Pokèmon you want to adopt:Dratini
Who is hunting this pokèmon?:Steel5299
How will you pay?:40 PD
Are you subscribed?:ye ouo
Other: Fun Fact:Did you know that a nugget can be a nugget :3?
I already had announced the hunt a long time ago, so it’s more of a
warning that I’m ending my break from shiny hunting earlier than I
planned... Plus it can give this more publicity for all of us
breeders... My breeding pair is in the daycare, and I have the egg
hunts set for Aron... I’m prepped lol
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
username: Hipsterpotamus
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Aaron
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: Trixa
How will you pay?: 5 rock gems and 5 steel gems
Are you subscribed?: yep i am
username: Akurone
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Aaron x2
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: Trixa
How will you pay?:60000 pd
Are you subscribed?: Yes
Other:*Cries because i missed getting on the shiny Dratini list*
username: ~Ice_of_the_wolf~
Do u have the pokeradar?: yes
First pokèmon you will hunt working here: lapras
How many slots will you take?: 5
How much will they have to pay for it?: 36k pd
Are you subcribed?: yep
Other: when i finish the eevee and the mareep hunt im starting on
username: ~Markiplier~
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Aaron
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: Trixa
How will you pay?: PD
Are you subscribed?: Yes
Other: Thank you uwu
username: Oceanyuki
Pokèmon you want to adopt: Poochyena
Who is hunting this pokèmon?: Umbreonhunter889
How will you pay?: Pd 12k
Are you subscribed?: Yes
Other: hellow