Forum Thread
Hoenn Adventure! [Sign Ups Open!]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Hoenn Adventure! [Sign Ups Open!]No matter how old you are, today is the day: you're getting your first Pokemon, and you're going to embark on your first Pokemon Journey! Whether you want to enter Pokemon Shows, train to become a gym leader, become champion of Hoenn, or just catch em' all, you're about to go on the journey of your lifetime across all of Hoenn!
This topic of Pokemon Journeys has been dead for a while, so I decided to would be fun to try it again in the Hoenn region!

-All PH rules apply
-No godmodding, bunnying, marysues, etc.
-Please use proper grammar and spelling! (PM me if English is NOT your first language, in which case I will remember to cut you some slack ;))
-Keep it PG and under!
-Keep ages between 10-16!
-Please be aware more than one person can have a starter! (ex. 3 people can have ralts as theirs). (However, if one gets too popular i'll make it unavailable)
-3 character max.
-No shinies without permission!
-I will control the professor/gym leaders/NPCS!
-You may ONLY catch Pokemon from the ORAS Dex, here. No "imported" Pokemon, even if you're from a different region!
-When Pokemon evolve, it's like the show: with some sort of built bond or special growth (expect for instances when they evolve with stones). We are not measuring levels/HP!
-If you are a new member, you can just join whichever town everybody else is in with your starter, no need to start from the beginning!
-You cannot fill out "tbrped" anywhere in your form!
-Incorporate the word "Shellfish" somewhere in your form so I know you read the rules!
-No godmodding, bunnying, marysues, etc.
-Please use proper grammar and spelling! (PM me if English is NOT your first language, in which case I will remember to cut you some slack ;))
-Keep it PG and under!
-Keep ages between 10-16!
-Please be aware more than one person can have a starter! (ex. 3 people can have ralts as theirs). (However, if one gets too popular i'll make it unavailable)
-3 character max.
-No shinies without permission!
-I will control the professor/gym leaders/NPCS!
-You may ONLY catch Pokemon from the ORAS Dex, here. No "imported" Pokemon, even if you're from a different region!
-When Pokemon evolve, it's like the show: with some sort of built bond or special growth (expect for instances when they evolve with stones). We are not measuring levels/HP!
-If you are a new member, you can just join whichever town everybody else is in with your starter, no need to start from the beginning!
-You cannot fill out "tbrped" anywhere in your form!
-Incorporate the word "Shellfish" somewhere in your form so I know you read the rules!


(Will give or take as needed)
(Will give or take as needed)

Luna - Lillypie
Melonie - ~Ice_of_the_wolf~
Tawny - ~Lovino~
Ansia - Trixa
Draco - BakaDraco
Jona - Potted_Pikachu
Fryce - Steel5299
Melonie - ~Ice_of_the_wolf~
Tawny - ~Lovino~
Ansia - Trixa
Draco - BakaDraco
Jona - Potted_Pikachu
Fryce - Steel5299
My Form:

Username: Lillypie
Name: Luna
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has long, golden hair in two braids down to her waist with double piercings. She wears denim short overalls with a large, yellow shirt sleeve shirt that is too big for her. She wears white halfway knee high socks and white sneakers. She is very pale, with freckles. She has a large nose, large lips, large eyes, and has a normal, yet slightly chubby appearance.
Personality: She is for the most part very logical and funny, and likes to poke holes in people's narratives. She likes getting things done quickly, and efficiently, which leads her to taking the lead in most situations. Hates shellfish, and is a vegetarian. She hopes to one day become a Normal Type Gym Leader.
Starter: Whismur
Name: Luna
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: She has long, golden hair in two braids down to her waist with double piercings. She wears denim short overalls with a large, yellow shirt sleeve shirt that is too big for her. She wears white halfway knee high socks and white sneakers. She is very pale, with freckles. She has a large nose, large lips, large eyes, and has a normal, yet slightly chubby appearance.
Personality: She is for the most part very logical and funny, and likes to poke holes in people's narratives. She likes getting things done quickly, and efficiently, which leads her to taking the lead in most situations. Hates shellfish, and is a vegetarian. She hopes to one day become a Normal Type Gym Leader.
Starter: Whismur
Name: Melonie
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: she has a blue dress and blonde hair and some shoes and her eyes are green
Personality: she’s very joyful but aggressive
Starter: ralts
Other: This is so “shellfish” of you for making your own rp

15, pretty close to 16
Tawny has long, sandy-brown hair and dark brown eyes. She’s tan, and has a ton of freckles on her face. She usually wears her hair up in a ponytail, and wears a dark blue vest over a lighter blue shirt. She wears jeans, with black boots that go up to a few inches below her knees.
She’s friendly and willing to voice her opinion, and doesn’t shy away from a fight. She’s usually always full of energy. Despite that she gets grumpy very easily, and she’s incredibly over-dramatic, more often than not blowing things way out of proportion. She has a “go get it” kind of attitude. Depending on the day of the week, she would protect someone with her life.
• If she gets too tired, there’s a high chance of her sitting down and just passing out. Doesn’t matter where.
• Her mom made her try shellfish once and since then she’s had a weird obsession with it.
• One time her mom accidentally locked her out of the house so she tried to break a window with a stick. She was unsuccessful and her mom was horrified.
15, pretty close to 16
Tawny has long, sandy-brown hair and dark brown eyes. She’s tan, and has a ton of freckles on her face. She usually wears her hair up in a ponytail, and wears a dark blue vest over a lighter blue shirt. She wears jeans, with black boots that go up to a few inches below her knees.
She’s friendly and willing to voice her opinion, and doesn’t shy away from a fight. She’s usually always full of energy. Despite that she gets grumpy very easily, and she’s incredibly over-dramatic, more often than not blowing things way out of proportion. She has a “go get it” kind of attitude. Depending on the day of the week, she would protect someone with her life.
• If she gets too tired, there’s a high chance of her sitting down and just passing out. Doesn’t matter where.
• Her mom made her try shellfish once and since then she’s had a weird obsession with it.
• One time her mom accidentally locked her out of the house so she tried to break a window with a stick. She was unsuccessful and her mom was horrified.

Name: Ansia
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: She likes to wear pink converse or brown kitten heels with this, depending on the situation, but when exploring she is usually wearing the converse. She also has a romper similar in green that are shorts instead of the skirt.
Personality: She is awkward and emotional, her parents would give in to her every whim so she never learned how to be patient. She tries to hide her emotions however she’s not very good at it since she gets very excited when someone does something nice for her, but this means she also feels sadness and anger just as strongly. She falls for everyone, but she can’t tell when people are flirting with her or being nice and vice versa. Ansia has an easy time making friends though, but sometimes if a friend makes her upset she will completely ignore them and not address the problem. She became a pescatarian because she wanted to do her part to reduce animal cruelty, but couldn’t make the full leap to vegetarian, mainly because she loves sushi and shellfish too much.
Starter: Ralts
Other: sorry for the wait! Oh she is super into sweet things and animals too...

Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
The lovely couple was made by the amazing MetalHeadKendra!
Draco Tachibana
Draco is generally a kind and friendly person who isn't hard to approach. He acts like a young, carefree, and somewhat childish/immature individual most of the time. He, however; does have his serious and mature moments. Draco is very honest and blunt when it comes to most things. He isn't afraid to insult you. He is also quite flirty and likes to tease people a lot.
He loves Shellfish
Appearance:darker shade of yellow due to a long time in the sun. Hates shellfish. Always carries a guitar around even though he doesn't know how to play it. Wears a pure black hat with a strap back because he thinks it makes him look "cool"
Personality:dealt with depression as a kid but overcame it with years of therapy that gives him a sense of "overconfidence" even though he will deny it if you bring it up. He has a peppy attitude but can plunge back into a depressive state if somebody of something puts him off his usual peppy mood. Can also be rude, intelligent, arrogant, playful, romantic, and a "big brother" figure
Other:Don't call him small
take your time!
take your time!
Please re-read the rules!
Name: Fryce
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearence: Dark blue sweater with the word 'shellfish' on it, a white scarf, spiky brown hair, black sweat pants, and the shoes you start with usum.
Personality: Usually cheerful and friendly, but can get protective of his freinds at times.
Starter: Spheal
other: I hope I didn't miss a password...
Name: Cherry
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Cherry has very red, long, yet slightly wavy hair, so much that is almost the color of red velvet cake. Her skin is a peach color, so her rosey cheeks and bright green eyes almost always stand out. She has a normal figure, however when her trusty blush-colored raincoat (which goes down to her mid-thigh because of her short stature) is zipped up it is very much hidden. She sports brown leggings or the occasional brown shorts on hot days, to match a dark pink t-shirt under her raincoat. She enjoys wearing simple brown sneakers to match as well.
Personality: Cherry is very motherly and protective, and holds herself and her friends to high standards. She is sweet and calm, and doesn’t like to start fights under any circumstance, which shocks many who know how loyal she is. Her calm and nice personality leads to her to sometimes be seen as a bit creepy at times, and sometimes people don’t trust her. She is also very sensitive and can get offended easily, to the annoyance of both trainers and her friends. However when she does get offended, she would rather punish you by giving you a long lecture on manners than battling.
Starter: Spheal (Male)
-She was born and lived in Cherrygrove City in Johto almost all her life, however her parents didn’t allow her to become a trainer because of the danger with Team Rocket.
-When she was 15 she decided to move to Oldale Town in Hoenn with her Aunt, who immediately got her a Spheal as a Pokémon partner.
-Her Spheal loves shellfish, to her dismay.
-Cherry’s dream is to become a Frontier Brain and have her own Floral-themed battle tower in Hoenn.
Title: Hello!
I was wondering if there is a possibility to do a dark type starter?
I know that they may seem kind of marysue/garysue-ish. But I actually already have a character I have made.
He is obsessed with dark types and wishes to open his own dark type gym, the first dark type gym. Due to the fact how dark types are seen as evil. He wants people to love them and he does shows featuring them and their moves
So it would make little sense for him to start off with a non-dark type pokemon! If you rather me do not do this, I will gladly choose one of the starters you have assigned!! I just simply had to ask
Apologies if this was not the right place to ask regarding OC issues, I am unfamiliar with this format for Roleplay.
Name: Jayden
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Jayden is a scrawny looking kid with dark brown hair and tan skin. He has green eyes and unkempt hair. He wears a cyan coloured jacket featuring a bulbasaur, navy blue pants and red sneakers.
Personality: Jayden can be a little rambunctious and can easily find himself into trouble. He likes to befriend Pokémon and loves discovering new places and exploring. He is a very curious kid and will do anything to make new friends.
Starter: Mudkip (Male)
- Shellfish are delicious
- Was born in Accumula Town
- Wants to travel the world
- Moved to Hoenn to live with his grandparents because of troubles back home
Name: Osiris
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Personality: Sweet as honey and compassionate. Very friendly. Loves to explore new places and meet new people and pokemon.
Starter: Riolu (Female) now a Lucario
Other: She used to live in Kalos and recently just moved to Unova. Her Riolu loves shellfish, but then again, so does she. When she grows up, she longs to be on of the Elite Four
Name: Chuyo
Age: 15
Gender: female she/her
Appearance: chin-length bob, black hair, long bangs, round glasses. usually wearing black turtlenecks and blue jeans
Personality: quiet but calculated. she prefers to hang back and observe things. isn't too keen on showing loud emotions, but she can't help but geek out when she finds a pokemon she really likes. really curious and wants to explore the world! she's kind of socially awkward but she means well
Starter: mudkip
Other: she loves water types! probably loves shellfish too