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Private RP w/ fragile

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Private RP w/ fragile
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 19:18 (6 Years ago)
Welcome to Valine Academy. It is a school with a rich legacy. Many great heroes and heroines have walked through these halls over the course of it’s history. Now, you must carry on it’s legacy with pride. Throughout your time here, you will learn much about all types of magic and train for battles you may fight outside of these walls. You will also prepare for Valine’s annual tournament, and this year it is rumored that the winners will be gifted legendary weapons. But beware. This year, it seems someone is trying to sabotage this year’s tournament and take the weapons for themselves. If the weapons fall into the wrong hands, then God please have mercy on our souls.


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Age: (14-18)
Year: (1-4)
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )

My forms:

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Name: Troye Astoria
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Year: 4
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )
Appearance: Troye has chocolate brown hair and very pale skin, which causes him to get sunburnt really easily if he isn’t careful. He has deep blue eyes that are the color of the ocean. He is very tall, standing at about 6’1. He has a faint scar on the side of his chin.
Personality: Troye is a huge flirt and a bit of a player, but he’s also super oblivious and often hurts peoples feelings without knowing. He doesn’t really like to be serious and always smiles.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Background: Troye is from a very well known family, and he is pressured to win the tournament and get a legendary weapon, and it is why he ran away from home. Lise is his childhood best friend, and he refuses to talk about anything from his past but her.

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Name: Lise Leroy
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Year: 3
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )
Appearance: Lise has light brown hair and sun-kissed skin that make her green eyes sparkle. She stands at about 5’6 and tends to have her hair in a side-braid or messy bun.
Personality: Lise is generally quite cold despite looking friendly. She is very intelligent and prefers being a strategist over fighting itself.
Sexuality: Straight
Background: Lise is Troye’s childhood best friend and has a load of older brothers, one of which is in Troye’s year. Her father used to be a professor at the school and taught her a lot about magic which is why she is so far ahead.

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Name: Dalton Leroy
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Year: 4
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )
Appearance: Dalton has messy brown hair the same color as Lise’s and basically looks exactly like her, except he is four inches taller than her.
Personality: Dalton is a player like Troye and the two of them are very good friends. He doesn’t really take much seriously, but is very protective of his friends and family and often gets into scuffles because he is kind of hotheaded.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Background: Lise is his sister and he met Troye a few months after Lise did and the three of them were rarely seen apart after that. His father tried to teach him like he did Lise but Dalton never really payed much attention and still doesn’t.

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Name: Loki Lizaveta
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Year: 4
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )
Appearance: Lloyd has platinum blonde hair that is always neatly styled and he has sharp gray eyes that used to be blue but changed before he came to Valine. He has sharp cheekbones and is the same height as Troye. He almost always wears a black cross earring on his left ear.
Personality: Lloyd is extremely gentle although he may seem cold at first. He is a huge gentleman and is very romantic, but doesn’t usually get into relationships which makes him a huge heartbreaker. Most people don’t know this, but Loki has a sinister and manipulative side that comes out sometimes if he feels like getting revenge on someone, but they would have had to have done something pretty bad.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Background: Lloyd’s history is a bit of a mystery, but he met Troye and Dalton and they became known around school as the trio of player’s.
- Has had a crush on Troye for ages and his sinister side comes out if someone tries to get into a serious relationship with him.

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 22/07/2018 23:44 (6 Years ago)
All WIPs!!! I'll edit them one character at a time
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Name: Lydia Blutriva
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Year: 4
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )
Appearance: Lydia has long, brown hair and green eyes. She's pale and thin, lacking a good amount of body fat (leaves her skinny and bony). She wears a lot of makeup and she always makes sure she looks nothing less than perfect. She always wears the best dresses and shoes and everything. She doesn't have curves,,, but she "makes up for it" in facial structure and beauty. (guys love her)
Personality: Lydia does not have a great personality, rather, she seems like quite the cliche mean girl. She's spoiled, used to getting everything she wants from one of her boyfriends this week. She is confident and prideful, thinking she's the embodiment of perfection. She is picky and snotty. She's capable of finding the things that make someone tick and reads people like open books. She's just... not nice.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Background: Lydia was born into a family where most of the adults had lots and lots of kids. She has plenty of cousins, but she says she was just the only kid her parents ever needed. Her family is very prominent, owning a business that supplies a ton of income. Lydia lives lavishly, and barely has to lift a finger to get what she wants. Moving out of the homeschooled environment to the highschool wasn't easy, but she quickly dominated her peers and became quite the popular priss. She went from boy to boy and used them up to the last dollar before moving on. She shattered hearts and she knew it. She didn't care. Though she had been screamed at by people calling her unfair and cruel, they never actually phased or changed her. She found too much pride in herself to ever listen to someone else about her. She found that she enjoyed stepping on other students, both literally and physically. She'd make them feel like garbage. Why? Oh, she was just in the mood. Maybe she found out her last boy toy already found another girl, maybe her dad didn't give her as big of an allowance, or maybe she was in a really good mood and wanted it to be even better. Being the most popular girl and the biggest bully is hard work, you know.
-she's awful and I love her.
-secretly dating Maryssa

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Name: Harlow Helsain
Gender: Nonbinary // Agender
Age: 17
Year: 4
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )
Appearance: Harlow has long brown hair that's always pulled up into a ponytail or bun. Their eyes are warm and brown, and they're pretty tall (5'8"). They're of medium weight, with broad shoulders and. They usually wear a pastel blue sweatshirt and khakis, feet covered by boots. They are usually pretty bandaged up (thanks to Mason) and they have pretty big, coarse hands.
Personality: Harlow is pretty quiet and shy. They don't find the need for conversation often, and most of the other students will find themselves without even knowing what Harlow's voice sounds like. Harlow, besides being quiet, is kind of cold. They are blunt when needed, and they are simple in their words when they do speak. They really don't care about most people (feeling wise, at least), save for Mason, and they don't sugarcoat things. They don't warm up to people easily, but once warmed up to, they seem to be a little more kind but no less blunt. Even if you find yourself being their friend, they won't treat you as carefully and preciously as Mason.
Sexuality: Panromantic / Asexual
Background: Harlow grew up with plenty of siblings, all younger than them and all probably more precious to their parents. Harlow was never the favorite, always the last choice, always the one to blame. Until they met Mason (age 7) Mason treated Harlow like a god, thinking they were so cool and awesome and wanting to be just like them. Mason would follow Harlow around like a puppy, and Harlow had to admit that they enjoyed it. Harlow grew fonder and fonder of Mason as time went on, until the pair was almost inseparable. They told everything to one another. Harlow would ramble onto Mason about their home life, and Mason would just listen. Mason didn't talk about his own life much until Harlow really asked. Then he spilled and Harlow vowed to protect him with all they had. Before Harlow knew it, Mason meant so much more to them. They wanted to marry him. Make him feel so special. Build the sun for him in a few hours. But Harlow knew that Mason wouldn't like them back. No matter how much he has admired them, those eyes never portrayed anything but friendship and affection. No love nor romance.
-if you didn't get it, Harlow has a big crush on Mason.
-I'm sorry my backgrounds are long,,, I really like them??
-Harlow's coldness and bluntness may be from their lack of a true parental caregiver.

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Name: Mason Carinver
Gender: Male (Feminine)
Age: 15
Year: 3
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )
Appearance: Mason has strawberry blond hair and bright blue eyes. Freckles dance across his cheek bones and nose, and those are just the ones on his face. His shoulders and back and thighs and chest are all covered in them. He is kind of short (5'3" ) and he is a pretty decent weight. His stomach has a little pudge to it, and his hips are wide and his thighs are chubby. He seems weak and small, and he doesn't really look fit for fighting. He usually wears a simple button down shirt and khakis, but sometimes he'll wear a skirt or dress.
Personality: Mason is a very good kid. He's talkative and kind, and he's always spoutingabout something. Once he realizes he's talked too much, he will apologize. He apologizes a lot, for more than just talking. He is pretty self sacrificing, and cares a lot more about the safety and happiness of others compared to his own. He's basically a doormat, and a lot of his friends are disappointed by how willing he is to to anything for anyone and how he'll stay friends with someone even if the relationship seems toxic.
Sexuality: Bisexual / Prefers Males
Background: Mason's family always seemed like perfection to those who weren't in it. Once the guests left and it was just the Carinvers, it became dark. Mason's father, an accomplished accountant and former army man, was secretly very possessive and mentally abusive. Though he didn't really lay hands on his son, he tore Mason apart from the inside out, leaving him a self conscious wreck. Mason's mom, on the other hand, was much more physical. She was always thought to simply be the trophy wife, but she was really in love with alcohol. Vodka and Wine were her closest friends and when she was drunk she got bad. She screamed at Mason for hours, and if either of the parents ever hit, it was her. Mason was frequently locked in closets and dark rooms for hours, not getting food. When he met Harlow, he was obsessed with them. Harlow never hurt him or touched him, and made him feel happy. The more they shared with one another, the more protective Harlow got. Harlow would give Mason lots of food (Harlow's parents seemed to like him) and slowly Mason became healthy with his weight.
-Mason is oblivious to Harlow's crush and could never like him like that.
-Mason has a good amount of medical training. He patches up Harlow and himself a lot.

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Name: Maryssa Gurofigip
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Year: 4
Type of Magic : (Leave this blank for now (: )
Appearance: Maryssa is very tall (6'0" ) with dark brown eyes and long curly black hair. Her skin is very tan and pretty, and there are very few blemishes from acnes. She's pretty buff looking, and she clearly has a good amount of muscle. She has a scar on her jaw to her collarbone, light and almost fading. She wears a purple shirt similar to a long sleeved swimsuit, and she wears black tights on her legs with combat boots on her feet.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Background: tbd
-secretly dating Lydia
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Mon, 23/07/2018 22:21 (6 Years ago)
Lise was at her locker, having a relatively peaceful morning. She looked through her locker to find one of her books and heard the chatter around her grow a little louder. She glanced behind her and groaned. Troye, Dalton, and Loki were walking over to her. She heard a group of girls giggle as they walked past, but then they glared when the trio made it over to her. “How many time have I told you not to visit me like this? It only causes trouble for me.” She said, slamming her locker shut in annoyance.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 03:44 (6 Years ago)
Lydia stood in the bathroom, applying another layer of deep red lipstick to her lips. The first layer seemed to rub off when she was kissing her latest boy, Adrien. She popped her lips and capped the lipstick tube, shoving it in her purse. Maryssa came out of one of the stalls, looking up at Lydia. "Hey." Lydia purred to the dancer, coming over to the other girl and kissing her lips softly. Maryssa smiled into the smooch, holding Lydia's waist in her small hands. They pulled away carefully, smiling at each other. "That shade looks good on you." Lydia joked, making Maryssa laugh. "Better on you."


Mason and Harlow sat in the library. Mason was reading up on studies about medicine for poisons, and Harlow was... staring. Sure, they looked like maybe they were paying attention to their book on relationship science, but in reality they were sneaking glances every chance they got at the boy sitting across from them. Their eyes scanned his face, and they found themselves falling deeper and worse for the kid.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 05:19 (6 Years ago)
Troye laughed. “Oh, it can’t be that bad.” He said. Loki sighed. “I’m sorry if we give you trouble.” He said and Lise just shrugged. Troye glanced over and saw a girl staring at him from across the hall. He grinned and walked over to her. Loki stared at him for a moment before turning back to Lise and Dalton. “I’m... going to get to class.” He said, and abruptly walked away. Lise looked at Dalton and he just shrugged. “I’m going to head over to the library.” He said. Lise raised an eyebrow. “I lost my textbook. I’m going to go see if they have a spare copy.” He said with a grin and Lise chuckled, waving at him as he left before heading to her first class.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 16:54 (6 Years ago)
Lydia grinned, giving Maryssa another little peck before walking back to the mirror and grabbing her bag. "I gotta go, you know Adrien will get antsy." She said, making Maryssa droop a little bit. Lydia sighed and called out "I love you." before leaving the bathroom. Maryssa stood there for a second, shaking her head and going to the sinks to wipe the red lipstick off her lips. She never wore makeup and people might just get suspicious that they were wearing the same shade.


Mason straightened, eyes shooting up to Harlow. Harlow's eyes darted down, face getting even more red as they didn't look up. "Harlow, listen to this!" Mason said in excitement, making Harlow look up. Mason shot them a smile before looking back down to the book to read. "A family in the Middle Ages, known as the Borgia Family liked to throw lots of parties. For these parties, they liked to have lots of wine, and they thought Arsenic improved the taste of the wine. They poisoned hundreds of guests and most of them died! That's so crazy!" Mason said looking back up at Harlow. He closed the book, rubbing the back of his neck. "Right... too weird, yeah, sorry." Harlow shook their head. "Mace, you're fine."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 19:39 (6 Years ago)
Lise walked to class and sat down near the back. Class didn’t start for another fifteen minutes, but there was an assignment due today that she had wanted to look over one more time before she turned it in. She had to make sure she was at the top of her class before the games started. She had heard that the prize this year going to be very valuable. Meanwhile, Dalton walked into the library and walked over to where the textbooks usually were. He looked up and down the shelves, silently praying that he found what he was looking for. This was his seventh time forgetting his textbook in the past month, and his teacher was probably going to kill him.

Loki was walking through the hall by himself, thinking. He occasionally smiled when a girl looked his way, but other than that his face was blank, which was unusual for him. He was just worried. Worried about so many different things he could barely keep track of them anymore.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 21:37 (6 Years ago)
Lydia skipped through the hall, grinning as her eyes fell on Loki. "Loki, dearest!" She purred out, walking towards him and looping her arm in his. "How are you, hun? You look so... blank." Lydia asked, looking up at him and pressing a soft palm to his cheek.
Maryssa wiped off the makeup, staring at herself in the mirror as her hands gripped the edge of the sink. Maryssa threw away the paper towel she used to wipe off, shaking her head. She was tired, and she really wanted to sleep.
"You're interested in the poisons and stuff, it's not weird. Don't apologize." Harlow hummed, setting their hand on his. There was a tense silence for a few moments before Mason smiled and said, "Alright. Thank you, Harlow..." He said, pulling back to place his hand back on the book and flip a page. Harlow straightened and leaned back in the chair, practically deflating. "Hey, Harlow?" Mason hummed, looking up at his friend. "I dunno if I wanna participate in the tournament... I think I'll just be a healer for those who are injured in the tourney! See, Miss Clandeste says I'm probably one of the best healers in our grade!" He says. Harlow nods, smiling. "Whatever makes you happy, dear."
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Thu, 26/07/2018 03:14 (6 Years ago)
Loki sighed and gave Lydia his best smile. “Lydia, my darling. You seem unusually chipper on this fine morning. As to my blank state, that may be because I, Loki Lizaveta, am worried.” He said. Back in the library, Dalton managed to find an old textbook witth a ripped cover, but almost cried tears of joy no matter what state it was in. He looked over and saw Mason and Harlow and grinned, waving and walking towards them.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Thu, 26/07/2018 04:32 (6 Years ago)
Lydia laughed softly at Loki's observation. She always seemed to get happier after seeing Maryssa, the dear. "Oh, why are you worried? Is their something wrong? Crush issues?" She inquired, her eyes searching for some telltale sign in Loki's eyes.
Maryssa headed out to her next class, bag slung on her shoulder. She walked without real purpose, eyes sort of dull and bored. She passed lots of people who stared, but she couldn't find herself to care. Insomnia was really beating her up and making her way too tired in the middle of the day.
Mason glanced up and saw Dalton first, giving him a wave and smile. "Hey!" He said warmly, making Harlow turn to see the other boy. Harlow stifled a groan, giving a grin. "Hey there Dalton." They said, giving a wave and smiling half half heartedly.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Thu, 26/07/2018 19:42 (6 Years ago)
Loki sighed. “You know me well. Maybe a little too well.” He said, his eyes a little sad. “I just don’t understand. I could have almost any girl in this school within seconds, and he...” He trailed off looking at his feet. He felt awful for saying things like this.

Dalton smiled at the both of them. He quickly placed a peck on Mason’s cheek. “So, how’s it going? Are you guys as excited for the games this year as I am? I heard the prize this year is awesome.” He said, his eyes sparkling.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Thu, 26/07/2018 20:17 (6 Years ago)
"And he's the only one on your mind? Ah? That's not wrong or selfish, dear. The heart wants what it wants, dear. You can't really stop that." Lydia says, patting the boy's shoulder. She gives him a soft smile that looks a bit more sad than she intended.
Maryssa found her way to the classroom, taking her seat and pulling her papers from her bag. She flipped through them slowly, eyes focusing on and off the inked words on the pages. She ended up setting it down on the desk and crossing her arms. She leaned back in her chair, one hand reaching up to rub her eye.
Harlow gritted their teeth as Mason smiled at the peck. "Pretty good. I'm relatively excited for the games, but you seem to be glowing." Harlow said softly, trying to make their tone joking. Mason giggled. "I'm well! I'm actually thinking about not participating in the tournament. See, I was just telling Har how I might just heal some of the competitors and be of aid to Miss Clandeste." Mason hummed, smiling up at Dalton.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Thu, 26/07/2018 20:28 (6 Years ago)
Loki looked at Lydia gratefully. “Thank you for saying that. Honestly, where would I be withtout you Lydia?” He asked with a soft smile. Back in the library, Dalton chuckled. “That’s alright Mason. I’ll win for the both of us.” He said. The warning bell rang and Dalton glanced at his watch. “Yikes. My class is on the other side of the school. See you!” He said, quickly touching Mason’s shoulder before dashing out of the library.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 29/07/2018 21:01 (6 Years ago)
Lydia laughed. "Probably in a ditch somewhere." She said, her voice a little airy from her giggles. She squeezed Loki's arm, pulling them in the direction of their shared class. "C'mon, let's get to class." She hummed right before the warning bell blared.
Maryssa found herself alseep in her seat by the time the warning bell rung, jolting her a bit. She sat up straight in her chair, crossing her arms and gripping her biceps. She was so tired...
Mason smiled, watching Dalton walk off. "C'mon Mace, we gotta get to class." Harlow practically growled, dragging Mason out of his chair and towards the classroom on the edge of the library. Mason barely had time to grab his backpack before he was out of the chair and across the library.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Mon, 30/07/2018 16:04 (6 Years ago)
Loki smiled and walked with Lydia into their class, sitting down and motioning for her to sit next to him. Just then, Troye walked in, as he was in this class too. He grinned at Loki and plopped into the seat in front of him. Loki just looked at his desk, unwilling to look at him.

Dalton quickly ran in before the bell rang, sitting behind Lise. Lise just chuckled. This was how he greeted her almost every morning.