Forum Thread
Chai's Poke-/Fur-Sona Sprite Shop - CLOSED
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Chai's Poke-/Fur-Sona Sprite Shop - CLOSEDWelcome to my sprite shop, where I make sprites of your sonas! Currently closed.
(This is edited from my old sprite shop, so there are still orders from it.)

Password is your username.
I have the right to refuse any orders I get.
I absolutely CANNOT work from a description.
Put "what password?" in the password spot.
Credit my, not PH (@CinnamonChai)
If you tip, please do not send it until I am done with the sprite. There is a chance that I may not be able to do the sprite, and I don't want you sending me money for nothing.
I have the right to refuse any orders I get.
I absolutely CANNOT work from a description.
Put "what password?" in the password spot.
Credit my, not PH (@CinnamonChai)
If you tip, please do not send it until I am done with the sprite. There is a chance that I may not be able to do the sprite, and I don't want you sending me money for nothing.
[color=#2F1409]Chai, I would like a sprite
of my sona!
Tip? (Optional):
Other: [/color]
Tip? (Optional):
Other: [/color]
Username: Hipsterpotamus
Pokemon: Ampharos
Password: Blue ampharos
Payment: 20kpd
Other: Could u make it cute? XD
Cupcake, a Pokesona Sprite please!
Username: Hipsterpotamus
Pokemon: Mantyke
Password: Purple mantyke
Payment: 15kpd
Other: I hope i understood this right
(Please tell me if i did anything wrong)
Username: ~Ice_of_the_wolf~
Pokemon: Eevee
Password: Pink Eevee
Payment: 10k pd
Other: cool shop
Cupcake, a sprite please!
Username: ~Ice_of_the_wolf~
Pokemon: Lapras
Password: Green Lapras
Payment: 5k pd
Other: thanks