username: Oceanyuki
Pokèmon you want to adopt: scatterbug
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: PD
Are you subscribed?: yes
Other, nothing
(Temporary signature, will make it fancier in the future)
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Pumpkaboo
Who is hunting this pokèmon: *FlowerDragonStary*
How will you pay?:Gems
Are you subscribed? Yes Indeedle
Other: owo it's for the future
Username: Trixa
Do u have the pokeradar?: Yes
First pokèmon you will hunt working here: Shinx
How many slots will you take?: 5
How much will they have to pay for it?: 12000 pd or gems (pp/pm me
about gems)
Are you subscribed?: Yeaaaaaa
Other: Please be patient and I will be taking one for myself
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Username: *FlowerDragonStary*
Pokèmon you want to adopt: shinx
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: Trixa
How will you pay?: pd
Are you subscribed?: hhhmmm let’s think is the owner of this shiny
shop subscribed? I’ll let you guess.
Other: Did ya ever think the owner would order here? Welp here we
Username: Nekroms
Do u have the pokeradar?: Yes
First pokèmon you will hunt working here: Eevee
How many slots will you take?: 3
How much will they have to pay for it?: 15000 pd or gems (pp/pm me
about gems)
Are you subscribed?: Yes
Other: Please be patient and I will be taking one for
RedRidingWolf1365 first
Slime by keyofdestiny. Berry, choco, winter eevee by
Username: *Maka*
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Oshawott
Who is hunting this Pokèmon?: Steel5299
How will you pay?: PD
Are you subscribed?: Yes
Other: Thank you!