Reina walked around the inside of the school, then soon afterwards
she returned to her dorm, and soon wondered, "I wish I can be
friends with Priscilla, Lune, the Mareanie guy and also many
others, but at this rate I don't know if it's going to be a thumbs
up or something else, whatever it is I need to remain confident",
Reina wondered.
"He might be? I haven't ran into him yet if he is." Melody replied
looking up from her work. "Wouldn't surprise me if he somehow
transferred over or something. He had his personality faults but
mentally he's a bloody genius."
Carol hummed as he made his way to what he thought was the dorms.
"Hm. Well, I'm gonna grab another bag of crackers from the
cafeteria." Priscilla said, standing up with a grunt. She gave a
small wave before opening the door and making her way through the
dorm halls.
Reina got soon distracted by the noise from the cafeteria, and
suddenly Reina faced a tough decision, should she helped the new
student or see what's going on in the cafeteria.
"Alright. Stay safe." Melody mused waving goodbye before going back
to her work.
Carol was walking around aimlessly now when he ran into Reina. He
looked down ready to give her a tongue lashing before stopping
himself. She looks beautiful. He thought to himself before
speaking up. "Ah sorry for running into you, my lady. I was not
paying full attention. Did you ask me something?" He mused, his
voice low and smooth.
Reina smiled and answered, "The name's Reina, and if you wondering
about the dorms, there's some at the northeast of the hallway, and
if you get there, a nameplate will be at the door of the dorm, and
hopefully it will be the dorm that you will be in".
"Ah. Thank you for the information Miss Reina. I should be heading
that way. Perhaps I shall see you around. A beautiful lady such as
yourself is hard to miss, afterall." Carol mused with a small
smile. "Until then, princess." He mused quickly kissing her hand
before walking off with a satisfied smile.
Reina was very pleased that she met a new friend, and afterwards
Reina began to walk back to the dorm hoping to await the news of
signups for special clubs such as swimming and even radio dj. "I
feel so much better after meeting a new student it just makes me
feel better about myself", Reina said with a smile.
Mike opens the door, “Ok.” (Imma make Lillian and Skyler roomies
cause yea xD). Lillian pushes her way in front of Skyler to there
dorm. “This one’s ours!” She said when Skyler was standing in front
of Lillian and skylers dorm.
Marian nodded. "Oh! It's no problem, haha!" he laughed. The
moon, huh? It really was a pretty name. Snapping back to
reality, he answered her question politely. "Well, ah-- Marian. My
name's Marian. Nothing special to it, really." He fiddled with the
rice ball in his hands, and by now it'd begun to lose most of its
form. "I think I'm one of the plainest guys in this school," he
joked, twisting a strand of his hair around his pointer finger. "It
would've been nice to be named after something cool like the moon.
Or a planet. Or-- y'know. Anything, really."
Stretching her wings by letting them out behind both of them, she
then folded them back before answering him. "I think Marian is a
very cool name. It makes me think of greek culture, if you know
what I mean." She blushes, scared he will think of her as a
(I hope its okay that I put real world information)
A light dusting of red settled on the skin of Marian's cheeks. He
quickly faked a cough and hid his face in the crook of his arm.
"Thanks..." he murmured, his voice soft. "Hah, no one's ever said
that about my name before. I appreciate it, even if I'm too dumb to
know the connection to greek culture." Marian quickly composed
himself and leaned against the table. "You seem real smart. Say,
what kind of stuff do you do outside of school?" He clasped his
hands together and tried to meet her gaze.
Mike heads into his and neos dorm while Lillian and Skyler make
there way into there’s. Lapras looks around. “OMG! This is so cool!
I’m so exited to decorate! If we can decorate...”