Legendarys protected the land,Each one had a elemental power but
one day the legendarys went missing and New ones are trying to be
found,will you protect the lands from The Bad Guys or Lose?
Username:XxShinyRayquazaxX Rp Name:Auraora Elmental Power:Ice
Legendary:White Kyurmen Personality:She is soemtiems stubborn but
sometimes nice
Username: G_R
Rp Name: Sage
Elemental Power: Electric
Legendary: Mew
Personality: Shy,Cowardly,and Random. She tends to stay away from a
lot of Pokemon.
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
(both accepted lets start ) Auraora looked at the sun rising while
being on a glacier "I Wonder if the other legendarys are doing
alright"Auraora said worried she looked up into the air and could
see clouds coming in fast
Auraora heard a tree get shocked and knew it was a Sage but then
went into a cave to get out of the rain from the clouds 'Why are
clouds so often now?"Auraora said to herself
Aria the young Keldeo wandered the woods."Dang!If life wasn't
hard!"Aria grumbled sitting on a grass in front of the cave that
Aurora sheltered herself.
"Hello Aria"Auraora said getting up but then heard some kind of
thgins being put down on the ground some where not far"Hmmm,Do you
hear that noise?"Auraora said (I think it is kidna but your a
legendary pokemon XD)
Rp Name:Colin
Elmental Power:Earth
Personality:Weird, Will Get The Job Done, But Not Always How You
Would Expect It
Auraora waited for aria to catch up then looked through a bush "We
can escape through the forest if where not spotted"Auraora The
White Kyurmen Said Then heard a werid noise of rocks "What was
that?"Auraora said wondering