Pokèmon you want to adopt: Shiny Rufflet
Who is hunting this pokèmon?:TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: by gift with pd (27k)
Are you subscribed?: Yep
Other: NOPE
Do u have the pokeradar?:yes
First pokèmon you will hunt working here:(Future hunt) Magikarp
How many slots will you take?:7
How much will they have to pay for it?:7k
Are you subcribed?:been here for a long time(yes)
Other:I quit the Axew hunt it's taking way to long to the point
where I'm gonna throw my phone to a wall. So sorry for those who
asked for a slot. Please remove the Axew and rufflet hunt. I'm
start my Bunnelby hunt, after my eggs hatch.
username: ~Markiplier~
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Magikarp x2
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: PD
Are you subscribed?: yep
Other: Future hunt
I have a question, should we bump out the prices at the shop? If we
do this ypur current hunts will NOT have to be updated to the new
prices thought they can be if wanted.
Maybe, I mean like ppl are getting their shiny for a cheap price,
that's nice and all but from the hatching eggs to the point where
we can't get anymore eggs went from a wamp. Idk the opinion from
the others but I like the pricing so far:P