Forum Thread
♥ Yuu's Art Shop! ♥
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → ♥ Yuu's Art Shop! ♥♥ But I'd like to get through a few guidelines first so we all stay happy, yeah? ♥

♥ All PH rules, including fan-made forum
guidelines, apply! ♥
♥ Please do NOT rush me! I can take anywhere from 60 minutes to 24 hours! It depends on the complexity! ♥
♥ I am not picky with my prices, they are simply ranges! However, I will not bend any because you can't afford it! ♥
♥ Please realize that I am not the best at digital art! I try my best, but things can still look off! ♥
♥ I tend to not color! Please specify if you want your order colored! ♥
♥ I am not the best at coloring, either! It is difficult and stressful for me to get things exactly the same color! ♥
♥ Generally, I size my art to be 1500x1500px, please tell me if you want it smaller! ♥
♥ You can use the art anywhere! Just please credit me! ♥
♥ Please do NOT rush me! I can take anywhere from 60 minutes to 24 hours! It depends on the complexity! ♥
♥ I am not picky with my prices, they are simply ranges! However, I will not bend any because you can't afford it! ♥
♥ Please realize that I am not the best at digital art! I try my best, but things can still look off! ♥
♥ I tend to not color! Please specify if you want your order colored! ♥
♥ I am not the best at coloring, either! It is difficult and stressful for me to get things exactly the same color! ♥
♥ Generally, I size my art to be 1500x1500px, please tell me if you want it smaller! ♥
♥ You can use the art anywhere! Just please credit me! ♥

-Colored: 55k-80k

♥ Waist and up: 80k-95k

-Colored: 85k-100k

♥ Full body: 90k-105k

-Colored: 95k-110k

♥♥ Backgrounds are an added 10k! ♥♥

♥ What's shakin'? ♥
What'cha ordering?:
Example: {Can be in words or in a picture!}
Additional Information: {Specific pose; If you want a background; Etc.}
Other: {Any questions, concerns, etc!}
What'cha ordering?:
Example: {Can be in words or in a picture!}
Additional Information: {Specific pose; If you want a background; Etc.}
Other: {Any questions, concerns, etc!}