Forum Thread
The Gem Shop (Closed!)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → The Gem Shop (Closed!)Welcome to The Gem Shop!

So I've been collecting gems, and I have no use for them! I figured I could sell them here!
I will be updating the list of gems I have and am selling, so feel free to check back frequently.

The prices abide by the Price Check Forum Thread. You can see the prices here.
If other people want to sell their gems here as well, please fill out the form below, and I will read over your form and give you the go-ahead:

Amount of gems you are selling:
How much for each gem (be reasonable please) :
Are you subscribed? :
If you are here to buy gems, please fill out this form:

Amount and type of gems you are buying:
From who are you buying? :
How much are you going to pay? :
Are you subscribed?
After filling out the form and posting it to the thread, your seller should contact you and offer a private trade.
I will be constantly hunting for more gems, so check in often to see what has been added to the list!
And, as always, have fun and be kind! Happy playing!
Amount and type of gems you are buying: 25, electric
From who are you buying? : blondenerd
How much are you going to pay? : 20k pd
Are you subscribed? Yes
Other: I collect electric gems for the pokeradar~
Amount and type of gems you are buying: everything you have left?
From who are you buying? : Blondenerd
How much are you going to pay? : I think it was 101500 PD
Are you subscribed? not currently
Other: The total was calculated after the electric gem post but not after any other ones. I can recalculate it before confirming though