We need a rule saying that we can't sell a shiny Pokémon from here
for a higher profit cause I'm looking back at ppl who order a
Scatterbug and some aren't there, and if they are getting Pokemon
here for cheap they are gonna resell it for more money.
I kept mine cause I feel bad if I trade something that someone else
worked hard on. Not to mention most of us don't have premium to
continue the chain.
Idk really... I mean like like they might really want the shiny and
can afford it or they want the shiny and are poor (no offense ti
anybody) or they want it for selling -\_(“/)_/-
In all honesty that is why I'm willing to work out payments with
people, because I get it when you're trying to save up pd/gems but
you want a shiny, I'm willing to make some wiggle room for people
that talk with me
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
Do u have the pokeradar?:yes
First pokèmon you will hunt working here:(future)Axew
How many slots will you take?:4(one is mine)
How much will they have to pay for it?:36k
Are you subcribed?:yessssssssssssssssss
Other:Remove my swirlix hunt, I'm done and I'm starting on the
username: Oceanyuki
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Axew
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: PD
Are you subscribed?: Yas
Other: :p
(Temporary signature, will make it fancier in the future)
username: Hipsterpotamus
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Noivern
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: Oceanyuki
How will you pay?: Pd
Are you subscribed?: Yeesssss
Other: Love this shop XD
username: Akurone
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Axew
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: 36k PD
Are you subscribed?: yes
Other: Future hunt
username: Fuzzylittlepaws
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Axew
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: 36k PD
Are you subscribed?: yepp
Other: Future hunt