Do u have the pokeradar?:Yes
First pokèmon you will hunt working here:Future Hunt:(Alolan
How many slots will you take?:4
How much will they have to pay for it?: 40k ouo
Are you subcribed?: By now the answer is obvious, yes.
Other:Remove the Scatterbug hunt, it's over and I'm starting the
swirlix hunt.
username: *FlowerDragonStary*
Pokèmon you want to adopt: alolan vulpix
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: PD
Are you subscribed?: Yeah
Other: me in so much deat
username: Akurone
Pokèmon you want to adopt: alolan vulpix
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: 40k PD
Are you subscribed?: Yeah
username : Fuzzylittlepaws
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Alolan Vulpix (2x)
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: 40k PD each ( 80k Pd total )
Are you subscribed?: Yepp
username: Ropets123
Do u have the pokeradar?: Yes
First pokèmon you will hunt working here: Igglybuff
How many slots will you take?: A whopping 7 slots { Excluding me
How much will they have to pay for it?: 12,000 PD
Are you subcribed?: Yes
Other: This will be a future hunt as well~
You feel a disturbing
something at the end of this signature. . .
username: Fuzzylittlepaws
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Igglybuff ( 3x )
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: Ropets123
How will you pay?: Pd ( 36k Pd total )
Are you subscribed?: yeee
Other: oof that’s a lot of igglybuff, I’ll probably pay extra
Pokèmon you want to adopt:Igglybuff x2
Who is hunting this pokèmon?:Ropets123
How will you pay?:24k PD
Are you subscribed?:yes
Other:Fun Fact:Did you know that if you eat a nugget, you actually
ate a nugget?
username: Bratmatsu
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Igglybuff
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: Ropets123
How will you pay?:12k Pd
Are you subscribed?: yup
username: ~Markiplier~
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Swirlix
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: TimeKidGlacey
How will you pay?: PD
Are you subscribed?: yup
Other: Thank you <3
But at the fun fact: But then... How many nuggets would you have
eaten if you ate 10 of them?
EDIT: I will immediately get started on the Igglybuff hunt after I
finish getting my own Murkrow if my slots are full since I'll be
hunting for 8 of them { 7 slots + 1 of my owm }
You feel a disturbing
something at the end of this signature. . .
@*FlowerDragonStary*, accepted.
(I always update my shiny page so ik who order a shiny, cause I
mostly don't see the names I put down here)
@Ropets123, easy. You ate 10 nuggets because 1 nug is equal to 1