gastly) for one of the greatest friends I ever had. I seriously love my life.
I kinda like how no one ever noticed I made an thread of my own Map Shop nor when I gained three nuggets from a box. I don't know if my friends (Except by the only true friend I had) simply don't care or they didn't saw it thing I honestly think it's kinda impossible. Whatever... I guess. Hunting for maps is already a mess now open a map shop? What was I thinking.
At the moment, i'm hungry and sleepy but I know I can't sleep. All I can do is find & interact with every egg I find from the tall grass, listen to actual good music and play another game at the same time (Such as Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Fire Red or Pokémon Y).
I'm thinking of go back and play a bit more of Pokémon Y since I have to make hard choices on it and since my party is full of eggs it wouldn't be a problem go AFK for a while. The hard choices? I'm thinking of add to my party: Helioptile, Eevee (Modest Nature & Called it Lonliness because of the Creepypasta), Tyrunt & Kangaskhan. Since I love the Eeveelutions I might pick Lonliness and evolve it to anything. I do like Kangaskhan a lot too mainly because of the incredible moveset you can make. Helioptile is an cute Pokémon and his evolution looks like a dinosaur. I'm not completely sure.

(5) End.

Hello Diary. It's been two days I don't talk with you. How are you?
Honestly, i'm finally having a good day. Do you want to know why? Because I finally got my first shiny. In Chain #90, a Shiny Gastly hatched. Sadly, it isn't a Gastly 'with the special power'. I'm thinking of give my Mega Haunter to an special friend of mine. After all, he wants an Mega Haunter.

I need to continue my Shiny hunt, so I really can't hatch more Gastly eggs for my friend. I still feel guilty with what i'm doing, abandoning his Mega Gastly just so I can hunt for Shiny Shinx. I guess i'm an horrible person now. I guess I'll just give him my Mega Haunter. Even if Mega Haunter is my first mega, I don't really care considering he deserves it. And I guess it'll be easier for me...

So, I currently got my first Shiny for my battle party, which was Gastly. The second one was supposed to be Shiny Ralts but for some reason it doesn't show on my Egg Radar even when I already have a Ralts and a Gardevoir. Either a glitch or there's no Ralts' eggs. And since I don't have Jynx, I'll need to add Shiny Shinx to my Battle Party. I'm also excited for the announcement of the Beta Tester tomorrow. I'm still wondering who won. I honestly doubt it was me because- Because it's impossible.
Simple as that.
(6) End.

Hello again, Diary. Been a long time I don't talk with you. Want me to be honest? Well, today was the worst day of my life and no one seemed to care. Not that I want attention or something, but sometimes your friend is indeed depressed and need to be comforted. Many things happened today which made me quite depressed, and funny thing is: It was only when my Shiny Houndour hatch then everything went upside hills. I'm still extremely jealous with someone who I wished luck to and it got a Mega Stone, while I got nothing and a Water Stone. On PokéMMO, I managed to get a Chansey (Note: PokéMMO uses Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen, Chanseys are rarely found in Safire Zone) and I kind of regret it. It have the worst stats & IV's (Even though wild Pokémons may have dumb IV's, some of them are decent, put that in mind). My favorite Youtuber uploaded an SacredGold Nuzlocke videos, and in that video one of my favorite Pokémons of her party died. The first was Pidgeot, and now her Omastar. Just... Why.
Honestly... I don't want to see my Shiny Houndour anymore. I might put it for auction, because it didn't bring me luck even if she hatched in Chain #51. I don't want it anymore, i'm extremely sad and angry with everything. Yes Diary, I can get sad and/or mad with little things like that just because I want to see them win until the end, not the opposite. Since i'm a loser, I can't hope anything like that for something I love. I can't make a decent team, I can't get shinies by myself in Pokémon X, I can't do anything. I'm weak. But since nothing of that matters, let's just skip everything which happened to me today.*
My next shiny hunt will be Ponyta, considering I love it Shiny form and I might build an different team. The team, you ask? It'll be focused mainly in strong Pokémons I love, such as Tauros, Chansey, Noctowl..

The battle team would be something like this...
1 => Shiny Ponyta (Female Rapidash, Mist)
2 => Shiny Hoothoot (Male Noctowl, Triforce)
3 => Shiny Tauros (Male Tauros, Red-Eye)
4 => Shiny Chansey (Female Chansey, Joy)
5 => Shiny Kangaskhan (Female Kangaskhan, Love is Gray)
6 => Shiny Staraptor (Female Staraptor, Owin)
*To add, now I can't watch another favorite Youtuber's Seven days non-stop livestream because my computer don't let me. Every time I try, it simply says it failed to load the video. Just two things: I hate my life and this is the worst week of my life. I'm completely depressed right now and I'd love someone to comfort me but since no one cares.
(7) End.

Okay, this might be an important page of my diary. So, recently I've got a fresh new laptop fro my father since we're all moving to another country and won't be able to use our actual computers. It's been a few hours i'm talking to one of my greatest friends in skype, then I noticed something weird... I began to feel a pain in my left arm, but that pain was different. It was like my arm had some kind of pressure it wanted to explode. I still think it's because of the "air" through the unplugged things of my laptop and somehow it's making me in pain, like a toxic waste or something. I guess I might be wrong, still weird though. Since I simply don't want to drink more remedies for problematic stuff and i'm tired of going to hospital, I'll take it as if nothing were happening at all and as normal.
In PokéHeroes, I've finally gone up to more than 40th in my Shiny Ponyta chain, and I hope I don't get a Shiny Ponyta so early. C'mon, I had enough bad luck with that Shiny Houndour. About my Shiny Houndour... If no one buys it at auction house, i'm going to release it. I'm tired of it bad luck, and I honestly don't care about it anymore. Future shiny hunt will be probably Hoothoot, considering it easier to get it.
At the moment, i'm feeling that ''pressure'' in my both arms and belly. I'm on my bed, writting everything in my laptop trying to avoid thinking about the pain, I don't know what it is anymore. All I know is: It hurts badly.
( 8 ) End.

Forget everything I said in the last page, it was nothing but my own bed. If anyone who's have a notebook and read my diary for the own love of god don't use your notebook in your bed. It's terribly painful, trust me. I just noticed how many "Thursdays" my diary have and it wasn't even thursday, it's awesome how I can be so stupid.
Well, I'll start the real thing instead of writting useless do (As if I wasn't doing that right now). I'm going to pretend this day is going to be awesome since in the last week all it happened was bad things. The funny thing is: When that game came back from the center of hell, it automatically made my life horrible because I played it for a while. Still can't believe someone who was my idiol simply think the creator of the game is awesome and is doing an awesome work in the game like he is, when he's not. All he simply does is steal content, ban people, give free valuable items and that's it. I doubt a lot, but if the people I was talking about is reading this, I just hope you know you are NOT special for stealing content from other people and you are NOT smart for liking an person who is like that.
After sharing what I think of these two smart people, I'll continue and pretend they don't exist anymore. I just lost 650.000 Pokédollar because I saw an auction of my favorite pokémon which was shiny: A Noivern. Yes, a cute shiny Noivern. I honestly don't care if i'm poor again because of the Noivern, if it's my favorite Pokémon and I want it badly then leave me alone. Another share of anger right there as you could notice.
At the moment, i'm hunting for the "so wanted" shiny Pokémon Shiny Eevee, since I'd love to get a Shiny Glaceon considering it's my favorite Pokémon. I have to put this somewhere in this page so I'll put it here: I just noticed in my list "Male Chansey". I didn't knew I'd be so stupid to put something like that in the last page. Continuing... The next shiny hunt? Should be Shiny Mareep. I know the chance is very very low to happen, but I'd love to have an mega bubbled shiny Ampharos, and the last thing I should do is get a Mega Stone for it. While i'm writting this, i'm getting many notifications from people who go their shinies pretty much of earlier (From chain #49 to chain #61), I just hope their early shinies don't bring them bad luck if anyone even remember what happened with my Shiny Houndour. No, i'm not trying to bring you people bad luck, just saying what happened could happen again. If after this you still want to kill me, I don't care. I'm serious, I honestly don't care if you'll hate me after this or something like that.
As you could notice, i'm pretty much of stressed today and I might be stressed the whole week because I am a horrible person like that. After many lines kind of anger and kind of not anger, i'm going to shut up and be nice to everyone. I don't guarantee, but I'll try.

*Ahem* Excuse me if I was rude on this page, i'm just stressed. Anyways... I'm hunting a Shiny Eevee, might get my favorite auction if i'm lucky enough, and yeah. I'm going to sell my Weather Balloons just so I can get most of my Pokédollar back. You already know my next and most likely shiny hunt. I don't know what to say so it might be time to end this horrible page.
(9) End.

Decided to write a page of my diary while in pain and kind of sad because why not. It's 5:32 AM where I live and I already consider this day horrible. First I tried to meet my boyfriend (via Internet, chatbox) and couldn't because my both arm and shoulder was hurt. I'd have stayed with him but it was a huge pain. A few minutes ago I was scammed through GTS (In Pokémon X, not in PokéHeroes) and lost my Shiny Meowstic. Meanwhile, I went to search more Dragon-type shiny pokémons I'd think it would rather be useful (Also in the GTS of Pokémon X), and I ended up losing a Shiny Dratini and a Shiny Axew. Why? Because the Shiny Axew required a Galie (Didn't had one) and the Shiny Dratini required a Milotic (Wasn't able to trade my Shiny Milotic in time). I guess the first and only useful Shiny Dragon-type I'll ever have which I also consider my friend is my Shiny White Kyurem, but I don't care as long I have him on my side. Well, let's stop talking about my life and let's talk about the coming up games & theories.
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire: Two games from Gamefreak & Nintendo i'm expecting a lot from it however there's a few things which broke me on this release. Know what it is? The 'suddenly' Mega Audino & Mega Slowbro the Korean pokémon site released by accident and nowadays you probably can't find it anymore because they deleted the post right away. I honestly didn't expect two useless pokémons (In my opinion) get mega evolutions, mainly by the fact Mega Audino looks like it's wearing a white cloak and Mega Slowbro look like one of those Beyblade weird things. There's just one thing which is good about this: Mega Audino is from Unova, which means there might be megas from Unova. If that happen I'll be happy as long it's a good pokémon deserving it because what happens if suddenly they release a Mega Vanilluxe now looking like a milkshake (No offense)? Let's move to the things which are worthy talking about... Mega Salamence, Mega Altaria & Mega Lopunny. Three pokémons who were incredibly powerful enough to wipe out anyone's team now have megas and they now look more beautiful & strong than before. One of my favorite types become true which was on my favorite pokémon: Mega Altaria with it beautiful and cute Dragon/Fairy. Seriously, you don't even know how happy I were in seeing Mega Altaria with a fabulous Dragon/Fairy, ridiculously increased as heck stats and a very defensive pokémon. I'm also excited about Mega Salamence's shiny version & stats. Know why? Because I've been thinking of a Pure Purple + Deep Golden mix. Mega Salamence's body is all purple while it details and wings are Golden. Confess it, he would be prettier that way than being green. Mega Salamence is stronger than anything now, that I can be sure. Salamence alone had a very nice movepool, incredible stats and was indeed an awesome offensive pokémon. Now what happens with Mega Salamence? He will become a monster. Mega Lopunny, eh... Was never a huge fan of Lopunny firstly, so I wasn't that happy for her mega mainly because of her design. I've heard her Attack & Speed were increased, so it's going to become a greater fighting pokémon.
I've been thinking of the story of the 'beautiful' Diancie becoming a event pokémon in OR/AS having her own Mega. So... That means Volcanion & Hoopa might be involved into OR/AS... Or are them forgotten? I doubt it. Recently, I was looking for OR/AS news and I found the same hacker who discovered Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion & AZ's Floette. Then I found a possible event of Volcanion coming soon. Remember that place in Lumiose City where a woman was going deep into caves/volcanos? Yeah, she was gone for 15 years looking and studying about Volcanion. Once she got back, she would show you memos of her experience and actually give you Volcanion. It's either a event... Or a new quest besides Looker's.
Pokémon X/Y had enough mysteries, so what do you expect in Pokémon OR/AS?
(10) End.