Forum Thread
Ralsei’s Art & Adopts! [Slots Closed, Waitlist Closed]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Ralsei’s Art & Adopts! [Slots Closed, Waitlist Closed]RULES:

Hi there! Just a few rules before we
get started.
1. Please, please be patient with me! I'm a very busy person with a lot of commitments, like the password is your favorite Pokemon town, so if I take a little longer than usual I apologize. I will absolutely do my best to get things to you as soon as I can!
2. Follow all of PH's rules!
3. I'd prefer if you didn't ask me to draw anything fetish related or nsfw. This should go without saying on a children's site, but you can never be too sure.
4. Be polite to everyone on the thread, whether they're breaking rules or not. I appreciate backup, but don't take it to the point of insults and arguing!
5. Enjoy your stay~
1. Please, please be patient with me! I'm a very busy person with a lot of commitments, like the password is your favorite Pokemon town, so if I take a little longer than usual I apologize. I will absolutely do my best to get things to you as soon as I can!
2. Follow all of PH's rules!
3. I'd prefer if you didn't ask me to draw anything fetish related or nsfw. This should go without saying on a children's site, but you can never be too sure.
4. Be polite to everyone on the thread, whether they're breaking rules or not. I appreciate backup, but don't take it to the point of insults and arguing!
5. Enjoy your stay~
Commission Info
Art I'm currently offering:
- Avatars
- Head/Bust Shot
- Halfbody
- Fullbody
Levels of completion I'm currently offering:
- Rough Sketch
- Colored Sketch
- Lineart
- Flat Color
- Minimal Shading
- Fully Shaded
I'm currently limiting the shop to simple backgrounds or transparent, as I don't have the time to spend making detailed scenes right now! Please note that I reserve the right to reject any commission for any reason. That being said, I'll probably only reject things that are too complex/out of my skill level to complete to my satisfaction!
Head/Bust Shot
My shop operates in a neat way - it's pay-what-you-want with a base price. That means as far as payment goes, it's as little or as much as you like as long as it's at least equivalent to the base price. Just fill out the form and state your price.
This may only be temporary depending on my availability, just a heads up.
Base Prices:
Avatar: 20kpd or equivalent
Head/Bust: 30kpd or equivalent
Halfbody: 40kpd or equivalent
Fullbody: 50kpd or equivalent
Accepted forms of payment:
- PD
- Nuggets
- Gems (I'm in particular need of Grass Gems at present)
- Summon Items
- Maps
- Boxes & Keys
- Shinies (use the current stonks value as its value!)
- Art

Username: [Username]
Character(s) Reference(s): [An image of the character you want drawn - OC, fanart, etc.]
I want a: [fullbody, halfbody, headshot, avatar, etc.]
Finish level: [see the chart in Commission Info]
Pose/Emotion?: [Give any details on what you want the drawing to look like]
Anything else?: [Any other comments/questions/concerns]
Password: [Password]
1. ~Aoi || - || -
2. Harvey_The_Dark_Vulpix || Bust || Minimal Shading
3. victoria33 || Headshot || Fully Shaded
4. Hikari~ || Halfbody || Minimal Shading
5. Swiftphoenix || Avatar || Fully Shaded

Waiting on payment from:
-Ruthless- (55kpd equivalent, needed at least 50k)
Waffle (needed at least 50k)
If the slots are full and you're interested, let me know and I can add you to a waitlist!
Adopts will be returning soon, stay tuned!
Adopt #1
Starting Bid: xx PD
Current Highest Bid: xx PD - Highest Bidder
Adopt Ends: 00:00 Server time xx/xx/xx
thanks for visiting!
Character(s) Reference(s): her please~
I want a: (fullbody, halfbody, headshot, avatar, etc. > I will add examples of these as I make them!) fullbody if thats alright!
Pose/Emotion?: whatever you feel fits her best!
Anything else?: not that I can think of! ill most likely be paying in a mix of pd and shinies, but I'd also gladly do art!
Password: twinleaf town~
Your bid has been added!
That sounds great, I'll get started and add you to the slots right away! I'm fine with any mode of payment, and if you'd like to do art then a ref for you is in the spoiler~
Your piece is finished!
If you have anything that needs changing or fixing just let me know ~
Character(s) Reference(s): him
I want a: (fullbody, halfbody, headshot, avatar, etc. > I will add examples of these as I make them!) Fullbody please
Pose/Emotion?: Up to you!
Anything else?: aaa paying with PD + 5 Missing plushies
Password: Iki Town
Your piece is finished!
If you have anything that needs changing or fixing just let me know ~
Character(s) Reference(s): (its really just a togekiss with a lanurel crown.)
I want a: Avatar
Pose/Emotion?: I guess.. determine or boastful
Anything else?:
Password:Floaroma Town
Character(s) Reference(s): here
I want a: fullbody
Pose/Emotion?: idk whatever you think fits :D
Anything else?: will pay in pd and missing plushies :3
Password: Goldenrod City

"Magic exists.
Who can doubt it,
when there are
rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and
the silence of the stars?"
Character(s) Reference(s): Avalanche(my furry OC)
I want a: Full body please
Pose/Emotion?: smiling and feeling happy, the pose is up to you to decide
Anything else?: Can you add a dog bowl with dog food in it?
Password: Blackthorn City

My apologies for the long wait, but all of your pieces are finished!
If you have anything that needs changing or fixing just let me know ~
Character(s) Reference(s): here
I want a: fullbody
Pose/Emotion?: idk whatever you think fits :D
Anything else?: will pay in pd :3
Password: Goldenrod City

"Magic exists.
Who can doubt it,
when there are
rainbows and wildflowers,
the music of the wind and
the silence of the stars?"
Your piece is all finished!
If you have anything that needs changing or fixing just let me know ~
Character(s) Reference(s): Zephyr
I want a: Fullbody? If that's too hard then halfbody is fine too
Pose/Emotion?: Aaa it's up to you
Anything else?: I'll pay in PD :3c is 150k good?
Password: Black City